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George ran forward he could not afford to delay he ran through the dark tunnel he didn't know how far it went on for but he knew what was at the other end. A satellite with twenty-five nuclear warheads ready to be launched. They could be fired at any moment George was the only one who could stop them and he had to. Sid followed him he seemed equally eager any fear seemed to be forgotten to much was at stake for them to worry about their own safety.

He kept his pistol held up and ready to fire with his right hand with his left he held on to the handrail and pushed himself along. Light started to emerge from the end of the tunnel George could see three shadowy figures and they could see him. The tunnel was suddenly filled with splashes of light from gunfire as the men began shooting.

George grabbed the rail and threw himself backwards into the darkness he fired wildly at the end of the tunnel. More gunshots came from the opposite end George had no idea how close the bullets came all he saw were the flashes of lights. Those flashes of light didn't just represent death though, the flashes were all George had to aim at. Each time a light entered the tunnel he had to act quickly and fire off a shot before the light dispersed.

The sound of gunshots coming from his right side told George that Sid was still alive and was taking an active part in the fight. George relied on that help to allow him to move he edged forward every time he heard Sid fire. George had lost count of how many shots he had fired he guessed he had at least eight rounds left in his pistol.

The worst part was the noise each gunshot took him completely by surprise as disrupted his concentration. It was hard to concentrate with loud bang going off every few seconds and not knowing if the next shot would take his life or not. The darkness made the chance of getting a successful shot unlikely. Nonetheless all it would take is one bullet one lucky shot and it was all over for him and countless millions below him.

George didn't want to delay any longer he pushed himself along the handrail moving himself out of the tunnel and into the light. The first thing George saw as his eyes began to readjust to the light was a door a large metal door. It was obvious what the door was it was the doors which lead to the satellite everything depended on him getting through the door.

In his way through were three men armed with pistols waiting outside the door weapons up ready to strike. George had to act fast he fired off three quick shots hitting the man in front on him in the shoulder. Blood, muscle and bone fragments flew out of the other end of the mans shoulder as he fell to the ground. He screamed in agony George lowed his gun a fired a round into the mans chest to finished him off.

The other two men were starting to turn there attention towards George he pushed himself towards the door as the man in the middle fired a shot. It missed by a matter of inches the sound of the bullet clashing with the metal door rung in George's ears.

George brought up his pistol the second man had his pistol in hands and was ready to fire George focused all his energy on trying to pull the trigger. To George it felt like time was in slow motion and his fingers just wouldn't move fast enough. All he could do was force himself with every piece of willpower he had left within himself to pull the trigger. While he tried he looked straight into the face of the man who was trying to kill him that was his target.

Nothing about the mans face gave away anything even remotely emotional it was like trying to shoot a machine. George knew that at any second there could be another flash on light one which would mark the end of his life.

The first shot though didn't come from George and it didn't come from the man he was trying to kill either. Instead George heard a stream of gunshots coming from in the tunnel it was Sid he fired shot after shot into the chest of the man standing on the far right. The distraction gave George time to act he finally squeezed the trigger and felt the weapon pull upwards as the bullet was left off.

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