#20 tell me why

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The lighting cracked through the sky and pouring rain made the world disappear in whiteness. The hour went by with no word between the two of us, as we sat on the log, close, huddled away from raindrops.
The key to the quod was probably gone by now, rushed away in the flodding. I looked up at Leo who looked like he was concentrating deeply. "Leo?" I whispered, but somehow he managed to hear it, "what is it?" He mumbled. I wanted to ask him about Emily, I still didn't properly find out why she dumped him that day. Could it of been the fact that Harriet and I were there? But we covered it up like he didn't know. Could it of been when I ran in Leos arms?
"Hannah?" He concerned. I fiddled with my fingers, taking back what I know is about to start. "If you have something to tell me you might aswell tell me know, cause you know we're stuck here for another hour or so." He then wrapped his arms around me, soaking and warm "now tell me."
I sighed and closed my eyes as if it wouldn't hurt that way "Why did Emily dump you?". He released his arms slightly, hesitant but didn't let me go "...because she didn't like me anymore..." He somehow spat out making it look like he wasn't trying so hard go make up an answer. "Leo be serious. At school she came up to me asking if she could have my advise for guys, my advise! Where the hell did that come from?!" It was the rhetorical question that Leo took seriously "you wanna know where that came from, ha?" I narrowed my eyes, tribg to read his mind.
"Are you hiding something from me?"
"Its nothing."
"If you don't tell me I'll go ask Emily herself why she dumped you!" I stood up to walk away but Leos hands pulled me down again "hannah..."
"What! Let go of me!" Why was he being so stubborn, it was a simple question. "Emily didn't dump me!" He yelled.
I stopped trying to pull against his arms instead I sat even closer to him "what...?"
"I dumped Emily..." He staggered. I wasn't expecting that, I wasn't even expecting an answer. I continued to stair at him with the words 'explain' in my expression.
"I didn't like her anymore. She was so mean to..." He stopped and this time I pulled him down from walking away.
"Mean to who?" I was scared of what he was about to say. I could feel the answer coming and getting ready to stab me, he knew it too. But we continued to act like we didn't know. Leos lips part slightly, as if he's going to answer my question, instead He lifted my chin and brought his lips together with mine, kissing me deeply and softly. When I was younger I always thought I'd fight it, but i let my arms wrap around his neck, holding the kiss so slightly before I let go and he kissed again. His strong arms griped around my waste as the rain continued to pour over us. I closed my eyes and broke the kiss, looking at his face, feeling his deep breathing and hearing the thunder crack close by, then I embraced him into a deep hug, the deepest hug I've ever felt. I borrowed my head into his shoulder and his his lips rested on the back of my neck.
We sat there not saying a word. It was so clear now, that's why... That's why he dumped Emily. That's why he didn't want to be adopted. That's why he tried to get king for me. It was all for me. So for the time being I thought about it tangled is his embrace.
Nothing had to be said anymore.


My grip on his hand was released when we got to the house. We both thought it would be better if no one found out just yet. I could imagine Kelly throwing a rant if she ever found out, cause what's worse then having to teenagers that like each other living in the same house?
Thirty minutes after our kiss the rain stopped and we found the key lost in the mud, then we rod home.
I was so happy that Leo finerly saw me as someone other then a cousin in law, someone other then friends.
The puppy's (much larger then puppy now though) ran down from the port to our feet, Pastel (my pup) was the only dog aloud inside. They licked and bit my fingers, I laughed in pain as I did really hurt.
Ritchie and Kate ran outside and down the stairs towards us, grins plastered to there faces "you two have been out there for three hours and twelve minutes!" Stoked Ritchie looking at his watch. I laughed with everyone else trying to get what happened out of my head. Because more than anything I wanted to tell Kate about it, but I promised. Leo helped me back up to my feet and we went inside. His clothes and mine where still soaking wet, and I was freezing. "Omg you two are gonna break down with hypothermia!" Yelled Kelly as she came out the house. She threw us towls and shooed us all inside where she had the heater on waiting for our arrivel.
"You want to eat something?" Asked Kelly. I shook my head to deny touching my lips... Then shaking the thoughts from my mind. Leo wasnt helping either. He sat right next to me on the couch, almost sitting on top of me while I quivered away my coldness. If I could I would of shuffeled closer but that would be obvious and if I moved away that would be obvious, so I just sat there. Kelly handed me then Leo a plate of vegimight on toast. She pointed at it telling to eat whether I liked it or not.
When Kelly Ritchie and Kate went outside to check on the worksman cabins and to clean up after the storm, she left me in the lounge room with Leo. I closed my eyes and sighed. This was so awkward, it was clear to each other that we where avoiding eye contact. Avoiding talk. Avoiding that kiss.
He then grew impatient with me and looked "you." He said bluntly. What was that meant to mean, I thought.
"What? What about me?" I asked.
"I never finished what I was saying back there, and I was meant to say you but..." He broke of not having to go any further. "No, I'm pretty sure even if you didn't finish you got the message through." I smirked.
He wrapped his arm around me agian, as if to say 'thank you' or 'that's right' but instead he said, "you wanna go for a ride?"
I released myself from his arms, looking at him with a huge goofy smile.
He was insane to think that Kelly would let us do that but its worth the try.

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