#6 a mission

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I couldn't get sleep after I herd about the plan. I was extremely nevus and Richie's idea included lots of horses a foul jump and a load of guts. Leo's girlfriend would be arriving at lunch and we were going on a trail ride over the block. I got up and found my clothes and boots. My iPhone told me it was 3:00am. The time Richie told me to go and reach him at the stables. I bushed my hair pulled it to a high pony tail. As I opened my door I could see Richie heading down the stairs, "Richie... Wait up." I whisper. He saw me and signaled for me to follow. The light was vague but enough to see my surroundings. We got to the stables then Richie turned to find me, "you there?"


"OK where going to put one of the nice stallions in green pic 8 which is the one next to open paddock 2, you with me?" I hummed a high pitched OK. He went on, "open paddock 2 is next to the 'unused' paddock, that's the one we have to go though to get to the Forrest. Now all of the paddocks have gates," he opened the huge stable door, we walked in. Richie turned some of the lights on, making several heads pop out of dark stalls, nickering at us. We stopped at a stall with the gold letters 'In Justice'. "This is Justice. His not the boss of the horses-" I cut in, "who is?" Richie pointed to the last stall were a white as snow Clydesdale stallion watching me, wanting food he threw his head up and poured at the door. I shivered and turned to look at Justice. He was a heavy built black and grey piebald pinto. I gave him a rub on his scare that was above his muzzle. He pulled his ears foreword looking for food in my palm. By now Richie had already unlocked his stall gate and started putting the leather halter.

"As I was saying," Richie turned the lights out as we exited. "So we put Justice in green pic 8, then while Leo and... think it was Emily." We traveled along the dirt pathway that stretched around to every paddock. "We won't go... I'll be at the gate that connects the stallion and the open paddock which at the moment has all the gelding Appaloosas and pintos, you will open the gate to the open horses after I let the stallion out, Justice will see Leo and Emily cantering and case along with all the horses." He was interrupted by me laughing. By now we were right outside green pic 8. Next door a herd of the most amount of multi coloured horses galloped around making the dust rise, at the sight of us. We were done for now, all I had to do was learn the after the plan.

The first rays of light shone the the dusty sky. I snuck in though the back door as Richie chose to climb in his bedroom window. The back door took me straight into the laundry. I closed the door behind me quietly, the tapping of boots coming into the laundry mad me squint. Oh no I'm court!

"AH hello Darling you frightened me, what are you doing in here?" Aunty K had a pile of clothes so big in her arms she couldn't tell where she was going.
Think, think!

"Are you okay Hannah?"


Oh you've done it now Hannah,

"Um I was looking for my..."
Okay now use some brain!

"For that!" I managed to point at the small yellow box on top of the cabinet. "You mean the box of clothesline clips?"

I nod grab the box and storm out of the laundry. Richie now properly dressed, saw me with the box confused. "Escape plan." I give him the box and go back to bed.


"So why don't you ride anymore?" Emily, Leo, Richie and I sat around the table eating noodles. Emily turned out to be a tall, blond, rodeo girl. No wonder. She was babbling about her time in pole bending and somehow the conversion changed to my life story. She was nice but self-centered in a way for the first hour all she did was either complain about the morning, (so far) then talk about her quarter horse mare 'Kandy with a K' that's its show name.

"Both my parents where killed by horses." I said like it didn't matter. Emily kept going, "well my aunty was killed by a mare protecting her foal and I still like horses. You should take my advise." I looked over to Richie who had stopped eating and began to stair at his fork (obviously annoyed as well). The only one who had no idea how stubborn she was, was Leo who sat their looking at the footie on the TV.

"Hey Leo me and Hannah have stuff to do with the puppies, so we cant ride this avo'." When Leo looked and nodded, "what do you have to do?" He was looking at me so I had to answer, "um, well. The puppies need to get proper shelter. So where putting them in..." I was cut of by Richie "behind the house. So you know their..." This time i spoke "closer to observe." Leo gave up with owe story, so far I was good at going with it. I don't get why his being such a snob. Maybe there meant for each other.
"Well we'll be off. Come one babe, you can ride Dasle. he's that roping horse you love." Like that they were off.

I turned to Richie who was looking at me. "Are you ready?" He's green eyes, so wide they could of been the sun.

"Just a question, what happens after this mess?" I tied up my hair and pulled my brown coloured jumper on. Even though it was hot I didn't want to stand out.

"Well.. Here when it gets good for me after Emily gets cased by horse, it will be your fault because one of the puppy's got out and you forgot to close the gates after you. That's when I suggest you take lessons from Leo! magic!

Okay let's get going."

We ran outside and we could see of in the distance the couple mounting their horses. Me and Richie ran to the front of the stable, I didn't know how we were going to get to the gates while they where on the pathway. In stead Richie ran for the worming up ring. To the right of the ring was the main arena, to the left was green pic 1. Now I got it, we were fence jumping. While we ran I played last night by good Charlotte, in my head, you know just for dramatics.

We ran though the green grass jumping over fences. When we got to Justice he stood there waiting for us like he knew what was happening. Richie waited for me to get to the open paddock. The open paddock had around nineteen geldings in it. I got to the long white gate and bent over to the other side. I wave at Richie who then opens the the stallions gate, and slapped Justice on the way out making him gallop into the fifty meter square yard. He spotted the cantering horses and began to run for them, I open the gate nice and widely letting all twenty horses gallop towards the couple who were just beginning to canter. I stated to run after them yelling and shouting, "LEO, EMILY! Oh no!" They turned to see me frantically screaming at a herd of horses running straight for them. Duff and Dasle went out of control! Leo managed to hold up Duff, but Emily might as well be in a rodeo, Dasle was raring and prancing in circles with his head held up to the clouds. The stallion rared at the two horses, as all the others just ran around in a mess. I ran for them, but Richie pulled me back. Richie was laughing loudly, "I t worked!" Obviously the couple couldn't hear so i joined in. Then it got worse, Dasle kicked at the stallion, bucking Emily far off of the horses back,

We stopped laughing.

OK had to stop, or it would never end! Thank you for reading my book, its my first so I'm happy with the results.
Plz, plz, PLZ! comment, share and VOTE! :=}

HINT: this weekend! How could life do this to me!

Long Live Cowgirl's (NEVER FINISHING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin