Chapter 18

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Monday arrived, Tharn rushed to the University. On reaching his cabin he received a message from Type.
From Kitten : P'Tharn meet at the football gallery at 4.30pm

To kitten : Sure kitten

Tharn took a deep breath, he had already submitted his synopsis presentation of his work and that was approved, as of then Tharn was preparing for his final viva voice and the presentation which was said to be held after a month.

While working Tharn was distracted now and then but still he was able to get hold of himself and concentrate on the presentation.

The time was 4 pm, while packing his things Tharn felt that he should inform his friends about the meet but the fight they had flashed in his mind. Still he sent a message to Knock.

To Knock : Hi buddy, I'm going to meet Type in 30 mins.

After 15 mins, Tharn was sitting in the gallery waiting for Type. As said before, Type showed up with Techno and to his surprise Thanya accompanied them. Type stood a few feet away from Tharn while Thanya stood beside he brother and Techno beside his friend.

On seeing Type, the elder ran to him hugged him fondly and spoke, "Kitten I miss you so much... Why didn't you talk to me.. ". Type released from the hug and said, "I'm fine phi".

Tharn's mind and heart felt immense joy in meeting his love but Type was so nervous how he was going to tell Tharn what he had in mind. Type took a deep breath and said, "P'Tharn you are really a good person and you always gave me the best... ". Tharn smiled at Type.

"But we can't continue this relationship, we are over, I'm breaking up with you", said Type looking down as he didn't have the courage to say that while looking at Tharn.

"Huh", gasped Tharn with bewilderment. Thanya and No were looking at Tharn.

Type lifted his head and said, " yes Phi, my family said if I continue my relationship with you they'll abandon me and I couldn't handle it......I'm not rich like you to provide for myself... I'm still dependent on my family.... I can't lose them P'Tharn."

Tharn was just looking at Type without saying a word as he couldn't believe what he heard. "Kitten let me talk to your family", said Tharn.

Type was sacred and hesitant, he said, "Phi you don't understand.... for you.....I mean your kinda people might accept this relationship but not my kinda of people and my family said if continue to talk to you they kick me out... where will I go... ". Type was in tears.

Tharn had tears in his eyes and said, " don't worry.. dear I'll take care of you.... initially parents may not accept this relationship... I'll talk to them".

Type wiped his tears and said, " seriously Phi you don't understand, I don't want to lose my family, they are all I have... I can't leave them". Tharn said," no.. Kitten what I meant was... ".

Type showed his hand palm to stop him and said, " that's it phi, we are done....forever". Tharn felt like he was struck by a lightning and Type turned around and started walking while No was helplessly looking at him.

Tharn wasn't moving muscle and kept staring at Type as he walked away, Thanya held her brother's hand and pulled him to car. That day Thanya drove the car, Tharn was staring with eyes still and wide opened and he didn't blink.

On reaching home Tharn went to his room, Thanya called her mother and explained everything to her. At dinner table, Tharn was quiet.

"Thara how was your day", asked Qin. Tharn lifted his head and gave a gentle smile saying, " amazing mom". Both Qin and Thanya felt bad for him. Before Qin could say anything he left to his room.

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