#16 stable seventeen

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The timber floor creaked as I walked down the stairs. It was four in the morning and I couldn't sleep anymore, because twenty-two hours is a whole day. I buttoned down my wrangler jacket as the night was still freezing. As I walked outside I grabbed the touch and made my way to the stables. It was scary outside in the dark and I really didn't Want to be out there but the temptation was eating alive. I know for a fact when ever uncle T buys a new horse it goes straight into the stables.
The crackles and strange noises coming from the dark where horrifying but I only had another fifty meters to walk. Something from a large gum tree above me snapped and I squealed and ran for the stable light. When I made it I didn't hesitate to open the barn door as quickly as possible before slamming it loudly behind me. When I turned around the heads of horses glared at me and the smell of leather, manure and hey filled my nostrils.
Every horse looked down at me obviously waiting to be feed. Some started to get anxious and run circles in their stables. "I don't have any food guys, you have to wait till six for that." I whisper.
I was looking for one particular horse. The all mighty king. I walked down the long hallway and looked at every stable and the horse that occupied it. Eleven... Thirteen... Fifteen... Seventeen! I look up at a tail. Asking had his head tucked into the far corner and was sleeping. I tapped on the door "hey... King. Kingy boy. Pisst." His ears flicked up then back. He turned his head around along with his body. I scracked his head as his muzzle quivered up my arm looking for a snack. I giggled at the reaction to softly bite my fingers when I tickeled his whiskers.
A noise came from outside and voices could be herd. Dam it! I thought. I was about to run into kings stall but that was too obvious and the feed room had plenty of objects in it. I ran down the hallway where the stables spilt into a tack/saddle up room and a feed room. I ran into the feed room filled with barrelds, wheelbarrow's, buckets and bags of feed. I ran behind all the barrels.
"Okay so Jeremy I need you to climb up the ladder and see if it was those raccoons again or if it was that god dam feral dog." They must of herd me squeal or something. When the doors closed again i went into the tacking up area and grabbed out a bridle and hung it up on the hitching rail. I then walked back to kings halter and strapped it onto his head. We walked up to the hitching rail, trying to making the lest noise as possible. It was hard to see in the dark buy I made my way pulling the snaffle bit up in his mouth. He took it happily. I wondered if he could jusmp, or maybe he never learned how. I also wondered what his owner was like, was he a grumpy man or lady? Did they treat him nicely? To train a horse this well thet must of been so patient. I'll bring a little spark into him.
I grabbed the stool so I could hop on his bear chestnut back. Hes ear fell back at they weight of my body. "Shh its okay kingy." I coo. He probably never went bear back either. We rode out the back door. I felt his bumpy walk swing my hips left to right. It was so dark but king kept calm and his ears flicked to every sound there was at this time the morning. I headed for the back of the station. The huge empty paddock before the creek, and the same one me and ritchie let the paints out on.
When we made it I picked him up into the canter. It was strange, because he was trained western pleasure im so used to holding on with the rains, but he held his head so low I couldn't use it to hold on, So I stopped him and his legs dragged along the shuby grass to a steady Holt. I leaned forward and unclipped the reigns from the snaffle bit, and pulled the reign around Hus neck. Then we where off. The paddock was about twenty acres so we had plenty of land to canter down. It was so cold I could see the icy breaths king puffed every time he stepped. The wind got to my lips and they started to crack, but the freedom was real. The morning was real. I edged him faster with my knees and leaned forward. He speeded up and gained a heaver push with his hinds.
We past a fallen down tree and I was still thinking about his jump skills. I turned him around widely so we had a fifty meter run up to the two foot log. I kicked him a little harder and he began to gallop for it.
His strides where correct...
My hair flew wildly...
His breaths where light...
My position was exealing...
His head lifted up...
I held on tighter...
He came to the jump off...
And stopped.
I flew.
He bolted.


It was sunrise now and everyone would be up and I still limped across the huge paddock with my bruised hip and scratched up shoulder. I had landed in the top part of the tree, tangled in the sticks and dead leaves. King had bolted further into the bush part of the paddock. It was about another five acres till I got back to the gate. I couldn't bother going and getting king, sure it was my fault I fell off but king should of jumped. In the distance I saw a small speck of the stable and the big house. Then down the main paddock road was a small line of rising dust. It turned on the fence and headed straight for me. I put my head down and stood still. Uncle T would kill me, it was rude to sneak out and loose and ruin his new horse. "Sweety hop on." I look up at aunty K and she held out her hand and smiled with her empathizing eyes. I jumped on the back of the quad bike "I'm sorry aunty K, I didn't mean it." I plead quietly. she turns around and wrapse in her arms "honey first, call me Kelly. Second, I'm just happy you didn't get hurt." Then we were off. It was down in the creek area surrounded by bushes and trees. He was standing in the shade. Kelly jumped off and ran to him. She turned and looked at me concerned "what happened to the reign?" I looked at my feet avoiding it "I had it wrapped around his neck so I could hold on..." She sighed. Then folded her arms "we need to talk." She said. What about? Was this one of those 'what you messed up said nicely' talk. She sat down against a wattle tree, took off her R.M. Williams hat. I sat down in front of her and then soon king came a nibbled on my head.
"Leo..." She sighs. I shot my head up. She knew.
"He said a horse got loose, which was a lie. So when I talked to him outside the room he said somethkng to me," she looked at me as if I already knew. I'm not sure if I did or not. This was so awkward and the tension was ripping me apart.
Kelly played with a grass stick between her fingers, examining it like my responses. "Leo cares for you so much and if you keep doing this stuff his not gonna be able to handle it."
"What did I do?" I try and say politely but it came out very sooky.
"You past out in his arms and he feels responsible for that." She said.
"Well just ask him if his okay for me because his been pretty sad for me and its not a guy thing to talk about problems, so I could ask hopeless Richard." We both had a laugh and a giggle. From their we changed the conversation to horses, school and girly things. I told her how my English teacher is a phyco hola-hoop dancer and how the dlepp over went with the girls. I liked having a female to talk to. She made me feel like my life was amazing and innervating. a female to talk to sorta felt normal.

OMG THANK YOU! please vote because thanks to you this book just hit 1.04K!! And i would love to know hows beed reading. Love you all long time. ;-* Shazzie♥♥♥

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