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George grabbed the general by his right arm and led him out of the interrogation room. He pulled out his gun and pressed it firmly against his back to ensure that he would obey. The general offered no resistance George kept his hand on his shoulder and kept his pistol firmly at his back. The general didn't appear afraid he just kept on walking calmly.

They reached the door to the range . "In" George said he didn't want to turn his back to him and risk an attack. George didn't feel great about what he was about to do but it had to bedone if they were to find Ashanti.

The general opened the door and walked in."Go right to the very end of range." George ordered the general. The general turned he looked kind of confused but he didn't disobey he walked right up to the end of the shooting range. George readied himself he had to act with authority.

"Right." George began he spokein a relatively normal voice the General would hear him though his ear piece."You have the information I need and the only way you can get yourself out of here is too share that information. Now this is a hundred meter range, trouble is I don't know if I can hit you from here if you don't start talking then we'll find out."

George put in a pair of earplugs he had in his pocket, he didn't really need them but it was an excuse to give the general time to think. Time for him to feel fear and for his survival instinct to kick in. George got his pistol of his pocket, slowly he chambered a round. Even more slowly George turned the safety on the side of his gun from safe to fire. He fired his pistol in the air, it made a loud crack which was amplified even more by the echoes of the range. The sound was so loud it caused George to shiver in shock. Firing the weapon did three things at once; it told the general that his gun was loaded with live rounds, it scared him and it made sure that the gun was working properly.

George lifted the gun up gradually and tried his best to aim at the general, a hundred meters was a long range for a pistol. When he looked though the sights the general appeared very small and blurred. It was even worse when he wasn't looking though the sights.

George let his weapon dangle in the air hoping that he would crack anytime soon. George was expecting a sound in his ear any second but it didn't come he remained standing in silence. George had no real sense of time he couldn't guess how long he had been standing there. George remained patient waiting for a response but none came. George realised if the general was to take him seriously he had to show him he wasn't playing with him.

George breathed out shunning his conscious mind away from his objective and he squeezed the trigger. The pistol pulled upwards against George's hands but he held it hard and kept control. The sudden sound of the explosion of the gun rang in George's ear. George looked down the range not know if he had hit the general or not.

He looked and saw the general was still standing, there was a bullet hole in a wall a few feet away from him. George thought he might start speaking up now he had shown him he was serious."Okay that was a miss my aim will be better next time." George shouted without meaning too the sound of the gunshot combined with his wearing of earplugs made him speak much louder than normal.

There was no response from the general and George hated him for it he hated that he refused to cave that he would not fear him. Above all though he hated him for what he had done. He had killed ten thousand Americans and in doing so ruined George's life. If not for him he wouldn't be here he would have to do any of this. He had stolen Sarah from George, which was the worst part of it all. Well now it was George's turn to hurt him to get his own back and to get his life back.

He raised his pistol up again and waited he stood clenching his teeth waiting for the general to speak. The silence was unbearable as the battle of wills edged on if the general spoke George won if George couldn't get the information out of him the general won, if George fired then the game started again. Provided he didn't hit him that was.

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