Act 25

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"Y/N! I can't believe it's you!" Y/M cries, holding her arms out.

"What brings you here?" Y/N asks coldly.

"Now, now. No need to be hostile! It's been fifteen years. Can't we be happy our daughter has finally come home?" Y/M tries, her arms falling to her sides.

"Happy? You don't care that I'm home. You care about being able to continue living your lives. You don't give a damn about me," Y/N spits back.

"That is no way to speak to your mother! You earned your banishment young lady," Y/F barks.

"I didn't earn shit! I was trying to better our world and you shoved me away! Well guess what?! I was fucking right! All creatures can coexist together!" Y/N snarls at him.

"Which we now understand. Now we can rule over all creatures!" Y/M cries. "You can help us understand what it means to live with everyone peacefully!"

"Your country is merging with Russia and I'm helping ensure that path. You are no longer welcome to rule," Y/N informs them.

"I will be taking control over your country. You may remain in this castle but unless you actually run you will not have any political power," Pavel explains.

"We don't want to hear shit from someone who doesn't belong here. Y/N, you're being unreasonable! We can continue ruling. All you have to do is say yes!" Y/M cries.

"My answer is no. I already have a life waiting for me," Y/N growls out.

"What? Being a whore?" Y/D snarls.

"I'll have you know that I'm rather good at it," Y/N smiles coldly. "You two dug your grave the day you sold me off."

"You had to know what life was. You were a pampered brat and needed to learn your place," Y/D spits back.

"Taking away my home was enough! Taking away my innocence as well?! That was uncalled for," Y/N snaps back.

"Oh please. Obviously you enjoyed it. Look what you're doing. Fucking every world leader out there. We've heard the news," Y/D snorts.

"You have heard the rumors and gossip. I thought you two were smart enough not to believe that shit," Y/N fires back.

"What were we supposed to believe? You're whoring yourself out. A stripper of all things? How far you have fallen," Y/M sighs.

"It's your fault! Both of you! You banished me and sold me to a sex ring! I simply made a living off of what I was good at!" Y/N snarls back. "If all you're going to do is criticize and insult me then you may leave. You don't belong here anymore."

"You can't kick us out. This is OUR home! You can leave," Y/D barks.

"Try and take the throne back. I dare you," Y/N hisses.

"You no longer have a place here. I suggest you take your final leave before I banish you from your country just as you banished your daughter," Pavel warns with a soft growl.

"You stay out of this! You don't belong here. This is OUR country. You won't be taking shit!" Y/D snarls, pulling a gun from his jacket.

"Queen Y/N!" One of the guards cries, tackling Y/D to the floor and sending the gun flying.

Y/M quickly grabs it, her hands shaky as she aims it at Y/N.

"No one move or I'll put a bullet in her head!" Y/M screams. "This is OUR home. No one else's."

"Mother," Y/N growls in warning.

"Shut up! Just shut up! You're a rotten brat who earned her banishment and now you're trying to come in and decide what's best for the country?! You don't deserve to be called queen!" She screams, her hand shaking hard.

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