Going to war

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As George watched as the ferry floated off his emotions were very mixed one hand he was upset to lose Sarah as soon as he found her. But on the other hand at least George knew that she was safe and that was the most important thing.

George stood by the dock for at least an hour he didn't know what to do with himself he just wanted to savour every last moment of peace he had. He knew what came next and he didn't like it. He wasn't prepared for such a job but it was his to take. George closed his eyes and held his breath he pictured Sarah in his head casting his mind back to when they first meet.

It was during the summer holidays of his first year at university he never actively sought out Sarah nor did she seek him out. Neither of them were attracted to each other straight away. She wasn't the most attractive in the university nor was she especially popular. George was friends with her friends and that's how they meet. Then gradually over time they realised that together they worked she brought out the best in him and he brought out the best in her. When they were together for an unexplained reason they were both happier people.

George felt lonely, lonelier than he had ever felt before right now he needed Sarah to put him back together and she was headed halfway across the world. Perhaps this was a good thing the best version of George wasn't needed right now. Right now the world needed the ugly, hardened version of George Brown.

Eventually George was approached by a group of six men all military he assumed that they were his team. He followed them as they got into a car it was a regular Toyota nothing special nothing to suggest it was even part of the army.

Along with the team there were two men in black suits that looked like something out of a bad spy film. Once the car had got away from the dock they started talking.

"This man is your target his name is Ashanti Sall." The man on the right said as he handed out pictures of their target. George was handed one of the pictures he looked at the face on the picture. The man was black and was wearing traditional African robes. His face was serious and he was looking dead at the camera. George assumed that they must have been satellite pictures or CCTV he didn't look like the kind of guy who would pose for a camera.

The men paused to allow everyone to take in the image of their target and apply it to memory.

"He's Ghanaian so Ghana's are best bet as to his location. Unfortunately for us the countries which are at war with America, aren't declaring there flight plans anymore. So theoretically there are thirty six countries which he could be in this limits our options for a search."

"Do we have any intel on any of his accomplices anyone who might know him?" One of the men asked his voice was deep and assertive he seemed like leader material. This time the man on the left spoke.

"Just one we don't have any pictures but we do know his identity Lee Kom he's a two star North Korean general. He was the commander of the attacks on the ETS. That means he'll be easy to find put it's likely he'll have a lot of security."

"Anything else we need to know?" The same man asked.

"One last thing you'll be in civilian gear and will the US government will not claim you if your captured. Officially you're terrorists who decided to take it upon yourself to kill Ashanti Sall.

The car stopped and the two men in suits got out only the team and the driver were left in the car. Around twenty minutes later the car drove into a military base.

To George's surprise they weren't stopped they just drove straight on through no search no questions nothing. George heard a strange roar feeling the air after a while George knew what it was. It was the unmistakeable sound of a fighter jet taking off. George realised that they were in an air force base the car pulled over and they all got out of the car.

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