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"Guten Morgen gnädige Frau"The voices of the royal maid filled the whole room as they greeted her in unison. She just smiled at them as she walks passed them.

Finally after a long time her husband finally want her back. Early in the morning, just an hour ago when he called her, saying that she's going to the Philippines now. Finally after 5 years!

She went to the table. One of the servants pulled chair for her. Though she always tell them that they don't need to but they're always so insistent. She just got used to it. Again, the table is full of foods again as if there's a fest.

She ate happily while a countless servant is watching her.

She don't know if she'll ever be used to this one.

The servants has already packed the stuffs she'll need in the Philippines for her.

Before the noon where the time prepared for her flight came she decided to wander around the city. She'll miss it surely.

She's at the coffee shop with a 5 bodyguards near her. Up until now she's still wondering why they are being so secured. It's way too much isn't it?

Actually, she even did her best to have Lorelei let her have only 5 bodyguards with her when almost 20 bodyguards is ordered to go with her.

She sipped her hot coffee while watching the people outside.

There's also birds happily chirping while some kids are riding their bicycles on their way to their school.

There's a young happy couples and also old sweet couples doing all lovey-dovey in the side of the street.

Everything is peaceful.. And perfect.

The life she ever dreamt to have.

And now that the reality of her life is slowly coming back again she can't help but to be a little sad, but the good thing is finally she's about to meet her bestfriend again after a couple of years!

She's pretty sure that Coleen is okay wherever she's at though she's quite sure that she's worried of her but what she did is still for the best.

She saved her in exchange of her freedom but that's what friendship should be right? Friendship is when you can do everything just to make your bestfriend happy, you'll do your very best just to get her away from her misery. She just made her part as Coleen's bestfriend and she's very happy to do that.

"Die gnädige Frau. The time has come. We should go."One of her bodyguard whispered. She nod.

"Yes, thank you for informing me,we... Really should go now I guess."She stand up and look around the place for a seconds again before heading out from the Caffè.

She'll definitely going to go back to this stress free place.. Soon.

"It's an honour to be your servant Madam. We're very happy to have serve you gnädige Frau (Madam). Until you go back again, die gnädige Frau (Milady)."Said by Lorelie and for the first time she happen to witness her smile. Soon all of the servants in line smiled at her warmly. She felt the extreme sense of belongingness as she can't help herself but to hug them one by one. Lastly Lorelei.

She thought before that they're robot since they aren't smiling. They never smile and now, they proved her wrong.

She became teary as she bid her goodbye to those kind people who welcomed her with such kindness.

She knew herself. She's not that strong. She's the emotional type just like what Coleen always say.

The helicopter arrived just in time.

She's a little shocked but not that shocked since she's already fully aware that her husband's power is no joke.

"Madam please get in."She did as said.

The ride went good. It is smooth as butter.

"The lady was delivered safely boss. You don't have to worry about her. You're about to see her. Just wait a minute.. Chill a little."The pilot said as he guide her inside the wide mansion where Bubbie Selsa is patiently waiting for her.

When the old woman saw her she instantly hugged her happily as she starts to tell about how her day went and She listened attentively.

She could say that the old woman's age became more visible. She aged a lot. Well, it's been five years.

"Are you already excited to see your husband? You've been so quiet since you came, also your eyes tell honestly that it's looking for someone."She teased.

Did she really do that? Is she really looking for Luther?

"Don't worry he's just upstairs. He'll come down soon child."She unknowingly nod her head. The woman giggled. Her eyes widen after she realised what she just did.

"Oh silly, Come here I've prepared lots of food for you. You must be famished by now."The woman started to walk towards the dining room. She's about to follow when something pulled her towards somewhere full of darkness.

"You're here. Welcome home my doll..."

The familiar scent went to her nostril.

"You became lovelier."

And you became more hotter.

She's having her mouth salivating just by the sight of him. She's still speechless but little did he know that she's already saying a lot about him in mind. All praises goes to him.

"Aren't you going to say anything?"His coldness didn't change. She felt disappointed. She thought that he already changed even just a little.

"I heard.. You enjoyed yourself too much in the state, good for you."

Yeah and you just cut it.

"And i also heard that you're already very good at speaking German Meine Frau (My wife). Very good."

She gulped when he lowered his face just in the same level of her face.

Later on she just felt a cold yet soft thing put against her lips.

It is just fast but hard.. unforgettable kiss. After the kiss he looked at her straightly in the eyes. The coldness didn't fade.

"I forgot to kiss you after you signed the marriage paper before just like what husband should do.. so i decided to pull you here to compensate you Meine Frau."He said without any trace of emotion visible in his handsome face.

"You shoud eat now. You can go now your Bubbie Selsa must be looking for you in all space of this house."

She blinked lots of times before she finally stopped herself from being dumbfounded. She left the room wordless.

LUTHER'S AVERY (COMPLETED)✓ English Novel Written By: BlackRed_SatanaWhere stories live. Discover now