#27 Shut you'r mouth Hannah

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"can't you just train him western stuff?" Gibby begged me.

it was auction day to take Marco into town and we would sell him for the highest bid. it was usually a four hour drive and that meant a day trip. and coming along was Uncle T, Kate, Leo and Ritchie. Gibby was there for her usual Saturday lesson but was helping me was Marco before we loaded him onto The Fellence Gooseneck. i wanted him to look gorgeous! i wanted people to stand by and watch him look magnificent. and as an added plus for the buyer we where selling him with one of our saddles, blankets, bit pieces and bridles (like hell we had enough already). so when he went into the ring he would be saddled up, me idea to make him look more desirable.

"no cause his not that young anymore and if we want him be be the best at something its best not to retrain him everything he knows. that my friend is for his knew owner to choose." i carefully trimmed his main so it was a very modest length but looked neat. we had been scrubbing i'm since 6 am and by 7 he became very elegant looking.

i rode him every day for two weeks after the first go and wow wasn't he amazing to jump! there was something i missed about balancing myself and flying with Marco that made me sad to see him going. he was such a good pony too, always attentive. i would give him a hug when he was sold.

"but aren't you sad to see him go? he was your dads." Gibby realized what she said but had said it to quickly to take it back. i paused and thought about it. my Dad had his career on the shoulders of this horse and it meant so much to me all of a sudden. 

The drive began and for the first hour we all talked and sang and then from then on it was silence with the radio in the background and the sound of high way flying by beneath us. Ritchie snored. And I played with a piece of leather I found lying around on the goose necks backseat floor. Leo aimlessly looked out the window and Kate had a new braid thing going on which kept her entertained where it would have two braids going down either side of her head and over her shoulders. Everyone was styling their hair like that these days but I just wasn't skilled enough I spose.
I checked the clock, it read 12:03We still had two hours to go...


"Towel." Ritchie annoyed, pointed at the old thing lying on the trucks floor.
"No where near."
"Is it out side or inside?"
"Well. It was outside."
"What do you mean was?"
I sighed, "traffic..."
"Traffic?! Traffic as in cars!? We haven't seen a god dam car in fifteen minutes!"
"Yeah and that's why you've been guessing it for fifteen minutes."
Ritchie continued to rampage to himself as he looked out the window.
Jeez, I spy never ends well.
"Just let the sook be." Leo laughed.
"Hey look a sign!" Kate yelled. She was I the front seat still re-braiding her hair. We all jumped out of our slugged positions and out the front window to see a large green sign with white writing saying the next town was in 15km, "Yay! We're nearly there!"
"Dad I need to pee."
"We're nearly there well stop at a servo."
"Oooo can we get chips!?" I begged.
"Nah nah get me a pie." Ritchie said.  
"Not everyone wants to eat a pie."
"Well I do."
"I agree with Hannah." Kate raised her hand.
"Shut up all of you! God dam I'm driving. you all seem to be going crazy."
We all slowly say back down. Leo next to me was still looking out the window.
"Hey you okay?" I whispered.
He was almost looking for something.
"This is the town."
"What town?" I asked.
"I'll tell you later."

in the middle of cattle stations and big green rolling hills in the distance, we pulled up at the servo (service station or gas station) and all hopped out racing to find the toilet. When we did there was one boys toilet and ones girls, so me and Leo waited while Ritchie and Kate went first. Which gave us a good minute to, well i thought to "talk".
"So what where you saying before in the truck. Leo herd me but decided instead he would grab me by the waist and pull me against him. He was looking into the distance. Thinking.
He sighed and our eyes met. Then in a serious tone he said "wait not yet." 
this was so weird, i hated it when Leo got all sad on me. especially when i had no clue why.

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