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As the air craft shot higher and higher up George felt sick the way the ETS moved wasn't smooth. The spacecraft wobbled from side to side constantly adjusting its angle.

Suddenly George heard a sound it reminded him of hearing a distant gunshot but the noise wasn't right for a firearm. George was scared out of his mind he held on tightly to the belt holding him in place.

Boom! George heard another sound this time it was distinct it was an explosion only this one was nearby. Soon after the explosion the aircraft began shaking uncontrollably it was like being in an earthquake zone.

George was unable to keep his feet on the ground he gripped onto the metal bar with all his might. His stomach was uneasy it churned more and more until finally he could hold it in any more. George suddenly threw up leaving a reeking trail of vomit on the floor.

Another explosion hit as it did the belts holding George and the others in place were released they fell to the floor. George landed right in his own vomit he picked himself up. He tried to steady himself and put his belt back on but the movements of the spacecraft were too unstable.

George started walking towards the exit but it was almost impossible to walk he constantly fell over and had to crawl towards the exit. It was at that moment that an intercom system came to life.

"Evacuate the Elite Targeting System we are under attack I..." George recognised the voice it was that of the old man who instructed them on how to use the ETS weapons. As soon as the intercom cut off everyone started to follow Georges lead running for the escape pods.

George knew he had to get out and fast if he was too slow he would be killed by the explosions or trampled to death. George stood up and took a few paces before reaching the door. George tried find the handle to open the door but he was too dizzy to do so. George took a deep breath he had to find the door handle if he didn't he was dead. He moved his right hand over the door handle whist using his left hand to steady himself.

Yet another explosion hit the vibrations knocked George off his feet as the explosion hit the lights went out. George couldn't see a thing but when he fell he had inadvertently grabbed onto the door handle.

George opened the door he could hear people behind him screaming he didn't have time to worry about them anymore. The spacecraft was pitch black George desperately searched his mind for a solution.

The answer hit George like a bullet to the chest he remember the sign he saw on the way into the ETS. George stood up he was able to walk much easier now he seemed to be almost floating. George knew that this meant the ETS was falling and that soon it was going to come crashing down to earth.

There were no more explosion George realised it must have been an organised attack someone was responsible. George moved as fast as his weak legs would allow him to. As he went along he felt along the wall for a door he was constantly in fear that if he had missed it he was dead.

Something cold hit George in the face wiping the tears away from his face a small amount of light was pouring into the spacecraft. George looked and saw a small hole in the metal allowing a tiny amount of light in. However as George looked down the hole he could seen an array of mountains it wouldn't be long before they crashed.

George looked along the corridor he saw a door it was his only chance if it didn't contain the escape pods he would die in the ETS. George was whimpering to himself as he pushed the door open he was expecting the worst.

George opened the door and he gasped inside there was five hundred or so miniature capsules big enough to hold around five people. At once George got in one of them and threw himself into the front seat. There was only one button on the inside a small red button. George pressed it he had no time to think of the others if any of them made it they would have to get in another one and work it out for themselves.

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