Chapter 11

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The weekend arrived, Type wore the best shirt he had and walked for 10 mins and then arrived at a street's entrance which was the usual spot for Tharn to drop him. Tharn arrived at the spot after a few minutes, he lowered the glass, looked at Type and said, "Looking great my kitten".

Type entered the car and said, "oh really.. Handsome", and winked at him, to which Tharn gasped lightly and Type chuckled and said, "Phi...why are you still shy.. ". Tharn blushed in response.

Tharn was driving, Type thought of something, he smoothly placed his hand over Tharn thigh and casually started talking, "Phi... would your mom like me..", asked Type with causal demeanor. Tharn felt sudden butterflies flow into his stomach when Type touched his thigh.

"yeah..yeah... mom will like you...", said Tharn with a forced smile. Type noticed Tharn's reaction, Type expected Tharn to react in a romantic way to his touch but still it had an effect.

They arrived at Tharn's house, "So kitten welcome to my house", said Tharn with a wide smile. Type was taken aback by his boyfriend's house, he had seen such kind of houses only in movies and series, that was the first time he has seen for real.
Tharn understood what his kitten was thinking, he lead him into the house and introduced to his mom.

Qin greeted Type with an open heart, "Hello dear, how're you doing ", asked Qin. "m doing great ma'am", said Type. Qin playfully frowned saying, " ma'am huh... call me auntie hereafter". Type smiled and said, "yes auntie".

"so here is my brother's boyfriend.. ", said Thanya walking to them. Type greeted her, " P'Thanya how're you" asked Type. "good Type", said Thanya smiling.

They all sat on the couch while tea was served. "So Type where do your parent live", asked Qin. "mom and dad live in a village 16 miles away from Surat Thani. My parents own a provisional store a small one and my brother works as a representative for scientific equipment dealership company i.e ABC Scientific Company and his wife is a housewife.", said Type. 

For Qin riches and royalty never mattered, all she valued was a loyal partner for Tharn. "Is your family okay with you being gay", said Qin. "Yes auntie", said Type and Qin was impressed.

"Alright Thara, why don't you show Type around the house, I'll call you when the dinner is ready ", said Qin. Tharn took Type and showed around the garden his favorite place and later to his room. Type sat on the bed looking around the room, "P'Tharn how big is your house ", asked Type. "It's big enough for our kids to run around", said Tharn grinning. Type playfully slapped his hand and laughed. "No.. m serious just want to know", said Type.

"This house all together including the ground floor, the first floor and garden is 10,000 sq.ft", said Tharn. Type formed an O mouth but sooner his face fell a little and Tharn saw that, asked, "what happened something wrong ".

"P'Tharn answer me honestly, do you like dating me.. I mean look at you, you live a luxurious life.. And I have nothing like you, the place I live is like only 5 - 10 % of your house...I... ", said Type but Tharn stopped him, "Type do you think I'm that kind of  person who will enquire another person's social status before I would  date them". Said Tharn.

"No not like that P'Tharn... ", panicked Type but Tharn smiled gently and said, "Type.... money and riches may come and go, they are not permanent. To me the person I love is the most valuable one above all that I value", said Tharn as looked into Type's eyes. 

They looked at each other with Love, after a few seconds the stare changed, Type slowly moved closer to Tharn. "phi I think it's time for our first kiss", Said Type.

Type held Tharn's face and Tharn held type's hands, "I have no experience in kisses but I'll try", said Tharn. Type closed his eyes, Tharn eyes  were starring at his kitten's lips and his breath hitched, he gathered all his courage.

 Type slowly opened his lips and captured Tharn's lower lips and Tharn was so tensed and nervous that he couldn't move, Type then captured his upper lips and sucked a little just like in the tutorial video he had seen. 

After a few seconds Tharn came to his senses and mimicked Type's movement and started kissing his lips without any rush. Tharn and Type kissed each other without any urge and sensually did that kiss as felt each other's lips how tender they were.

They separated their lips panting with racing hearts, both were blushing with their faces all burned up. They didn't look at each other as they both were shy and looking down.

Type was at cloud nine as at last he had his first kiss while Tharn was euphoric couldn't explain what he was feeling. Before either of them could speak, there was a knock at the door and Thanya called them for dinner. Through out the dinner Qin and Thanya observed how Tharn pampered Type but anything that goes beyond limits would be annoying.

After dinner Type bid bye to them and was later dropped by Tharn.

The following weekdays went well, Type and Tharn became more closer, Tharn became a little courageous that he would kiss on Type's cheeks sometimes.

That day was Thursday, "Kitten would you mind visiting my house this weekend ", asked Tharn while working on his laptop. 

"yes Phi.. ", said Type leaning on Tharn's shoulder. "Mom is visiting a few friends abroad this weekend while Thanya would be attending a friend's party and I'll be alone.", said Tharn. "Why aren't you going with either of them", asked Type.

"not going with mom 'cause I have thesis to complete , not going with Thanya 'cause I'm not a party person", said Tharn. Type nodded and said, "yes... I'll come".

"Oh really... I mean I would be glad if you stay over with me like you can come by tomorrow evening and leave by Sunday evening", said Tharn. "Definitely.. ", said Type all smiling.

 " but what will you say to your brother ", asked Tharn. " Techno... He'll cover up for me.. How do you think I had convinced my brother last weekend...its was No. I said I'm meeting No. ", said Type.

Tharn was just blinking at Type not knowing what to say and Type giggled at his reaction. "don't worry P'Tharn I'll stay with you this weekend.", said Type. Tharn was glad and suddenly started to sulk at Type.

"What phi ", asked Type. "You are not calling me by my nick name ", said Tharn. 

Type sighed and said, "P'Tharn.. about that you are much elder than me ,you know that..... Sometimes I think calling you by your nickname is like disrespecting you", said Type. "Why kitten... please don't say that ...okay you can call me whatever you like ", said Tharn.

Later that night, Type was just rolling over his bed thinking, 'finally we are going to be alone in that big house.... I'm going to explore some naughty stuff with phi', and he couldn't stop giggling.

Meanwhile Tharn met Knock and Korn at their house, he entered while humming a song into the living area, "Seems like someone is all excited ", said Korn. 

Tharn smiled widely in response, "oi oi I know that smile, what happened tell us", said Knock while sitting opposite to Tharn. 

"What smile", asked Korn. " the same kinda smile you give when are really really..going to do something with your partner", said Knock and Korn understand. Both gave a playful suspicious look at Tharn while Tharn was still humming and smiling.

 "Yeah this weekend my kitten is coming over to my place and we are going to have fun ", said Tharn. "Yeah yeah hope you don't break his hips", said Korn with mischievous smile while knock slapped his hand. 

"Seriously Korn", said Knock but Tharn didn't understand, "why would I break his hips", asked Tharn. Korn slapped his forehead and said, "oh no.. That's nothing forget it... Thara how do you feel dating Type... ". " we are doing great. I'm happy ", said Tharn.

"Thara I want to say something important to you, In every relationship there is always  give and take, if there only giving then there would be some disturbances", said Korn but on the inside he felt Tharn would be mad at him to say such things.

Instead Tharn smiled and said, "I understand your point, I love my kitten a lot, things are slowly working out between us It'll take time", said Tharn. After a few hours Tharn left and Knock sat on the couch thinking, 'hope that boy won't break Thara's heart'.


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