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 1430 local time Sicily

Two men sat down at a local cafe one was a local resident and the other was not. The local man sat down opposite to the visitor a man who looked very out of place wearing a traditional African dress and had very dark skin. He wanted to seem invisible but he was unwilling to sacrifice who he was to do so. The local took a sip of his coffee before starting the conversation.

"I received your payments." He said referring to the uncut diamonds, which had been dead dropped to his representative in Iran. The man spoke in English, which although was not favourable in was the only language the two men had in common.

"Yes, and now the goods must be in my possession as soon as possible." To this the Italian nodded before saying.

"They shall all that remains is to carry out a final few checks, although your will has found to be pure we must be sure that the execution will be perfect." Now it was the African mans turn to nod.

"Yes of course but you must be quick if we let this historic chance slip though our fingers..."

"Patience my friend god will see to it that our mission is successful however it is crucial that nothing comes between him and his righteous judgement. "

"Of course." The African did not really believe in God all that mattered to him was that America the country, which took away his family, was to be punished. Making agreements with religious fanatics was merely a means to and end.

There was few second pause before the Italian spoke up.

"Are you sure that we have enough support on this it is the United States which we are targeting after all." To this the African smiled.

"Over thirty countries and dozens of like minded organisations have been there backing to our cause. This is our last chance if we do not stop America now no one will ever be able to stop it.

"Well then may Allah be by our side in our fight for justice." The Italian said then they both said in union "Allah Akbar."

The African man walked away he was satisfied now that nothing could come between him and his mission. Even if an intelligence agency were listening in on there conversation it would be to last all the pieces of the Jigsaw were in place. All that remained was for him to return to him homeland and pray that everything will go according to plan.

He got into the back of his car happy that everything had gone so well it was a dream come true for him. It had taken fifteen long years of planning but at last he thought justice and balance would be returned to the world. Starting with the most decadent country of them all America.

He poured himself a glass of Champaign as his driver took him away he went so happy with himself. This was the moment he had fantasied about for so long and to finally have it achieved was incredible. What shocked him most was how fast everything was moving. From the meeting in Pyongyang to the laborious negotiations with the Mexican cartels. It was all working so well so unbelievably fast. He thought to himself about how he had achieved more in the past few months then he had in the last fifteen years.

He planned out his next movements in his mind he would have one last meeting with the Italian and secure the finally preparations. After that he would fly in his private jet back to his homeland and from there he would oversee the war effort.

He sat back in his car and felt extremely relaxed he started to think about how he has had to look over his shoulder his entire life. For well over a decade he has been fighting a war from the shadows. Well no more he thought from now on he would be a proud public leader. He would be commanding the largest army in the world against the world's oppressors.

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