King of the ruins

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Meanwhile in Ghana presidential palace.

Ashanti stared out into the long gardens from the balcony of his master sweet bedroom. He felt both excited and peaceful at the same time. On the one hand he was filled with joy that America was falling and that he was responsible. Yet at the same time it meant a big change for Ashanti personally. He felt better towards America now that it had been punished for taking his family. He felt perhaps now they could understand why he had to do as he had done. He was almost incline to forgive America now that its penitence had begun.

Ashanti swore though that he would see it through he would make sure that America was to be completely and utterly decimated. Ashanti felt the need to rest to empty his mind for fifteen years he had been working non stop for the events of the last twenty four hours. It had been hard work carefully weaving a secret anti American alliance together of every country and group they had ever interfered with.

The irony of the situation almost made Ashanti laugh out loud. For fourteen years he had been trying desperately to get the world to turn against America and just when he was about to give up they shot themselves in the foot.

The way in which the Americans betrayed themselves was absolutely typical. Ashanti thought, they had the arrogance to think that they could play god and control the fate of every other nation and no one would object. Ashanti decided that tonight he would celebrate whist he had the chance. The next morning he would have to go to his command headquarters to order his troops.

He mapped out what he was going to say, he would tell his men to create absolute hell. To attack any building they find regardless of weather it had any strategic value. This way there enemies would disregard them as terrorists so when they come to fight there level of expertise would take them by surprise.

This time Ashanti started giggling out loud he imagined a bunch of American soldiers walking onto the battlefield. He laughed even louder at the idea that they would be expecting people spraying there bullets everywhere and running around purposelessly. Ashanti played out the scene of them trying to fight confused as hell only to be torn apart by one of Ashanti's organised units.

Thoughts like this allowed Ashanti to be able to think about celebrating. He had ordered prostitutes, good food, cigars and liquored of every kind. Ashanti was confident that by the end of the night he would be well ready to command an army.

Before tonight such events would be impossible he could never let his guard down in such a manner. Today however was a different story he was surrounded by security which he could trust. There were thirty well-armed and well-trained guards in the palace. All staff has been vetted to make sure that their loyalty was absolute. If there were an attack army back up would arrive within ten minutes. The army was nearby and ready to come with land to air missiles, tanks and plenty of loyal soldiers.

The walls surrounding the parameter were made of reinforced steel and were routinely checked. There were scans on anyone entering the building so no one except the guards or guests could bring any weapons. Even if the enemy was strong enough to take out all the defence mechanisms the lock down procedure was top notch. Within thirty seconds of enemy contact all downs were locked down tight. No explosives other than nuclear would be able to break though the walls separating the entrance point to all other rooms.

This was the primary reason for Ashanti choosing this place as his place of refugee. Only a small number of buildings qualified and this one was the only one in Ashanti's home of Ghana. As nice as it was in Pyongyang he felt the need to be home during the most important moments of his life.

Ashanti went back inside his room an turned on his computer to update himself on how the war was going. He turned it on and it came to life.

Ashanti opened up his emails and started looking though them he was amazed by what he had learnt. Five major US cities were already under the control of Ashanti's forces. Already there were requests coming in to start the preparations for victory.

He had already decided that the preparations made after the war would fall to someone else. What happened once he was victorious was not his concern. Besides the plan for victory was more or less done. All those involved agreed America would be broken up into separate states each of which would be under the control of those who fought against it. The size of their piece of America was decided based on how much they contributed to the war.

Ashanti didn't care who was going to be the king of the rubble as long as America was destroyed. It seemed bizarre to him that there were people who like him hated America and its people. Yet at the same time those same people wanted to rule America and take there people as there own. Ashanti would hate to have America as a colony he wanted it to be a wasteland. A place on the map with an x though it nothing more.

Ashanti turned off his computer because there was a knock at the door. His celebrations were about to begin he was certain the person there was either a prostitute or carrying boxes filled with all that Ashanti loved.

Ashanti opened up his door and saw a young man holding all that he had requested. "Your order sir." The boy said politely Ashanti took the boxes and closed the door he couldn't wait to dig into to whatever he had been given. He opened up the first box and found a bottle of eighteen year old scotch as he had requested.

He wasted no time he opened the bottle with his teeth and took a gulp it burnt his stomach and made him feel warm. He took a few more gulps after which he felt safe and warm and peaceful. Then he decided to move on to something stronger, he dug through the boxes and found a bottle of triple distilled vodka his personal favorite.

He got a glass and poured himself a shot he downed it then put the bottle away he had many more drinks to try. He kept on digging through the boxes finding all manner of treats.

By the end Ashanti was starting to black out he couldn't remember much he had no idea where he was. "Where am I?" Ashanti asked himself out loud as he giggled and swayed from side to side. "Where am I?" Ashanti asked himself again putting on a strong voice as he did. "Am I in America?" Ashanti asked himself using the tone of voice in which mothers used when talking to their children.

Ashanti fell over laughing as he did he rolled over on the floor. "No. No, I'm not in America I killed America! hehehehahahah I forgot! I forgot I killed America hahaha how stupid of me hehahahah I forgot!" He was in a state of complete and utter delirium. There was a knock at the door but he ignored it he was too intoxicated to care about anything.

Ashanti rolled about on the floor for another two hours until he finally sobered up enough to stand up. Ashanti stood up and started swaying from side to side he picked up a bottle of tequila and stumbled towards the door. Suddenly the door looked like it was a million miles away.

Ashanti tried to walk to the door but he got dizzy and fell over again he rolled over on the floor screaming with laughter. Ashanti got up and was finally able to get to the door. He opened up the door and saw the prostitute standing there she looked confused and scared. "Don't worry I'll see you soon." Ashanti said as he grinned at the barely dressed young woman who stood at his door.

Ashanti tried to take a drink from his bottle but he poured it all over his neck Ashanti laughed and started licking his shirt.

He continued to gradually drift though the hallway although he repeatedly got dizzy and fell over. Eventually he ended up in the palaces gardens he wandered through the garden and forgot where he was again. Ashanti suddenly got the urge to start shouting and he was too drunk to stop himself.

"Hello! Hello! Whores of the world hehehehehe I killed America! Are you going to kill me now? Go on kill me! No? hahaha okay then I win. I win!"

Ashanti's screaming had now attracted the attention of the guards one them grabbed on of Ashanti's arms and started to carry him he was going to take him back to his room.

"No No!" Ashanti screamed as loud as he could he punched the guard in the face. The guard was too scared to retaliate afraid of what the consequences might be he was the leader of the war after all. Ashanti knew he was too afraid to hurt him and he loved it. Ashanti smashed his foot into the noes of the guard who was now lying on the floor. He kicked him again and again and then suddenly without notice Ashanti collapsed. He fell over backwards and he just let the blackness surround him as he fell into a deep sleep.

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