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Final battle

LUTHER'S guards looks as if they're ready to die just for them, As if they're ready to fight until they die. She wondered what he did to make them this loyal to him. It must took him a lot of time.

Luther already got Bubbie Selsa here in Coleen's house. Yeah they're still here.

She and Coleen are talking as well as the two man who's seriously talking as they ready themselves for the battle.

She's kind of nervous. She's not good at fighting and Debory is mad at her so surely there'll be no mercy for her..

"My daughter.." She's shocked at the revelation! She just learnt the fact that her best is the one that Bubbie Selsa's talking about before, her long lost daughter.

"M-mom!" Coleen cried in her mother's arm. She felt jealous. She wished her mom care for her too. "Thank you for taking care of my best friend mom. She's important to me. She's all I got when I've got nothing. When everyone turned their back at me she's the only one who stayed and I guess it's finally my time to return that love." She can't help but to cry.

She's even shocked to see that Coleen is now so good at fighting! Before Coleen doesn't want anything aside from partying.

Luther left her in Coleen's watch. She felt so useless. All of them will fight just to protect her while she's here couldn't do anything for herself! Coleen took her two gun as she locked the door.

"I told you.. I'll definitely pay you back someday. And that day finally come my dearest friend. Let me be the one to protect you now." Coleen grinned but she saw a single tear went out from her eyes. Her one call away friend..

Coleen hand her a little pistol.

"Your beloved husband asked me to give you that.. he wants to be the one to give it but he don't think he could now.." What does she mean?

She stare at the window. She can see how heavy the rain is. The rain came in a wrong time. Won't it will make everything difficult for Luther? She felt worried.

She doesn't know anything about the plan of the two man. Luther just want her to hide. She's with Bubbie and Coleen. They're are in a hidden place. Both of them are protecting her, she also have a pistol but she's just not as good as them. She doesn't want this but she also couldn't afford to see Luther mad at her when he return.

Every seconds she's becoming more worried. Her worries doubled time by time.

All she know is that by now... Luther and Cole are probably fighting now. Cole is the name of blue green eyed guy, the man of Coleen.

She couldn't take it! She'll find Luther! She can't let her husband do this alone!

But what can she do? She's not good at fighting. Coleen is also the one who thought her how to use gun. She don't even know how to use her own pistol!

She looked at her right arm and saw that her bracelet is missing. No it's missing it's just that Luther asked for it. He asked for it and she's wondering why.. Does he likes her bracelet? Isn't he also the one who gave it to her?

But her heart melted when she heard her reason.

He said that he wants to take it to the battle so when he start to feel hopeless he'll just stare at it and he'll feel as if she's just there.. and she's not away.

She hugged her pistol. That's the very first fighting weapon her husband gifted her. She felt as if it's the sign that Luther is really opening his world to her. His dangerous and full of chaos world that she will be very happy to be part of.

"You obviously don't look so much in love with your husband really." Coleen sarcastically said as she sat next to her. She's all alarmed even though she's teasing her.

"Coleen... Don't tease her anymore." Bubbie said.

Coleen shrugged.

"I just want her to forget her worries for a while." She looked at her.

Coleen pouted before she held her hand.

"Don't worry.. you'll be okay. We'll do everything we can to keep you safe and my godchild." She smiled.

"W-Will my husband be alright?" Coleen sighed.

"Honestly I'm not sure, It's a real battle he's been facing Avery so you have to understand. It's either they won or they lose. Let's just trust them." Yeah she'll trust Luther. She'll trust her husband that he'll come back for her and their child. She caress her tummy.

Your daddy will be fine..

Honestly she wants to help Luther but she knew she couldn't. She'll just pray for him to go back here safely. She'll just trust her husband's ability.

Her phone rang making her almost run to get it and answer it in thoughts that's it is Luther since it's only him who knew her number aside from Coleen.

"Damn, I'm getting nervous every passing seconds." Coleen whispered to herself as she looked at Cole's photo in her phone. Looks like she forgot that she's still here. Coleen is spacing out.

Who wouldn't? The men they love are both in a dangerous battle. They might win or they might lose. And losing means death.

Her eyes widened when she saw a picture of Luther while head is bleeding nonstop. Her phone fell as she fell on her knees.

"W-What-- Why--" Coleen stopped and bit her own lip when she stare at the picture. Who sent it!?

She looked at Coleen as she cries loudly. She's already sobbing.

"M-My husband.. Coleen! My husband is wounded severely! He's bleeding, he's sufferin---"

"Shh.." Coleen hugged her, stopping her from crying.

Her best friend stopped her from histerically crying saying that it's bad for the baby.

"He might be in mortuary now.. And the battle is surely done. Everything went smoothly as it planned."

"W-What plan?!"

"We have to accept it. He already planned this.. that he'll save you no matter what even if it costs him his life. I'm sorry for your loss best friend.."

LUTHER'S AVERY (COMPLETED)✓ English Novel Written By: BlackRed_SatanaWhere stories live. Discover now