First contact

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George looked straight at the kid he was wearing the same uniform as the African he had encountered earlier. He was grinning though the facemask he was wearing. The boy was holding up a pump action shotgun although it was clearly hurting his arms. He aimed the gun directly at George's head he could no longer stand in shock. George ran at him as fast and he could he rammed his shoulder into the boys chin and knocked him over.

The boy was stronger than George had anticipated his body hurt from the tackle and the boy wasn't going to stay down for long. The shotgun was on the floor the boy whilst lying on the floor reached to grab it and George didn't have enough time to stop him. George had been trained on what to do he didn't want to hurt a kid but he had no choice. George stamped as hard as he could on the boy's knee. The boy let out a high-pitched scream George went to pick up the shotgun but the boy rammed his foot into George's stomach. George stumbled backward clutching his stomach. The boy had got hold of his Shotgun he pointed it wildly towards George. At once George smacked his arm down sending the shotgun flying.

"Its over, don't make me hurt you." George said sternly to the boy George could see that he had tears in his eyes and he was shaking with rage. Suddenly the boy reached into his belt and drew a pistol from his belt. It made a sound like a bullwhip as he fired it. George thrust himself against a wall and hit it with a loud whack. He felt a crack in his chest he hoped it wasn't a rib George saw the shotgun was on the ground. He had no time to think he picked it up and before the boy could react he fired a shot. The gun recoiled into George's shoulder and it hurt a lot. After he recovered from the loud disorienting bang and recoil he looked to see what kind of damage he had to the boy.

The sight he saw appalled him the shot had almost severed the boy's leg from the rest of his body. The boy wailed in pain as he desperately tried to hold the mass of flesh, blood and bone fragments that used to be his upper leg together. George couldn't help feel some sympathy for the boy even though he had tried to kill him. He was just a kid and now he was lucky if he ever walked again.

George couldn't just leave the kid to bleed out he torn off his shirt and knelt beside the boy. He carefully moved the boys hands away from his legs and he tired his shirt around the room. The boy screamed even louder and even higher pitched as he tied it. The sound was hurting George's ears he quickly finished tying him up.

"I'm sorry." George whispered the boy he didn't know whether or not he understood him. Nor did George know whether or not he meant what he had said, the boy had killed a man had George not had shot him he would have killed him to. However he was still just a boy he was too young to really understand what he had done or what George had done to him. George walked to the counter a picked up a set of keys as hard as it was to leave the boy if he was to live he had to.

George walked out of the car rental he pressed the open button on the keys and he heard one of the cars open. George got into the car and put his foot down he had to get to Boston to find Sarah. He speed along the motorway praying with all his might that he wouldn't hit another roadblock.

George tried turning the radio on and this time he actually managed to find a station in English. It was an evacuation order a male voice was telling him that the US had been invaded. He told him to stay off the main roads and away from the cities. Lastly the man warned him not to approach anyone wearing a black uniform. The message then began to cycle George listened to it one last time before turning the radio on.

George decided to go off road his new car was much more sturdy than his old one it could handle the terrain. George checked to see how much fuel he had and was relieved to see that he had a full tank. George mapped out his thoughts in his head he had a straightforward plan. He would go to Boston and find Sarah after that he would flee the country. He hadn't had any plans past that and he didn't want one. All George wanted was to stay alive and to keep Sarah alive maybe one day he could come back to protect his country but only once Sarah was safe.

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