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Married couple

Days had passed and they both lived as a married couple.

Uh.. well not really because Luther is always not home.

She don't know why or what it is that keeping him too busy but she won't ask either, yes they're married but only in paper.

But think about it though he isn't there lately,he don't even go to their room but she usually receive a gift. Though Luther aren't usually at home but he always give her what she needs and even what she wants. He always gives her the best.

She don't know that Luther is actually this nice.

She's not asking for anything yet but he's already giving it to her. She's such a lucky woman indeed.

She can't usually sleep properly since she just came back from U.S and she's still adjusting. Time there and here is different.

He didn't even bother to visit her. But why would he?

She, of course felt a little disappointed because of it and she don't know why. Good thing that she has Bubbie Selsa to take away the boredom she's feeling.

She pouted when Bubbie Selsa came from somewhere she don't know since she's too spaced out.

"Avery you have a gift from your husband!"The old woman shouted, all grinned.

"A.. Gift?"Her eyes widened.

"Yes child, a gift."

The old woman handed her a key.

"Come, follow me."She silently obliged.

She's surprised when they went outside. Luther forbid her to go outside saying that it's dangerous. It's not her nature to ask so she just did as he said. Stay inside.

Her mouth formed-O when she spotted a huge,shiny black Ferrari in front of them. Is it what she's talking about?

The old lady seemed to read her mind.

"Yeah, that's his gift for you, did you liked it?"She's still dumbfounded right at the moment.

Of course who wouldn't be shock if they received such thing like it as a gift.

She once heard from Coleen that Ferrari is the most expensive car In the whole world. She shouldn't be shock because she's aware that she just married a rich man but she just can't help it.

"I like it."She smiled at the lady when she finally snapped back to reality.

"And another good news is that Luther will go home later. You wouldn't be missing him so much anymore. I knew you're missing him Avery. You're eyes said so."

Does... that really true?

Does her eyes really say so?

"I heard that it's bulletproof."The woman said while glancing at the Ferrari car.

"Why didn't he just choose the non-bulletproof one Bubbie?"

"For your safety of course.. Let's get inside now yes?"

"Ahh.. right, let's get inside."

She's thinking deeply about what the woman just said.

Does he really care for her safety? What is wrong with him really?

Actually, she must be dead by now because she claimed her best friend's mistake a years ago but still... Here she is. Stayed alive and healthy.

When she was still in U.S the servants only serve her vegetables, fruits and some healthy foods. Because that's the order from the master they said.

So does that mean he really care for her welfare? But why? Is she really that important to him? Or why is she that important to him?

"Do you want to stay here while I'm cooking or you'll just stay at your room?"

"I'll just stay at my room bubbie." The woman just nod and continue what she's doing.

She went upstairs and went straightly at their room.

She layed down the bed and smelled the pillow that possess Luther's manly scent.

Until she fell asleep..

She woke up because of that weird feelings as if someone is staring at her and that stare is making her feel uneasy. That kind of stare is making her feel as if she's burning.

"L-Luther.."She spoke unaware.

She spotted the man sitting on a chair just near the bed while deeply looking at her. Darkly.

She quickly fixed herself. She realized that her night dress is slightly swinged, showing her delicate skin from her shoulder. Also her breasts is a little visible.

Why didn't Luther wake her?

How long has he been there?

For how long has he been staring at her.

'Ahhh this is so embarrassing!"

"Ahm.. hi."She smiled at him. This is so awkward.

Why is he just there looking at her?

"You should eat now."He said then got up.

"W-Where are you going!?"Oh heck she accidentally said it!

"To work."His eyes went down to her breasts.

"I'm going now."

So he's going? But did he just waited for her to wake up? Why didn't he just waked her?

She don't want to admit it but she really missed his face. And his scent.

His scent from his pillow isn't enough for her. She's just so addictive to his scent.

"C-can you stay a little?" Damn! She really don't mean to voice that out!

She can't read his reaction. He just sit next to her silently.

Extremely awkward!

"U-Uh, Are you tired.. do.. do you want me to massage you?" The man just looked at her and she felt as if all her blood just went up her face. She's sure that she's as red as the tomato now!

"Yeah.. Massage your husband."He seriously said without any trace of smile from his face. Doesn't he knew how to smile?

She fixed her dress before she went behind him. She secretly smelled him.

"Damn woman, that's tickling me." Her eyes widened. So he knew?!

She hid behind him and slowly massage his shoulder. She's too embarrassed to show him her tomato like face!

Her hands slowly went down to his bicep.

Frankly, her hands is shaking and she hopes that he didn't notice it but of course she knew that he do. It's too obvious.

His bicep is as hard as a rock!

"Did you... Liked my gift for you wife?"She looked at him. He stopped her from massaging him.

To her surprise he carried her to his lap.

She don't know what to do.

She avoided his gazed.

"I do. Thank you."She smiled at him.

"Anything for my wife."He said without smiling but that's enough to make her heart go crazy. She smiled at him.

She realized that she's no longer feeling afraid towards her husband.

And where is her grudges towards him again? She can't feel any grudge at him now.

He pulled her body against his even more and she's surprised that she still feeling so comfortable. No talking between them. It's silent but surprisingly because the atmosphere doesn't seem awkward anymore.

And what is it that she's feeling? Is it... Contentment?

She unconsciously placed her face against his hard chest.

She feels so safe with his arm..

Oh God this is bad!

LUTHER'S AVERY (COMPLETED)✓ English Novel Written By: BlackRed_SatanaWhere stories live. Discover now