Hello Samaira

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Samaira's POV

I am in my room right now, getting ready for bed. It has been a quite tiring and surprising day. Me moving here, Blake's drama, Ivaan showing up, him announcing his marriage, and then last but not the least, them revealing their plan about marrying in California. Sure, California is a lovely place. But if you are planning a destination wedding, would you rather marry in Italy, Mauritius, etc., but California?

When we asked them why here, they said no particular reason. They just wish to marry here. I still don't understand what sort of answer that was.

When I was about to lay down, someone knocked on my door. Ah, who is it now? I want to sleep, ugh. I get up, open the door and it seems like surprises aren't over yet.

"Blake? What are you doing here? You didn't go home yet?", I asked all the questions together.

After we discussed the wedding, Laura went home but Blake stayed back because Ivaan wanted to talk to him. I guessed he might have left by now.

"Not quite pleased to see me?", Blake asks, not even responding to any one of my questions.

"At midnight? No, not at all. You see, I love my sleep, and right now you are the obstacle between us", I replied.

"Oh, I see, sorry about that. But I just wanted to say goodnight before departing", he said.

"Okay then, goodnight", I say quickly so that he leaves. Even at night, the man looks like a greek god. And if I desire to sleep, I'll have to forget about him and for that, he needs to leave now.

"Goodnight, Samaira", he says, I nod and shut the door.

The next morning, I go down for breakfast after getting ready for work, Laura and Blake are already present.

"Good morning guys", I say cheerfully.

"Sammy, thank god you are finally here", Siara voices. Huh? Am I too late? But it's just 8 in the morning.

"Am I late? How long have you all been waiting?", I ask.

"No, you are not late. We too just arrived", Laura responded.

"So Siara, what do you mean?", I ask Siara and raise my eyebrows questioningly.

"Ask Laura", she says and frowns.

"Laura?", I scrutinize her now.

"Uh, well, I told you guys about Brien remember?", she asked.

"You told us about him yesterday not years ago. Of course, I remember."I reply. What's wrong with her.

"I never proposed to him. He isn't my boyfriend, just a friend yet", she said and tried to hide behind Ivaan. I started laughing.

Laura came out from hiding and gave me a dazed look so did Siara. Only Ivaan and Blake had smiles plastered on their faces.

"Wasn't that quite obvious?", I said and started laughing again. Blake and Ivaan chuckled.

"You used the term "crush" for a reason right. You never said he is your boyfriend", I continued.

"Hey Siara", Blake began.

"Yes?", Siara questioned.

"You're a fucking idiot", Blake stated and smirked.

"Yes! God, you frightened me Siara", Laura said.ok

"Sorry", Siara expressed.

I wasn't confused anymore. I understood what might have happened. Laura must have come to articulate to us about the crush and boyfriend thing and like always Siara must have overreacted. She is bad at analyzing things. That's why she couldn't see through the "crush" thing.

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