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Avery wander her gaze around the whole area. This is nice.

The fresh air is touching her skin and it made her smile.

She feel so contented with her set-up now.

She's been living in this province for so long, Alone. Actually she still has a family but because of their problem she decided to just live here alone where no one will judge her. No one will make her feel so unwanted.

When she aged 16 she instantly left their hectic home town.

And now she's already 19 and still feeling happy with the decision she have made. There's no regret in her.. instead she's proud of herself.

She's so close with the nature. 

The air has blow again making her eyes close in contentment. it makes her hair dance together with it.

Her dress is dancing together with the wind.

Her life isn't that easy.. she has to catch fishes first and then she'll sell it right away to earn money so that she can buy herself some foods.

That's how she make money for herself.

After a minutes of appreciating the nature she finally decided to go home.

She sat tiredly at her chair before closing her eyes.

This day is so tiring!

After she catched fishes she did sell those. She's going back to her house when she encountered a bunch of kids playing happily and unfortunately they accidentally hit her making the food she bought fell. She, again just decided to catch fish again to sell even though she's already tired so that she can earn money again to buy foods and be able to eat. That's how hard her life is. One scratch, one peck.

She tied her long black hair into a ponytail.

Because of exhaustion she almost sleep but her phone suddenly rang.

lacking of energy she reached out for her outdated phone on the top of her table.

She answered it with her eyes closed.

"Avery!" Oh, it's her Best friend Coleen without any doubt.

"What is it?" She asked sleepy.

"I have a problem." Because of what Coleen said she instantly came back to her senses.

"Tell me. I might help." She said full of determination. They're both a one call away friend to each other. She can't bare to see her Best friend sad.

"No you can't. I just called to say Goodbye. This might be the last time that i'll call you." The latter said making her almost drown in her own theory.

She's nervous. 

Why is she saying Goodbye? Is it because of her problem? Is it that huge to make her say goodbye to her?

"You know what? Just tell me that da*n problem of yours and stop talking non sense. You're just making me nervous." She can't help but to be sound so hostile.

This girl is making her slowly lose her patience.

"Alright. I witnessed something no one shouldn't see. I've witnessed a murder scene." 

Oh ghad!

"And now there's a mysterious Organization who's been searching for me. They want to silence me. They want me dead Avery!" The girl started crying.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared. I can't do anything about them. They're powerful, I know sooner or later they'll find me. I can't defend myself. I don't even have money. I can't go outside because they might see me so i can't work. I don't have money. I haven't even eaten for two days. If they didn't find me. I still might die out of starvation Avery." she can sense the misery in her Best friend's voice.

She feel as if her heart is being hit by a hammer.

She want to help her friend. But how?

She's got no money as well.

Her eyes watered. 

She pitied her poor best friend.

Just by imagining her best friend not eating for two days making her heart clench and torn into pieces. This best friend of her is the most dearest she ever had. When the whole world is against her, Coleen is the one who never turn her back at her and even offered her her shoulder. They've both shared the joy and the sorrow together. The up and down.

Coleen's with her even when her own family is hating her and throwing judgement to her, when she's being compare to someone else. She's there, always reminding her how beautiful and outstanding she is. How unique she is. Coleen became her shield in this cruel world.

Maybe it's finally her turn to repay her kindness. 

Money will not be her problem to help Coleen. She'll only use her determination to save her.

For Coleen, She will.

After the Emotional talk with Coleen she started planning for her next step to help her.

She just cooked and instantly eat before she went to her bed.

Tomorrow.. she have to earn a lot.

She'll surely earn a lot of money to travel to the City where her best friend at.

WHEN morning came she quickly packed her things before she went to the sea to catch some fish. She made sure she'll catch a lot of fish so that she'll have her transport cost payment.

It's already noon when she earn the amount of money that is enough for her bus fare.

She slowly massage her forehead when it started to ache. She has a feeling that it's because she still haven't eaten anything since morning.

But she's saving all her money to be able to come in the City.

She sighed heavily, Her sight is also starting to blur.

Maybe she really have to buy something to feed herself or else she just might collapsed in her way later.

After eating a biscuits she quickly ran to the bus station with an excitement starting to build up in her system, It's been a year since she last went to City but no, she shouldn't forget her main reason for coming back to the City and that is to help her dearest friend.

When she reached the station, the last bus almost leave. Luckily, she still managed to stop it and get to it before it even leave.

She secretly prayed.

She opened her phone and dial Coleen. The girl instantly pick up the call making her smile a bit but her smile immediately fade when she heard the woman's sniff.

Is she crying?

"Coleen are you okay? Hang on, What are you feeling?" She worriedly asked.

"I'm afraid of what may come Avery."

The girl sniffed again before subbing.

She don't know how will she stop her best friend from crying when she's also about to cry as well.

"Everything will be okay Coleen. I promise you that."

Hold on Coleen, I will make things right for you. i promise you that. Just hold on..

LUTHER'S AVERY (COMPLETED)✓ English Novel Written By: BlackRed_SatanaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora