Elite Targeting System

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The next few weeks were rather quite for George Brown he continued with his normal life practised his drills and the likes. However in this way he was the exception because for the army life was anything from quiet. Six years ago the government of the United States announced a plan that NASA was developing an new weapon which was like nothing the world had ever seen before. They called the weapon the Elite Targeting System or ETS. It was the ultimate weapon it could win a war in a matter of days and the government truly believed it could end war possibly forever.

The Elite Targeting System was composed of four spacecraft's, which were to be launched into the end of the earths atmosphere. On board there would be ten thousand soldiers each one of them controlling weapons, which could target anyone on earth. There purpose earned them the nickname "space snipers." When operating at full capacity each spacecraft could kill one thousand people per minute. The Elite Target System could be consulted using special signals similar to those on a mobile phone. When the ETS receives those signals they are given a satellite image of their locations the people on board then pick out targets and eliminate them. At first the signals were only available to high-ranking officers but the plan was to slowly introduce them until all soldiers and police officers had access to it.

When it was first unveiled there was a huge outcry against the ETS as people and governments across the globe pointed out this was the perfect weapon to suppress the people of any nation. There were numerous appeals to the supreme courts. There was even a claim that the ETS violated the second amendment, as the ETS would make it impossible to overthrow a tyrannical regime. This kept on going until finally the Supreme Court declared the ETS to be unconstitutional.

However five years later a whistle blower announced that the US government was still developing the ETS and that it was nearing completion. However the news was broken to a different world after a nuclear warhead fired by Islamic terrorists destroyed Paris, people were desperate for protection. And in three months the ETS was going to be sent up into orbit.

The news sent the world into chaos there was a series of demands and threats by nations who did not approve of the ETS. The US government did not worry too much once the ETS was in space no country or organisation would be able to harm the United States.

George however had no idea about any of this and it was only when he was sent to deal with a group of protesters outside the gates that he was informed. George was taken aback by the news he had no interest in politics and never watched the news but it was still a shock to him that he never found out.

"Won't this weapon make us all redundant?" He asked to Jim who was the blond guy he met at breakfast and had gotten to know quite well over the last two months. Jim laughed at that statement before responding.

"The ETS won't be being controlled by ordinary soldiers for another forty years I hope your not planning to still be in this business by then." Jim informed George.

"Why the delay." George asked although he didn't really care what the answer was.

"When for one the equipment to communicate with the ETS is still bloody expensive, plus our allies aren't exactly thrilled with us having this weapon if we start using it left right and centre were going to really piss them off." George nodded it made sense a weapon like this could easily be misused it was probably best they took things slowly.

"Shame we could finally had killed some of the bastards who've been a thorn in our side for decades on end." George said without really meaning it, its best to let sleeping dogs lie he though no point stirring up our diplomatic relationships now.

"True. True, now come one we need to kick the hippies off of our front door." George nodded with a smile. They walked to the front entrance and saw the protesters it was a puny bunch only around fifteen of them their mostly young people. Although they lacked numbers they sure as hell made a lot of noise shouting and chanting as they waved their signs. 'Elite Tyranny System' read one of the signs. Jim approached a man at the front of all of them a man in his early thirties with a beard covering his face, which was covered in some kind of sauce.

"You're on army property I'm afraid you'll have to move." Jim said in a robotic voice his heart clearly wasn't in it. The man looked Jim right in his eyes then glanced at George.

"I'm on army property? Well the Elite targeting system is putting army property all over me and everyone else so shall we consider ourselves even?" Said the man in a deep voice it would have been impossible for him to have sounded more self-righteous.

"You know this base has nothing to do with the Elite Targeting System." Jim said his voice and expression didn't change. It was strange George thought that someone could be so cocky and yet so weak at the same time. George could beat him up if he was handcuffed and blindfolded. Yet this guy was preaching to them as if he was the biggest man ever.

"Really nothing to do with it? Its part of the US army the biggest tyrants of them all!" Some of the protesters stepped back at that remark they knew that he had overstepped the line. Jim grew angry calling the people who protected him and his family "tyrants" that was the last remark he would let him get away with.

Jim grabbed the man by he collar and pulled him close the man closed his eyes and took no action. "Jim!" George called out for he feared that he was about to punch the man he didn't mind if he did but they would both end up in trouble for it. "Listen!" Jim snarled with venom in his voice. "You are trespassing on army property and you have the cheek to claim the moral high ground. You are a disgrace to your country and your family. Get out or i'll have you arrested." Jim threatened as he let go of the man.

The man looked back with a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes. "We'll stand on the other side of the road." The man said he sounded angry but he controlled his voice because he was clearly scared of Jim no matter how hard he tried not to show it.

"Sorry about that." Jim said to George. He didn't know how to respond the man deserved it no doubt but what he did could land them both in trouble. However at the same time he doesn't want to lecture him.

"Its fine, just be careful or we'll both end up in trouble."

"Fair point." Replied Jim he had clearly started to calm down. Jim kept his head down George could clearly see that he was upset like something the protester had said had really bothered him.

"Hey are you alright? you don't look so good" George said as he turned to his friend.

"Its just when that guy called us tyrants it got to me more then it should maybe cause by granddad died in Iraq I dunno."

"Don't worry the guys a dick you have a right to be angry." George reassured him.

"Yeah" Said Jim with a fake chuckle.

Neither of them spoke on the way back it was late and they both needed to get some sleep George got into his barrack and undressed. He couldn't sleep he was too busy thinking about the Elite Targeting System. The longer that he though about it the more he became convinced that it was a good idea.

It would mean that fewer people would have to risk there lives going after terrorists and would be much more efficient. It would also work as the ultimate deterrent no one would attack the United States directly or indirectly. If they did they wouldn't stand a chance this could really mean something big George thought. It was more then just the perfect weapon it was a catalyst for peace. If no one could attack the United States or its allies the only way to solve problems would be diplomacy. America would be able to decide the outcome of any war. George loved his country and he had faith in its leadership this weapon was the way forward. "The perfect weapon is one which never has to be fired." is a clichéd and out-dated expression but none the less it could be true of the ETS could it be the weapon to end wars?

George couldn't be sure about what was going to happen but something about it felt big for better or for worse George knew the world was about to change.

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