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The group turned and walked towards the exit they understood what they were doing and no one had time to waste discussing it. Perhaps if they had time they might have argued with Max but time was the one thing they didn't have. A minute ago would never have dreamed of walking out of the exit it made them stand out like a sore thumb. Now though there mission had changed radically they had wanted to grab Romeo quietly but instead they were about to go in guns blazing.

George didn't know if the others felt the same way but what concerned him most was the civilians at risk. There could easily be a hundred or more people on board the plane including women and children. They would have to be fast if they were to prevent casualties Romeo was likely to be armed but they couldn't just shoot him taking him down would be tricky.

George couldn't help but feel a little guilty it was because of his failure to find Romeo in the airport that they had to do what they were doing any deaths would be on his conscience forever. The others moved close together and walked in a group unlike how they were walking on the way in. It was no longer necessary that they be invisible it only mattered that they remained focused. George was walking in front of the others he walked quickly out onto the street.

George walked through the crowd moving from side to side to avoid walking into people he didn't care how he looked to them all that mattered was getting back to the airbase. Others in the group had the same idea they pushed their way through the crowd some people looked back at them and cursed as they passed them.

George waited at the end of the road for the others to catch up to him they then walked together as a group toward the front gates of the base. There were a line of cars trying to get through the base George just walked past them and up to the barrier. The man sitting in the both asked George something in Italian he didn't know how to answer. The man asked the question again louder this time George looked back to the others.

"Do any of you speak Italian?" George asked the group. Soon after he did the man in the booth got out his face was red with anger. He started shouting at George and the group; they were left staring blankly at the man. Just when the man looked as if he was about to turn violent George heard a voice call from behind him. The man at once spun around saluted and walked off George saw there was an officer standing behind him.

The officer walked into the booth and opened up the barrier George and the others finally walked through. "Sorry about that I'm afraid you presence was classified far beyond his rank."

"It's okay I-" George said but was cut off by the officer.

"I notice Romeo is not with you what has happened."

"He got away we need to collect some parachutes immediately." George said emotionlessly he didn't have time to chitchat.

"Parachutes? What for?" The officers asked dumbfounded.

"He got away in a plane we need to capture him before it lands." George said he deliberately left out the bit about hijacking a public jet.

"You want to go shooting up a commercial aeroplane in Italian airspace?" The officers asked he was astounded by what George was saying.

"We don't have a whole lot of alternatives its either that or we risk our entire operation." George argued.

"There are hundreds of civilians on that plane I cannot allow you to-"

"There are over three hundred million civilians in America its one or the other." The officer had no reply this allowed George to continue speaking and solidify his argument. "Look this is one man and we aren't even going to be using our weapons we will do anything possible to protect the civilians.

The home front revolutionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora