Act 27

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Splendor is startled awake by a screaming Y/N, her body jerking up as she gasps out for breath, her cheeks soaked in tears as her hands fly to her neck, her heart pounding in her chest. Splendor is quick to respond when she doubles over the side of the bed, providing a trash can as she vomits whatever is in her stomach. Her body shakes hard as it struggles for breath between the vomiting and sobbing, Splendor gently wiping her mouth before he pulls her into a hug. She clutches his suit tight in her hand as she cries, trembling hard as she tries desperately to come down from what Splendor assumed was a nightmare. Splendor just sits with her and rubs gentle circles on her back, speaking to her gently until she's finally able to breathe semi-normal and is no longer throwing up.

"What happened?" He presses, gently wiping her mouth with a tissue and guiding her to lay back.

"I...I...I d-dre-dreamed I w-wa-was b-b—behe-beahed," She manages to get out, her eyes shut hard as she tries to focus on her breathing.

"It's okay, only a nightmare. Your kingdom is safe and so are you," Splendor assures. "You're back home where you're meant to be."

"I don't know anymore Splendor. I don't know if I made the right choice. Everyone is going to hate me if it doesn't go smoothly! Everyone will hate me, then they'll leave, and I'll be all alone again!" She cries out as she clutches her hair. "Maybe I should go back. I think I might love Slender but maybe it's just not meant to be. I'm meant to be alone. He'll find someone way better and I'll forget him to be a good ruler!"

"Y/N that's not true! You deserve to live the life you desire! You don't need to lead the country! Pavel has it taken care of and everyone accepted it! There will always be angry people wherever you go but don't let those few dictate your life," Splendor explains. "Live how you want to live. I'll never leave you, Y/N. I swear."

"Why? I'm not worth the trouble," She hisses softly.

"You helped me so much starting up my own town! It went from rundown to bustling with life! You have a way with people Y/N! A very special way! You know how to take care of people which is very important," Splendor explains. "Please, don't look down on yourself so much. You truly are amazing."

Y/N sniffles softly, releasing the hold on her hair when Splendor gently guides her hands away. He gently pulls her into his lap and holds her much like he would a crying toddler. He rubs her back gently and lets her bury her face in his chest as she grips his shirt. He begins to hum a soft melody to her as he holds her, carefully pushing into her head where a million thoughts are going on. He eases himself into her head as he hums, letting it take over her mind and all of the thoughts invading her brain. He listens as her heart beat slows along with her breathing, her form completely relaxing in his arms. He lets out a soft sigh and rests back against the pillows, his mind wandering to his brother.

His reception wasn't exactly polite but Y/N saw something in him. Something no one else has ever seen or else she wouldn't be sticking around. She was giving up something she wanted when he first met her. She never talked about it but when she was freed by Offender she tried contacting her family for the first two years as she was fighting the monster and human war. Over and over again she would find a way to get a hold of the castle but all calls were ignored. She didn't know it but all letters and packages she sent were burned, emails sent straight to the trash, all of it being destroyed. Splendor knew, he checked the castle while everyone was busy and not a trace of her was to be found except in her old room. All of her old clothes and jewelry but nothing else.

She probably had an idea of it but she never mentioned it to anyone. She probably thought about the fact it was eight years ago so she should be over the fact! She felt like that a lot. She needed to forgive and forget as soon as possible because holding a grudge meant heartbreak all over again. Probably why she still latched onto Slender even after their first few meetings. Despite how poorly he'd did it he made efforts to keep seeing her, made efforts to give her things she liked, and even if he didn't like it Slender still encouraged her with her job. He was cold and uptight but even he wasn't completely inhuman. Splendor gently shushes Y/N when she begins to squirm and struggle, entering her sleeping mind and chasing away the nightmares again. She was scared and her body was responding to it. They would need to stay with her at least a few days to make sure she was okay. At least, Splendor intended to do just that but figured his brothers would follow after.

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