Chapter 26

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Tharn carried Type on his shoulder to their newly decorated room. He made Type sit on the bed, type whose face was reddened in shyness looked down. Tharn lifted his face and smile. "Are you ready to Kick start our marriage Type..", asked Tharn. "Yes phi", said Type with cute shyness.

A few hours later, in middle of the night heavy panting, grunting and moaning, squeaking couch sounds were heard in the living area. Type was lying on his back on the couch with his knees on Tharn's shoulders while Tharn thrusting his manhood deep into Type's arsehole. Tharn was grunting in orgasm while Type was panting and devouring every moment. Atlast both reached their orgasm digging nails into eachother's flesh. Tharn let out heavy breath while Type was partially fainted.

Tharn separated himself from Type and sat at the corner of the couch while Type placed his knees in a relaxed position. It took few minutes to get hold of their breaths.

"Type....can you hear me...", Asked Tharn. "Hmm", responded Type. Tharn slowly held Type and made him sit. Type bowed down his head, Tharn couldn't understand Type's action first later he understood that they both were naked. Tharn smiled to himself and said, "Type look at me...". Type saw him and nodded. "I love you Type...", Said Tharn with Love over pouring from his eyes.

"I love you more P'Tharn.", said Type and leaned over Tharn's shoulders.

For the next few they spent their moments being lovey dovey and laughters.

One morning after Tharn had left for office Type had to stay at home as he was sick. His phone rang.
Techno : Type...
Type : hey bud wassup
Techno: I'm all good, how is your marriage life going....
Type : yeah phi is kind and genuine with know...he is more matured now... it's two months of our marriage...and I'm at cloud nine.
Techno : great Type
Type : did you check on my parents
Techno : yeah I did, they miss you terribly Type....
Type: *sobs* I miss them too No....
Techno: don't worry Type things will fall in hand soon...
Type: *wipes his tears* yeah I hope
Techno: alright bud take care
Type: you too....bye

Disconnected the call

Later that evening Tharn arrived, "phi...", excitedly Type ran towards but stopped when saw an unexplainable annoyance in Tharn's face. "Is something wrong asked Type. "No I'm just exhausted ", said Tharn with a flat face and sat on the couch. "Okay I'll bring something to drink", said Type.

Tharn took off his blazer and shirt, he breathing heavily because of controlling his anger as he was disturbed by something at his workplace.

Type was pouring juice into a glass when he suddenly felt Tharn's arms around his waist from behind, he gasped for a moment and blushed. He stayed that way and asked, "what is it hubby",. Tharn didn't speak word, he gripped more on Type's waist. Type winced in pain.

Tharn without warning pulled down Type boxers, the younger's eyes widened. Still Tharn was facing Type's back. Tharn hands traveled from Type's waist to his crouch, Type gasped again. Slowly Tharn began to stroke Type's member, Type felt a little uncomfortable as he wasnt lubricated but kept doing it, eventhough Type felt like turning on still he felt pain. Tharn kept increasing the speed. Type couldn't stand he lost his balance.

Tharn moved themselves a few feet away from the kitchen counter and lifted Type a little up and balanced Type's back on his chest, Type was totally taken aback by this move.

"P'Tharn... Wh...what doing", said Type shivering. Tharn's one arm held Type's waist and the other was masturbating Type. Type with his feet hanging away from the floor didn't know what to do. Type released his cum in Tharn's hands.

Using that as lube Tharn began to stroke Type's member even faster, the younger was whimpering in pain. He walked with Type on his chest to the couch.

Tharn sat on couch with Type on his lap and Type's back was still resting on Tharn's chest.

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