#19 when it rains

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I have been currently living with my uncle Trever, Aunty Kelly, cusin Ritchie, Leo and my puppy pastel for around seven months now. At school I spend the days with mainly Harriet and Kate. They both singed up along with six other girls and myself to take Monday and Wednesday lessons with Kelly.
It was late October now and the seasons changed so the dusty road and sunny days had turned into green hills and thunderstorms.
I sat In my room at six with Pastel on my lap and watched the rain pour down out side the window, hiding any signs of sunrise. King was enjoying the lessons and so far we have been learning barrel racing, western pleasure and camp drafting.
I sighed then opened my cupboard and changed into my school uniform. A frog in my air-conditioner kept me up all night, making the most annoying noises to the rhythm of rain splats on the roof.
"Morning." Yawed Ritchie, he had unbrushed hair no shirt on and still wearing a pair of jeans. He had been up all night as well helping uncle Trevor with the arriving cattle. "morning!" I singed as I tied up my brown hair into a pony tail. "What are you doing?" He asked. I frowned at him "what?" He craked up laughing "what tell me?!" I winged. Ritchie stopped "come follow me." I followed him down the stair case into the kitchen he points at the calendar. I look at the days that had been ticked of, "Ahhhh!" I yell "I'm going back to bed!".
It was Saturday. On my way up the stair case I stopped, because someone stood up the top. "What are you two doing?" He sleepily questioned. He weared the same as Ritchie but for some reason I couldn't look, instead I focused at my feet. He walked down the steps so slowly "morning Hannah," he stopped "are you alright?" I unfroze quickly and shook off my thoughts "yeah, yeah I'm going back to bed."
"So your not coming?" I stopped in my tracks and spun around"what?"
He smiled stupidly, "Kate's coming around in about an hour." I turned around and look at Leo, raised eyebrows as if to say "explain."
"Were gonna go fishing down the creek now its flowing... Well when it stops pouring out side." He goes on and puts bread in the toaster "so?" He added. I smiled and ran back to my room. As I got changed out of my uniform I herd Leos voice behind my door "hey Hannah?" He crunched away at toast. "What is it?" I muffle through the crack in the door. He catches a glimpse of my eye through the crack "Kelly said we can take two quad bikes, too risky to take horses."
"Yep all good, I don't mind."

"Hey Kate!" I sing. She took of her rain coat showing her face. She waved at me then went straight up to Ritchie and pecked at his check as they hugged. Leo and i eventually told Ritchie about our thoughts of them, about two months later they were dating. Thats when I realized that she would want to dubble on the quad bikes with him, meaning I would have to dubble with... Leo. Dam it! I should of just sleept in. I'm still not sure why I'm avoiding him so much but its better that way. Kate picked up Pastel and snuggled her tightly. She had her hair typically in a braid and was wearing a blue tank-top and short-shorts. Meanwhile I had on a black singlet and black pants... Shrug.
"Oh Hannah tell Kelly I'm sorry for not making it yesterday." Kate said. I smile "no probs! Hey Kate I need to show you something! Come with me." We both girly like giggle and run up to my room.

"I know right!" She laughs. Kate held my new wrangler shirts, and we drifted of into gossip land. "Did you hear about Emily?" Asked Kate. I shake my head. "Elvina was telling me She's dating another guy and she was telling me that his from america!" It was no surprise that Elvina was the one to spreed this gossip, scene the chat we had on my first day at school we have never had many friends in our class and Ashton was always there to stick up for me.
"Am I soposed to believe that?" In the past couple weeks my sarcasm had been annoying Leo and I had promised to stop. The door opened and Leo and Ritchie had finely put some close on "you two ready to go? The rains stopped and we have the rods ready." Said Ritchie. With that we where out side and staring at the two quads before us.


The sky was still so grey and it felt like night time, the trees where rustling and the atmosphere was still. Leo sat on the larg quad bike with his hand out to take mine. I excepted it and slid down behind him, wrapping my hands around his waist. "All good?" He asked. "...yep..." I was so awkward about this, I remembered when I rode bear back with him months ago but now it was different. Now I found myself felling so deeply for him it but is against me to think of him that way, and maybe he fells the same.
The wind pushed us back and mud splashed up my legs. We were in the back paddock now and all we had to do was get past the back gate and we would find the creek. The clouds where dimming now and the light stated to slit through the cloud splits. "Hey Leo?" I yelled over the engine and wind. "Yeah?!" He yelled in reply. "What's the time?" It was growing on me what time in the morning it had come, and the dark blanket in the sky wasn't helping. "My phones in my back pocket, check that!" He yelled. Um... Was he expecting me to reach into his back pocket. I lean back and look at his jeans. Then I look at the back of his blonde hair. I was secretly slapping myself, why did I ask? I slowly slipped my hand down his back pocket, then looked back up at his head, "got it?!" He asked. Dam it! I quickly find the stupid phone and pull it out, "yep!"
Your so silly Hannah! It was just a phone... In his back pocket... AHHH stop! My thoughts where getting the better if me again, how could I turn something so simple into a world war three mine field?

It was mid day now, the sun was out and a rainbow was a shadow of the dark morning. We had set up on the camp out area that Ritchie and Leo had made. Kate and I went further down the streem to look for logs as Ritchie had some huge plan and sent us out resources.
"You've come a long way though," Kate said. She swung a stick around hitting random trees like a mad witch. I thought about what she was telling me. She reckoned that after I got king my whole mental health got better. I know I wasn't coping well back then and yes king helped me a lot, my ego went up when my Dad and stallions were no longer my biggest trial. "I spose I have." I considered.
I also picked up a stick and we began to almost sword fight. We laughed at our weird posses and slow motion sound effects. "Hey Hannah theres a big log!" She pointed at a fallen tree that had snapped several times up its trunk "its not rotten, well go back and use one of the quads to move it." We nodded in agreement, felling quite proud in ourselves.

"Yep put it right there! What a beauty!" Ritchie stood back and commanded at the three of us where to place this log.
When all was done we stepped back and patted each others backs, "now we have a proper seat while we fish!" Cheered Ritchie. "Why don't you try it out first." Said Kate. Ritchie agreed with pride and sat on the log.
"Nice" he stated bluntly. We all laughed and sat on the log, how knew there could be so much huff over a log.


"Hurry up, Kate grab our rods!" Yelled Ritchie over the muffling rain. It had just started to bucket down around two in the arvo and we had to get over the creek before it for to high or we would be trapped for hours.
Thunder sent me running faster as I had to grab the tackle box and rods. When I picked the tackle box up from the muddy ground I felt the slipping of the quad bike's keys between my fingers. Before I knew it, the tiny piece fell into the muddy ground. My hair was wet. My vision was blurring from the pouring rain. Where did it go? I feel into the muddy dirt scrambling though the running mud.
"Hannah! Hannah we have to go Now!" Screamed Leo from behind me. He grabbed me around the waist and picked me off the ground. I tried to tell him the key for the quod was gone but he was too busy pulling my hand to the keyless vehicle. I turned around and slammed my hand weakly into his shoulder. His face was so hard to see but his blue eyes shone even brighter. "What?' He muttered breathlessly.
Kate and Ritchie had already left, probably thinking we were right behind them.
"The key..." I pointed to the mud and Leo's face shrunk, "come one, were not going anywhere till this rain stops." He walked us through the soggy ground and we sat back on the log, in the pouring rain, waiting.....

Shazzie♥♥♥..... Things are about to get cheesy!
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