On the run

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George left the old Russian man in his house was he was out of the door George took his uniform off. He felt stupid standing in his underwear on a freezing cold day but if he was caught in uniform he was dead he had to remain undetected at least for the time being. He picked up a large stone, which was lying on the side of the road and threw it at a house next to the old mans house. He had to find a way to get to Boston where his wife and he lived even if it meant stealing.

"Hello?" George called out to see if anyone was there though he doubted there were because him throwing the stone would have alerted them.

George found a set of car keys he felt a pang of guilt as he took them but he knew that he almost certainly needed it more then its rightful owner.

He went through the house and he saw through the glass doors that there was a clothesline perfect he thought to himself. George picked out a T-shirt and a pair of Jeans, which he hoped, wouldn't make him look too ridiculous. The clothes were far to big for him but he didn't care he needed to get out of his uniform.

George left the house he pressed a button on the car keys and it made the sound, which told George it, was open. He got in he noticed straight away that he wasn't in for an easy drive. The right wing mirror was cracked and the breaks were slow although the breaks weren't too much of an issue judging by the fact the car probably couldn't exceed 80 mph.

George put the keys in the ignition he turned them the car slowly came to life and George drove off. As soon as he did George was faced with a problem he had two choices he could either take the motorway or he could try going off road and weaving around the mountains. He stopped the car to think about it he reasoned that the road was probably going to be blocked off by the invaders. However if he went through the mountains he would risk crashing or having his car broken down.

George decided to take the motorway if he meet the invaders he reasoned that he could probably bluff his way past them besides his car was in no condition for mountainous terrain. He put his foot down and shot down the motorway every second he wasted meant he was putting himself and Sarah in greater risk. George hadn't been going for long when he came across a car abandoned in the middle of the road. The car was burnt out and it was covered in bullet holes.

"Jesus." George whispered to himself.

He kept moving past there was nothing he could do for the former occupants of the car he just drove on. George kept on driving after about ten minutes he noticed that there was a mobile phone in the side pocket of the car. George picked up the phone he needed some answers.

George thought for a second he didn't know who to call he thought about calling 911 but he realised they would be too busy to answer even if the call was taken he didn't want to waste their time. George then remembered he did have one number one person he could still trust. George called Jim he put the phone on his lap and breathed heavily. The phone began to ring it vibrated several times then it was finally picked up.

"Yes? hello." Jim said he sounded panicked.

"Hello" George said he didn't know what else to say.

"George?" Jim said sounding surprised. "I thought you were dead!"

George ignored Jim's last comment. "What's going on who's attacking us?"

Jim took a few deep breaths. "Everyone." Jim said at last. "George, it's everyone anyone we've ever screwed with they're coming for us. Every country every terrorist organisation everyone."

George listened quietly it made sense what he was hearing and it matched up with everything that had experienced so far.

"Where are you?" George asked there was a pause.

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