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I'll think about it

SHE gazed at the ceiling thinking about how did she came here?

She can still remember that she fell asleep while reading in the library and now she's here in Luther's room with his muscled hand wrapped around her waist.

How the heck did it happen?

Though, She wants to get away but she can't. Every time she's trying to break free from his hold he's always pulling her back as well.

Since he left her no choice she just stopped from breaking from his tight hold.

She pouted.

Never in her whole that she ever been this intimate with a man.

But why does she feel so safe and in peace with his arm all of the sudden?

This is crazy!

She just met this guy just a few days ago but she's already used to be hold by him this instant.

Because of wanting to stop this stupid feelings building up inside her for this handsome monster she decided to do her very best to break from his hold and she succeed.

She instantly went downstairs to see bubbie. She need someone to talk to.

This feeling is not good. She's sure about that.

She realized just now that this feeling she's feeling didn't occur just now.

Because from the very first day she saw his cold gray eyes she started to like him without her awareness. She thought that it's just a simple attraction but who is she fooling? Of course it's not just that. She like him and she has to stop that. She must do that before it became uncontrollable.

"Bubbie! Bubbie!"She called making the old woman come running to her all sweat.

"What is it Avery?"She nervously asked making her frown.

What's happening to her? Why does she look so nervous?

"Ahm nothing."She said confused.

"What!? You called me for nothing?"The woman exclaimed.

"Y-yes hehe."The old woman shook her head before looking at her in disbelief.

"I was worried sick because you sounded urgent. I thought something emergency happened you scared me Avery!"She pouted as bubbie continue scolding her when a built of a topless man caught her attention. The man is walking to their direction while his cold stares is fixed on hers.

"Good thing that you're now here Luther. I'm also about to wake you up, Both of you but i was distracted i forgot what i'm going to do."Bubbie said before she shook her head.

The man just nod at bubbie before he went to her side.

"Where did you go? I woke up without you beside me."He asked chilly as he looked intently at her.

Why is he asking her that question? Does it even concern him? 

She believe not. 

Bubbie didn't mind them. The woman just went straight to the kitchen and prepare the plates.

She looked bravely at him but deep inside she's shaking. She just realized that she like him and now she's here talking face to face with this tattooed man in front of her.

"W-why did you brought me to your room?"The man frown at her question.

"What's wrong with it? You're going to be my wife so i don't something wrong with it."He said coldly. Her eyes started to watered. Her mouth trembled.

"I thought i'll give me freedom to choose."The man looked at her coldly.

"I believe i already gave you your freedom. You owe me your life. I will not kill you regardless of what you saw in exchange of you being my wife. I think i was generous enough to give you freedom when i can actually do what i want without being nice to you. And i believe that you don't want to lose your life right? I'm sure you'll be wise unschuldiges Mädchen."He coldly said before he left her. Dumbfounded.

He's right, Yes as promised he gave her freedom to choose.

Between her life and his proposal.

And of course she want to live. She want to keep living. Who doesn't want to live right?

Now she already made her decision. 

For her best friend and for her life she'll agree to marry him. She'll not lose anything and she can even continue her life. She can keep living.

Luther is right. She have to be wise. She need to think wisely and to choose wisely. But still he's a monster. Yes he gave her freedom but not really because he also leave her no choice.

So he's still obviously forcing her.

AFTER they done eating she participate to be the one to wash the dishes. 

Bubbie helped her a lot already and she couldn't ask for more.

After she washed the dishes she decided to go to her room to get a little sleep but to her surprise she was welcomed by a hot back on her room.

It's Luther and he's still topless.

Is he always like that? Does he really like to flaunt his great build body that much?

He's showing off his hotness in front of her and she don't know how to react.

She turned her gaze upon the AC.

She frown. It is open so why does she feel so hot all of the sudden?

"You've been looking at my tattoo for a minute straight. You like my tattoo that much?"He asked emotionless.

She's still wondering if when will he finally think of showing some emotion?

She's just curious how he look when he's smiling.

But no. It's better if he'll stay that way. She don't want her feelings to be severe. She's sure that he'll look incredibly handsome when he smile and she might fall even more. She fall hardly which she has to avoid because he's not good for her. He's heartless and dangerous. He kill for fun. He's a monster.

And he wants her best friend dead. She hate everyone who hate her best friend. Specially those who want to harm her.

"What are you thinking you're spacing out again unschuldiges Mädchen."Her forehead furrowed. He call her that way again. What does it really mean?

"W-What are you doing here?"She asked trembling. She's kinda scared of him she won't deny it anymore. He's dangerous and he kills when he want to. That's what her best friend said and she trust her. Luther might kill her when he want to and she can't do anything about it.

"Nothing just checking on you."He noticed that she's trembling in fear.

He hold her shoulder to calmed her but her body trembled even more. He whispered.

"Don't be scared. I don't have plan of hurting you."He reassured her. His voice is still cold yet soft this time.

Funny but she really calmed that instant. What is it about his voice that can calm her instantly?

She can't understand herself she's scared to his touch yet she want to be touch by him too.

LUTHER'S AVERY (COMPLETED)✓ English Novel Written By: BlackRed_SatanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon