#21 Inertia's law

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"Pick it up!" I cluck at king as we headed for the first barrel. The worst thing about riding a pleasure horse is that its so hard to make them wanna gallop, and right now, without spurs it was hard enough to get him to canter.
So like a frustrated child I winged and kicked at the lazy chestnut that just decided it was easer to jog around the first barrel. It was shame enough that it was class time and the other girls sat there on their rented horses laughing at me.
"Hannah, would you like to go put your spurs on?" Said Kate trying not to break smile. I nodded, ashamed of myself. Everyone else had barrel horses and ropping horses, so when it came to the mini competitions I was always last in barrels.
I rode past the other girls and they all encouraged words at me to help the anger.
I could see Leo watching me from the back of a grey horse, following my every move, almost examining me.

It was Wednesday now but Saturday still felt like yesterday. Nothing much had happened between me and Leo after that besides watching a scary movie with him at three in the Sunday morning. Nothing much happened at school either, I was worried about gossip spreading, but Leo kept his word and did tell anyone.
Kate and Harriet had become my main two friends at school and we'd play soccer or rugby with the guys.

I dismounted King and he followed me to my hitching rail, where the shiny spurs waited for me. I pulled them on, wiped the sweet from my face and threw my leg over the western saddle. I wondered for a second if they had any English horses here, or maybe they did hunter undersaddle (hunter undersaddle is exactly Luke western pleasure, instead you have English gear and rise troting).
When I made it back to the arena Kate was showing everyone how to guide your horses around the barrels tightly and quickly. She had planned us all to enter into a rodeo in town as a junior rodeo club, competing against other youth riders, but Kate wasn't ready to tell everyone.
We had nine girls in the 'club' and Leo just came along most days. Their aged between the youngest, ten Gibby, to the oldest at sixteen Stephanie who rode a massive quarter horse x Sire, Alex.
Between them is Charley, Gemma, Chloe, Taylor, and along with Harriet, Kate, and I.
So we have enough for a club but most of them have never ridden before and still rode in skinny jeans.
I need to do something about it.

King was much more responsive once the spurs gave me more comand, I remember when I was little in my pony club we would hate on the western people for using spurs when really all they do is make it easier to go because all you have to do is nudge instead of kick.
"Hannah would you like to try again?" Asked Kate "so far Gibby is in the lead and Leo is second, show us what your made of." She smiled.
I look at the adorable Gibby and grind at her politely, then settle my glance on Leo, he smiled back a little too keen.
"Go Hannah!" Yelled Harriet. I pulled up the reigns, leaned forward and pointed kings sight to the first barrel to my left. I was going to use my advantages of a western pleasure horse to ein this.
I tapped his head into an arc making sure that way he would use his hind quarters, then I pushed his back end to the left assuring me that he would pick up with the left lead giving me a easy turn around the barrel.
Kings head tucked under and I felt his back end square up ready to push off.
"When ever your ready." Said Kelly. She had timer poles set up to get the exact time, but I wasn't sure what Gibby made.
"Ready..." I whispered to King, he tensed up.
"Set..." He dropped his head.
"Ha!" I leaned my hands forward tickeled his ribs with the spurs and his hindquarters broke against my yell and he thrusted into the fasted gallop I've ever gotten him to do.
In a couple of seconds we were flying around the first barrel, throwing dust in all directions, wind pushing against my body. Kings legs pursued around and to the next one, I picked up the right reign about mid way and yelled "change!" Like that king new he had to swap leads. It was unsteadying but King had probably never made a flying lead change at such a quick pace. When we made to to the next barrel I wasn't expecting him to lean in so far, so when he did inertia pulled a force to me, while king turned I was lifted out and off the side of the saddle, landing in the deep sand.
I was coughing all the sand out of my mouth, spitting the dirt out of my mouth. When I wipped my eyes I looked up at Kelly who was kneeling down besides me holding kings reigns.
I continued to spit and ship my face while everyone raved about what I just did, "that was great Hannah." Kelly cheered. Frown trying to tel if that was sarcasm "but I feel off." I bluntly imply. She laughed at me empathizing my statement "if you think like an optimistic person you'll get up and say that you only fell of because you where too off balance for how bliddy fast you where going." I giggle no longer feeling embarrassed. Kelly patted my back then whipped my face clean of sand "now your gonna get on there and do the exact same thing, but only time your gonna hold on."
"What, on the horn? Then how am I meant to drive him around the barrels?" She laughed even louder now "no silly, hold on with you legs. And remember to lean into the barrel with him."
I hugged her thankfully, she believed in me.


This time when I went around the first barrel I leaned with king putting all my weight into my thighs.
I could hear everyone cheering and clapping at us to go faster... So we did.
I yelled change once again and King flew then landed on the right lead, getting ready to lean into the second barrel.
This time I pulled my inside hand out and leaned forward to the right, holding on with my thighs.
The cheers grew louder she. We made it all the way around and began to head for the next and final barrel.
I had the wind in my face.
My passion was driving me faster.
No limit to how sharp we turn.
My legs bounded me by my horse.
The sky, blown up in a million colours, I couldn't tell where the ending was headed.
The final bend was complete. And now the stretch home was climbing upon us. My request was for no one to come near of betting me.

The horse came to a stop, but my head still moving like lighting. The adrenaline slowed down letting my vision come clear again. Yet the sound of everyone screaming and cheering went on.
"You all right Hannah!? That was awesome!" Kelly stoked. She patted my leg and all I could do was smile.
All I wanted to do was smile, I had no need or erg to speak so I just whipped up a goofy grin. The girls where all discussing all my pro moves adding sound affects.
Yes I had beaten everyone ealses scores, at 17.8 sec.
Sooner I told everyone how I used his advantages to get better flexibly and speed out of him.
I was sorta like a club caption now.


"...at the time you got you would be just about betting Emily." Estimated Leo as he lay beside me on my bed, watching me type up an assignment.
"You think so?" I squeel.
The day was so tiring after school then that barrel racing comp, all I wanted to do was sleep. But... Leo forced me to stay up and talk to him so Id might of as well finished homework while he was 'talking'.
"Yep! On her old horse she could nearly get eighteen. Oh yeah and I forgo..."

It was dark. I went to get up but something held me down, when I looked I jumped on the spot. A person was next to me, half hugging me. I reached over and turned on the lap switch, only to see Leo. My memory kicked back in and I remembered him closing my laptop and putting on the floor after I dozzed off. He must of fallen asleep next to me, witch in a way I kinda didnt mind.
So I curled back around into the spooning position I was originally in. I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddled away at his arm.
"You mind turning of the lap while your at it." He whispered without moving or opening his eyes.
My heart skipped a beat then I listened to what he asked. And for the rest of the night I was wrapped up in his arm and listened to him snore...


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