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It's a romantic morning for Samaira and Blake in Paris, who are on their honeymoon.

"Blake, stop! We need to get out of this bed and go explore. And click pictures!" Samaira pushes him. Blake pouts, "Honeymoons are for sex you know." Samaira laughs, "Who the hell told you that? Let's get ready!" Blake smirks, "We are bathing together. No further arguments. We are husband and wife."


"Yes, husband. And you are my wife. And I love you so much."

Samaira jumps on top of the bed with excitement, "I'm married to the love of my life! Yay! I'm married! I am a wife! You are my husband!." And then she pounces on Blake. He effortlessly catches her. Samaira leans back and gazes at Blake adoringly. "Who knew a successful and scary businesswoman could be a kid too." Samaira smirks, "Oh, you've no idea what all I can be, Mr. Mendes." He grabs her tight, "If you keep flirting, we'll never be able to get out of this room, Mrs. Mendes." She giggles.

In the bathtub, Samaira peacefully leans back on Blake. "All of this is so amusing, isn't it?" Samaira asks. "What is amusing, Mrs. Mendes?" Blake questions. "Our lives. A year ago, we were fighting every now and then. Our past haunted us. The tension between us was unbearable, even for others. But here we are now, married, happy, living our life."

Blake nods, "And there's Ivaan and Siara. Happily married with a newborn baby. Who would have imagined? Especially Siara. She's such a good mother to their daughter."

"And Laura and Brien? They are getting married soon! Laura wasn't the type who'd get married and then Brien came along. He's such an amazing soul. I love him so much. He makes Laura so happy." Blake nods, "I've never seen Laura so happy before. Brien really is heaven for her. Not to mention, he's my best friend too now." Samaira laughs, "Right."

"Oh, oh. Not forgetting my best friend. He found a girl! Finally! Our wedding really was a lucky charm for him," Samaira says. "Who was that girl again?" Blake asks.

"CEO of Trendz."

"That world's best fashion company?"

"That's the one."

"Andre's lucky."

"Hey! Andre's way more successful than her. And he looks amazing! She's the lucky one."

"Alright, ma'am." Samaira chuckles.

Back in California

Laura and Brien are with their wedding planner. Deep in a discussion about the location.

"Should we have a destination wedding?" Laura asks. "Whatever you want, baby," Brien says. Laura blushes. "Hey! It's your wedding too,' Laura says. "But I trust your choices," Brien says as a matter of fact. Laura smiles, "That's sweet of you. But I'd like to have your opinions too." Brien nods, "Alright."

"This is wonderful, isn't it?" Laura asks.

"What is?"

" A year ago, I was scared to even ask you out. And now, we are planning our wedding. Who would have thought?"

" I'm madly in love with you, Laura."

"I'm madly in love with you too, Brien. Thank you for coming into my life."

"The pleasure is all mine."

In India

"Anaya, love, please stop crying," Ivaan tells his daughter lovingly. Siara chuckles, "You do realize that she's stubborn like you, right?" Ivaan frowns, "Look Anaya, Mumma is making fun of me. We should not talk to her for the next 2 hours," Siara laughs, and Ivaan smiles.

"Everything worked out, Iv."

"It did, Si"

"I am so fucking grateful for our life."

"Hey! Don't say the f-word in front of Anaya."

Siara chuckles, "Alright, dada. I won't."

Ivaan smiles.

In the end, it worked out for everyone. Everyone's living their life happily.

Samaira and Blake's story is finally completed. A happily ever after. The 18-year-old boy and the 15-year-old girl would have been really happy. Everything was worth it. They once again proved that love can overcome any obstacle. They had a painful past, and an intimidating present, and will have a wonderful future. They fell in love and it's incredible

 After all, fall is not such a bad word. They fell in love to truly understand each other. The one who falls the most learns the most. Fall is a good word. One should fall on the ground, one should fall from the bicycle and one should fall in love. It'll all be worth it.

                                                                                 ***THE END***


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