#2 a home away from home

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Aunty K walked me in the house. Inside i was welcomed by white walls and wooden polished floors of the dining/living room. A window stretched along the right side of the room. A brown lounge split the area in half, the TV had a movie pursed, and there on the seat was two boys, i recognized one of them as my cousin Richard 14 and some other guy tall, wearing a black shirt and jeans. Aunty K stopped in her steppe to introduce me to these two boys, "oh, Richie this is your cousin Hannah, and this is--" a clear and smooth voice answered, "its Leo." He turned and looked at my with his blue eyes. A little embarrassed that my dark brown hair wasn't brushed and I had not a drop of make up on in front of a guy. Confused aunty K shoved me along "well I'll show Hannah her room then you two can show her around the block. OK?" Richie moaned in discus as I walked up the wooden stair case splitting the Living/dinning room from the timber kitchen. I had noticed a lot of horse pictures hanging up on the walls. I stopped to look at one half way up the stairs, it was a sage like pitcher with three boys ridding horses. I could tell witch one was my dad. His horse was strawberry roan, eating away at the grass. The other two were probably my uncles. The pain throbbing in my heart I straightened me posture, looking back at Aunty K who had noticed my anger. She turned and kept walking up the staircase. We turned right down a hall way, then left on the last door. Aunty K opened the door, "when your parents stayed here before moving this was their room, it was always your dads though." She gestured me to go in then closed the door behind me knowing my urge for 'me time'. 

I walked into a nice sized room, with pale yellow walls and chocolate brown wooden floor, Into the middle was a queen sized bed, covered in white sheets. Into the corner was a corner shaped desk, with a wall built-in book shelf. I found myself standing in front of a timber draw closet. Sitting on top was a photo of my mum and dad doubling on a horse at the creek. I tried to hold in my tears but i hadn't noticed them already poring down my face. Looking in the mirror I saw a lonely girl looking back, why me? How come everyone leaves me? Its not fair anymore. I don't have anyone to love of anyone to love me. Is it my fault for their death?

The same words repeated over and over until it was too much I feel my heart pounding trying to escape my dizzy body. My vision darker the more frightened felt, last thing I saw was the floor hitting it hard as my sharking hands were too weak to pull me up.

Then there was nothing.

This was a mini chapter to keep you interested. If you like it please comment, vote or share ;)
I also wouldn't mind even if this wasn't your thing you read on. :{0
PS in every chapter from now on I will put in a hint for next chapter...
HINT: 'they think their harmless'

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