Chapter 14

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"P'THARN........... ", screamed Type. 

Tharn wore his clothes grunting and sweating. Type stood stumbling a little, "Seriously explain yourself", yelled Type while wearing his clothes. "Kitten I'm sorry I can't", said Tharn with  begging eyes.

"What do you mean you can't, are you... not gay, aren't you interested in me", asked Type. "not like that kitten, I mean... I... ",  hesitated Tharn. 

"hey look at me it's normal for a couple to be intimate, why is that so hard for you, all this time I was the one who made an effort to take our relationship to next step.", asked Type grunting in anger.

Tharn couldn't speak a word, the younger went closer to Tharn, standing face to face, " you know what Tharn, I'm sleeping in the next room ", said Type and walked. Type left the room, Tharn ran after him begging, "please kitten try to understand I'm trying my best, I'm still working on it...", said Tharn.

Type didn't lend him his ear, he entered the room and locked the door. Tharn was standing outside of the room staring at the door and knocked it. "Kitten please....", said Tharn and earned no response from the younger.

Tharn sighed heavily and later sat on his bed thinking how to explain his situation to Type and eventually he ended up crying to sleep.

On the other hand Type was breathing fire, he saw the clock struck 1.34 am. "The first thing in the morning I'm going to walk out this early as possible", said Type to himself.

The next morning, Type woke up earlier, the clock struck 6.00 am, "Alright it's daybreak and I'm leaving", said Type and grabbed his bag. He tiptoed to the front door.

"Sneaking out kitten", said a voice making Type jump. He turned around to see Tharn sitting on the couch. "please can we talk", asked Tharn. Type sat quietly on the couch, he noticed Tharn's swollen eyes. Tharn started speaking.

"Kitten, about what happened last night, I have always been away been relationship and others like one night stands, moreover sexual stuff has always made me timid and speechless I don't know why, that's why I pushed you, but after entering into this relationship I'm really trying kitten..", said Tharn.

Type interrupted him saying, " Wait phi.. from what you have said are you genophobic?". "no wait.. I'm not", exclaimed Tharn.
"but phi you seem to show such symptoms", said Type with an annoying face as he was fed up with Tharn.

"no... no... ", nervously said Tharn to which Type slapped his own forehead with his hand. That gesture of Type tore Tharn apart from the inside as it clearly said that Type was annoyed with him.

"Kitten...", softly called Tharn. 

Type took a deep breath and said, " look P'Tharn let me be frank with you, I'm so curious to be intimate with you, yes I want to explore my desires, is that too much to ask for, I have tried all the ways to lure you but you.... you are so reserved... I can't take it anymore... what is wrong in expecting this from a partner", said Type.

"Kitten give me a chance I'll never disappoint you please ", said Tharn. Type stood from the couch and said, "fine P'Tharn listen carefully I'll give you one more chance... ". 

Tharn hugged Type and sniffed, " no time for drama phi look at me, I'm a bottom ", said Type releasing himself from the hug. Tharn nodded, " listen well Phi, if you fail next time like last night the consequences would be worst ", said Type strictly.

"Strictly in the sense..? ", asked Tharn. "You'll see if you fail", said Type. "now Phi  I'm going home ", said Type and Tharn knew his kitten can't be stopped so he let him leave and dropped at the bus stop as Type wanted to take the bus.

Type went to his house, " Hey little one what happened ", asked Tee. "Nothing phi, Techno has an important business today so I came home", said Type. "Is everything alright, is he facing any issues ",asked Luna. "Nothing phi, he had to visit his relatives today", said Type. Later having his breakfast he slept for some time and completed his assignments.

Meanwhile Tharn was restless and walking up and down scratching his head, "should I watch no.... ", blabbered Tharn. "Ah yes.... ", exclaimed Tharn. He called his Korn at once.

Korn : hey man wassup

Tharn : I need to meet you today, it's important

Korn : okay... What is it

Tharn : It's important and confidential don't bring Knock

Korn : huh.. Really.. Alright lucky for you he is not in town, come to our place

Tharn : alright I'm coming right away.

Korn : what now.. Is it that important

Tharn : yes 

Disconnected the call.

"what's happening ? hope he has not got into big problems ", thought Korn.

Korn's doorbell rang exactly after 15 mins he had spoken to Tharn. He opened the door to see Tharn.
"whoa.. Thara did you drive rashly??", asked Korn letting Tharn in. Tharn looked shabby not in his usual neat look, his hair was disheveled.

"dude are you alright? ", asked Korn. "no I'm not, my relationship is at stake I need your help", said Tharn shivering a little. Korn was alarmed and gave him water to drink, and made him sit.

"okay buddy calm down what's going on", asked Korn. Tharn narrated what happened between him and Type and didn't miss any event.

Korn listened carefully and spoke, "Thara from what you have said I can't say you're not wrong or right, I mean for intimacy you need to work it out as a couple you need to talk first but in your case that kid seems to be desperate, no offense", said Korn patting Tharn's back.

"I don't what to say... Korn the reason I'm here is... I know you are a top... ", said  Tharn looking down which struck Korn a little. "what..", yelled Korn, "I mean... I.. know I once saw.. you two in your office you know. ",said Tharn scratching his head.

Korn was out of words. " Thara I know that you know I'm a top, are you here for some advice", said Korn.

Korn thought for a while and said, "okay I have to help you.. Where shall we start..... mmm yes... read some or listen to some erotica". 

"oh what about porn ", asked Tharn. "no don't go for that.. do what I said", said Korn.

Tharn shook his head and smiled forcefully, Korn felt bad for his best friend. Korn held his friend's hand in a comforting way. "Korn he said if I fail there would be consequences... ", said Tharn.

Korn patted his hand and said, " don't worry man... before you get intimate with him try talking it out ". Tharn just nodded, Korn suggested some erotica to read. Later that day Tharn stayed with his friend.

Tharn spent that week listening to some podcast and some stories suggested by Korn. He even tried talking to Type. 

Two weeks later, "Kitten what would you like to eat", asked Tharn sitting in a restaurant. Type was just staring at the menu, "alright, chicken noodles", said Type. "Hmm", replied Tharn. Tharn placed the order to the waitress and turned towards his kitten  just to see him frowning. 

"alright phi, I would like to go on a date with you this Saturday", said Type. Tharn eyes glowed with joy, " of course kitten i'd love to", Said Tharn. 

Type smiled little, "Phi it's been hard for both of us for the past few weeks... so I'm looking forward for the date and to do some interesting stuff after that", said Type smiling a little. Tharn was tensed as he understood what Type meant and said, "sure kitten, we'll have the best time".


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