Chapter 21

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"So footages are missing at The Melrose residence..what do you think team", asked Maen.

"Sir maybe Tharn would have deleted the footages of those nights thinking that he wouldn't get caught", said one of the police officers.

"But doing that would actually say Tharn was the culprit, meaning that would clearly say he was the stalker....did you check for any alibi?", asked Maen.

"No alibi yet", said Leah.

"alright let's investigate others from their friends circle", said Maen.

For another two weeks every single member close to Tharn and Type were enquired, there was no alibi, no wrong impressions of Tharn or Type. The other team members were convinced by Tharn being the criminal but Maen wasn't. He was disturbed by something.

Finally many trails were done in the court, there was no proof to show Tharn was innocent, the cctv footages were examined, the messages Tharn had sent to Type begging to continue their relationship was produced in the court. 

Qin did her best to save her son but nothing worked. After months of trials Tharn was pronounced 'Guilty'.  He was sentenced to prison for 10 years.

On Tharn exiting the court, the reporters asked him questions but he answered none, Qin felt a disasters in her heart watching her taken to prison. Korn and Knock couldn't say a word. Tharn got into the vehicle and faintly smiled at his family and friends before he left.

For months Tharn's case was viral all over the internet, Aura Pharmaceutical stocks went down and the business faced loss. Wherever Tharn's mother went there was always a gossip behind her, "isn't she the rapist's mother", every time Qin heard that she felt like killing herself.

Thanya couldn't face her friends and professors, every time people starred at her she felt like drowning herself. 

Korn and Knock couldn't continue with their routine as they were totally disturbed and their cafe faced loss as well. People walked past the cafe said, " That's the rapist's friend's cafe". Korn would just mumble," My Tharn is innocent".

On the other hand, Tee was packing Type's things, "Now leave this place and never come here again..", said Tee. Type faintly nodded. "Look Type I might sound rude but a lot has happened, I want you to  be safe, so stay with mom and dad hereafter, about transferring you to another college dad has it all'll continue college in our hometown.", said Tee with zero emotions.

Luna hugged Type before he boarded the bus and said, "This shall too pass". Type sadly smiled. Techno was also there, he was broken seeing Type leave, he hugged him and whispered, "don't forget me...if you have a secret, you can tell me".

Waving his goodbye Type left. On landing at his doorstep, Type was invited by a loud slap on his face from his father, "I'm sorry ", said Type. His father didn't look at him, Type entered his room and started sobbing.


















8 months later, in a dark cell of the prison, Tharn wearing a dirty uniform kept starring at the moon through a small window, "Hey mate, you up?", called a voice none other than Tharn's cell mate Pascal. "Not able to sleep", said with a rough and coarse voice.  

"Hey would you mind if ask something", said Pascal. Tharn just nodded no.

" Okay, what did you do to be here, I mean you are a scary guy, you almost beat up three guys to death yesterday and you don't smile , you scare most of the prisoners, you don't seem to be kind....and the guy you beat up three months earlier hasn't recovered yet..what are you mate, are you a thug... what made you come here", asked Pascal.

Tharn said, " The Lie".


Helo babies  I'm back ......hereafter I'll manage to update regularly. Keep supporting.

The Lieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن