Chapter 8

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Prof.Rung and her team reached Oslo at 7pm and there was a representative to take them to their hotel.  "Oh my god! what's the temperature here", said one of the candidates. "It's 11 degree Celsius ",said the representative who had come to take them to their hotel. 

The representative handed over a map of the Oslo city to everyone and a map of the XXX University where the conference was to be held. The team had their dinner and retired to their respective bedrooms. Prof. Rung shared her room with the two other woman candidates Pear and Lilly. While Tharn shared room with two male candidates Team and Boss.

The candidates had their dinner and relaxed as for the first day of the conference there was inauguration, orientation and some presentation events which they weren't a part of.

Tharn called his family informing them that they had reached the hotel and he called Type. But Type didn't pickup as it was the difference in time zone, that then was early in the morning in Bangkok. 'Oh my kitten would be sleeping', thought and slept.

The next morning a taxi was sent to them and they reached the university. They registered their admission and entered the inaugural hall. Tharn was always into academic stuff he'd walkaround like an kid a festival but this time he was little off. Boss and Team noticed that but ignored. The first day of the conference went by smoothly and the communicated with students from other countries.

In the evening, they visited a few places near the hotel they stayed. Tharn called Type again forgetting the time zone.

Type: hello (in a coarse voice)

Tharn: Kitten..kitten..

Type : Phi that you..O my god .

Tharn: yeah it's are you doing

Type: (chuckles) M good  Phi ..its been day you left..wait the time is 1.00 am here

Tharn: what....I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep..

Type: No you didn't I was waiting for your call ..I thought you'd be busy..

Tharn: My presentation is tomorrow kitten wish me luck

Type: Panda you are the best of luck

Tharn: (blushes) thanks kitten..(hears Type yawning on the other end)okay kitten you sleep, I'll talk you tomorrow 

Type: yeah okay phi take care bye

Tharn: kitten wait...I miss you

Type: (silenced and gulped ) I...I...miss you too Panda..

Tharn: (grinning) bye talk to you tomorrow. 

*line disconnected*

The next day Tharn was all set for the presentation, he was called first to present. He presented in all his grace and his explanation was perfect and genuine. He answered all the questions thrown at him with confidence, Rung was watching him proudly, at the end he was vastly appreciated for his work.

Then others presented, an hour later results were announced, Tharn was awarded the first place while the second place was won by an Japanese student while the third was own by Pear. 

While Boss, Team and Lilly were appreciated for their work as they were newbies to the conference i.e that was their first time. Tharn was at cloud nine he immediately shared the news with family and friends and finally his boyfriend.

"I'm so proud of you my students...come on group hug", said Rung cheering. They did their group hug, all happily cheering. Another rep walked to them and said, " Your prize and certificate can received at valedictory event please make sure you stay till then". They all nodded and said yes.

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