#25 champions rave

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"he should be just fine by next month," sighed Blake, wiping a tsunami of sweat of his forehead, "someones gonna have to walk him back to the stables-"

"i will." i insisted. 

"okay. now Trevor i really do sagest that you get all the horses from this paddock into another one hellas outta here, and i got no other calls so would you like a hand getting them back or find the dog?" 

"can you ride and rope?" Uncle T seemed like this whole time he was testing the young fella. always asking trick questions and making statements to see his reaction; i felt sorta sorry for him.

"i used to be a pro ropper?" he sagested, playing Uncle T's game but making it look unmeant.

"so that's why they call you Lizzy!" Uncle T broke out a huge smile, "i was onto you."

we all confusingly changed glaces at each other. except for 'Lizzy' and Uncle T who had gone into one of the man-hand-shake-hugging thingy, laughing.

"im sorry did i miss something?" Kelly said. both of the boys turned and smiled at each other like they had a huge announcement. 

"its that boy from the news paper." uncle T said. but Kelly sill narrowed those eyebrows. "remember that boy from our roping clinic around seven ten years ago and he said his name was Lizzy? and this kid was raving about me bring his idle and hoe he wanted to be a ropper but couldn't tel the difference between a snake and a reign. well i remember seeing in the paper about five years later a boy called Blake won the youth champion for roping. that's this kid!"

we all computed for around five seconds what he just told us. then Kelly's face blew up into a huge surprised/amazed smile and she ran up and hugged Lizzy. meanwhile Leo, Ritchy and me stood there like a dog watching a magic trick, like wha???

after i had walked the gelding to the stables, the boys rounded up the rest of the herd to a new paddock, and kelly had found me this horses papers. he is a seven year old Quarb. his mother was an Arab and her name was Marallas Vallion Gold and his father was a quarter horse, named Quite Too Burgundy (witch explained where he got his deep red roany coat from), they both wear roan and very different. His registration name was Mark Vallion Gold. well not the prettiest name but he had not been nicknamed. i knew wear Vallion Gold came from. its a station that my dad used to be a employ for, training and breaking in the horses.

"but heres the interesting part." Kelly pulled out a huge folder out from under the table. Leo sat next to me listening as curious as i was. "this is your dads work folders. and in here he has a paper that i read quite some time ago, its a paper for the travel of Mark vallion Gold to go from Vallion Gold to Fellence station. now i dont know why a i never picked up on it as this little fella just rocked up with six other horses that i thought he just came with them." 

"wait so your saying that my dad sent a show on to you years ago and you just thought it was a unbroken bronko?" 

"yes." she put the papers down. "that means we could have a world class show horse sitting there waiting to be jumped or a stuff up that was thrown away." 

i looked at Leo for help but that only made it worse because he had the same worried yet confused look plastered on his face. 

the from door opened and uncle T and Lizzy walked through the door. it seemed to sound like they where in a exploding conversation about roping; and Kelly desired to interrupt their bromance, by coughing loudly. both of them stopped in a hurry. 

"honey, do you recall a four year old pony being sent from Vallion Gold around three years ago?"

uncle T paused "funny you say that cause i just remembered the pony when i saw him get washed before." everyone sat up a little straighter preparing. he went on "see your dad," he pointed a finger at me and took a seat, "called me up one night offering this horse for free, cause for some reason he went on about no one wanted to bye him, his fully trained but incredibly expensive. this brought a big problem for your dads career as he could not sell this horse, so your dad said to me that he would bye the horse and put it under the family name and we would keep the horse in a paddock doing nothing, AKA a bronko pony. see because of this boring life we gave that fella i forgot he existed." 


was the reaction every one in the room had. 

"so i was thinking." Uncle T went on ignoring the unenthusiastic glance form my aunty. "what if we sell him again, his worth a lot but if we find out how much we can go for it, cause we need the money."

"no!" Kelly yelled, "that horse came from your brother!"

they where both right. "i agree but first dad didn't give a dam about him when he started ruining his career and we could sell him- and i still know how to English ride- we could use the money to go towards the club."  it was smart, for me to sagest that cause this morning when i went to go tell Uncle T about the horse i herd them both arguing about finance issues for the club, they couldn't afford the trip to go to the youth rodeo.

i watched both their expressions. for aunty Kelly it was annoyed, then rethinking, then consideration. but for uncle T it was doing the same i was watching Kelly as she was like the captain.

"sounds like a plan." she smiled. 


heyo!!! so if your reading this youv'e probs kept up with the Fellences for 25 chapters now!!! reads are going up so i do hope that if your a reader please vote and comment as much as possible! i know i haven't been updating very much lately but if you right you know the feels when you need a break then randomly one day after three months without even loging on you just write a whole chapter in one hour! 

thank you soooooooooo much i love ya and keep on reading! VOTE AND COMMENTS XOXO  ps wattpad wont let me put a photo up, idk why but i'll ust let it happen!

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