Chapter 2

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After their classes Type and No had their lunch. No noticed that Type was upset. "Hey knock it off type you'll find someone", said No. Type just nodded.

Yeah Type was so desperately wanted to be in a relationship.

Type walked to his house where he lived with his brother  Tee and his wife Luna. His parents lived in another town. Type and his brother lived in a small individual house.

Once Type had his dinner he entered his room and scrolled through instagram and all he saw was his college mates relationship's exhibit. "Seriously how did these guys end up dating", thought Type scrolling through some pictures.  " when will Ido such things", thought type.

There were pictures and videos of couple pouring out their love. "when will I get a man", thought Type, yeah he was gay and his family accepted that.

Type was greatly influenced by these relationships exhibited on social media by college mates and celebrities and that lead to this craving for a relationship.

As time passed he didn't feel like sleeping he kept thinking about how his man would look like and how would it be like to be intimate with him which made him blush.

Slowly his body heated up and slowly he started touching himself but stopped in the midway as he felt there is not any right one to fantasize about while touching himself and later slept.

The next day Type was sitting in their library while his professor called him and handed over bunch of files, "Take them to Prof. Rung's office, they needed to be reviewed soon.", said the Prof. Type nodded and reached Department of Industrial Engineering.

He knocked on Prof. Rung's office there was voice which said," Prof is not here but you can come in",.

Type entered and was awestruck to see a man infront of him.

Type entered and was awestruck to see a man infront of him

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"Yes you're N'Type right", said the elder. "y.. Yeah... Prof. Pe sent me", said Type handing over files to Tharn while staring at him.

"I'm Tharn, Prof. Rung told me collect the files.", said Tharn. But there was no response from Type, he was just staring at Tharn from head to toe which actually made Tharn feel weird.

"Hey nong, are you alright", asked Tharn with a curious look.

"ahem nothing Phi.. M going ", said Type with a stupid smile.

"By the way Phi what's your full name", asked Type. " Tharn Melrose, PhD candidate", said Tharn.

"Oh I'm Type kanawut", said Type and left the place.

Exciting the office Type was all awestruck and blushing. ' Is he the one ' thought Type as his heart raced.

One week had passed, Type was still thinking about Tharn and fantasized about him all the time.

It was night, Type was scrolling through Tharn's Instagram account yeah he was stalking Tharn online.

'What would it like to be intimate with him' thought Type which made him go red in a jiffy. 'Would he pamper me like that guy who pampered his girlfriend in that series', With those thoughts Type drifted off to sleep.

All the week No actually noticed Type to be in his world always smiling, "So what's happening?", asked No. "Nothing ", said clearing his throat. No sharpened his eyes toward Type staring at him. "Alright alright I have crush on someone no no.... Actually I like someone", said Type with a little hesitant voice.

"Whoa whoa..... Really finally your not single", said No.

"It's not like that I like him but I haven't confessed yet", said Type.

"Okay.... Who is he ", asked No. Type showed Tharn's picture.

On see the picture No almost jumped, "Dude that's Melrose ",said No. "Wait how did you know his name", asked Type.

"Really he is the one of smartest students of our university and he is P'Thanya's elder brother Tharn", said No.

"Yeah i came to he is Thanya's elder brother through his instagram acc.", said Type.

"So how are you going to approach him", asked No. " I don't know maybe I'll befriend him first and then slowly make a move", said Type.

"Type he is much older than us is that okay with you ", asked No.

"Yeah m totally fine", said Type with dreamy eyes.

On the other hand, Tharn met his friend Korn at a cafe which Korn owned. "Hey Tharn whatsup wanna go on date with me", said Korn laughing out loud. " do you wanna me to say this knock", said Tharn. And Both laughed.

"So what is it?", asked Korn. "I think i like a guy", said Tharn blushing.

"OMG OMG.... oh no... Finally finally my buddy likes someone.. Wait wait did I hear it right", asked Korn. Tharn nodded yes.

"So how did you know that you liked him I mean you are so shy when it comes to (mouthing) adult stuff", said Korn.

"Hey its not like that, i think i like him like I want to be with him..", said Tharn.

"You know what Thara I love you so much but If that guy hurts you I'll beat the shit out of him", said Korn.
Korn and Knock were the only people who knew Tharn was gay.

"Have you asked him out like anything", asked Korn. "I don't know.. Can you help me?", asked Tharn.

"Awww sure cutie", said Korn pinching Tharn's cheeks. While Tharn slapped his hand away which made both laugh.

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