Chapter 5

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It was lunch break, Type was totally mad at Tharn for ruining his first kiss. He kept bickering about the elder to Techno. No had enough, " Type stop.... this is not fair", . "What's not fair..he looks like a proud Top", asked Type. 

"I mean people are not perfect, everyone is perfect in their own way, you have just kick-started your relationship, you should speak to Phi about what he feels and take it slow." said No. "Seriously No are you taking his side.", asked Type.

No sighed and didn't say a word. 'Why is he so childish and being carried away by social media, fantasizes, can't he use his brain', thought No. "Alright No m going to take a walk alone around the football court ", said Type and left.

Meanwhile Tharn was smiling the whole day and jumped around enthusiastically which actually made Prof.Rung smile.
He was so active and was on fire  throughout the morning sessions. Tharn sat in his cabin thinking about their date and the moment Type tried to kiss him. He took out his phone and went through the pictures they had taken earlier and shared a few to Korn and Knock.

The time was 1.30pm, Type sat at the gallery of the football court watching others play and his phone rang. He saw Tharn's number flashed on his mobile screen, he grunted seeing the elder's number. Type flipped phone and ignored the call. After a few minutes, again his phone was ringing. For the past 45 minutes , Tharn has been calling persistently, but the younger didn't. 

Type was totally agitated by Tharn's behavior, there were 11 missed calls from Tharn. Type's class was divided into two sections one attended the lab and the other for the next lab session and the vice versa. Then it was time for his class that Type had an lab session whereas No had no lab sessions instead he went to the library, the session for 3 hours. 

The time 5.30pm, Type exited the lab as he saw No running towards him, No was heavily panting, "Hey what  happened, piggy are you alright?", asked Type. "where did you put your phone ?", asked No. Type showed his bag. 

"okay you have to come with me now...", said No and before Type could say anything he dragged  him away. They reached the football court, there Type saw a familiar figure sitting. "P'Tharn...", called No. Only then Type realized that was Tharn and his eyes widened. He had a bag in hand and walked towards Type. 

"P'Tharn why didn't you call me sooner, I would have told you, here he's late already", said No and left the place. Type was still mad at Tharn, he noticed that the elder's face was slightly pale, his eyes were little puffed like he had cried.

"P'Tharn what do you want?", asked Type. "Kitten ..why didn't you pick my calls?", asked Tharn in coarse voice and his face was still dull. "I'm not jobless Tharn I had lab sessions ", said Type in an arrogant tone. "Kitten why are you talking that way, did I do something wrong", asked Tharn. Type sighed heavily and saw the bag in his hands. 

"What is that ", asked Type. "Oh this, I bought you lunch...I thought of having lunch with you...and..", said Tharn in a dull tone. Type expression changed he frowned and said," seriously P'Tharn what's wrong with... you why did you buy without knowing I had my lunch or not are you stupid ....or something..". 

Tharn's eyes were filled with tears, he was crying softly and Type noticed and panicked for moment. He gained his composure and held Tharn hand, "why are you crying....M sorry if I had hurt you", said Type. 

Tharn wiped his tears and sadly smiled, "That's alright Kitten I should have asked you whether you have eaten or not....I was worried when you didn't pick my calls ...I thought you were in trouble...",said Tharn. 

Type felt like he was slapped on the face. "It's late let's leave shall I drop you", asked Tharn. "No m good I'll take the bus as usual and see ya tomorrow", said Type. Type walked towards the gate, "Type...", called a person. He turned around to see who its was, "hey Champ ..", said Type. 

"Hey a person was searching for you a PhD candidate, No and I saw him...searching for you..", said Champ. "yeah..yeah.. I met him..", said Type. "Is everything alright, I mean that guy seemed to be so he was almost panicking", said Champ. 

"why was he almost panicking", asked Type.

"OKay ... so I and No were heading to the library..No received call and said that we were near the library..after a few minutes we saw a man and No said Tharn was his name came running towards like he had lost something.

P'Tharn said he had been calling for an hour you haven't picked up and was damn worried about you thinking you were sick and we told him that you were in football court. No tried to call you before that but you left for the lab. Actually Tharn had tried calling No again but you know right mobile devices are prohibited inside the library and he couldn't Phi that you were in the lab.

Later we came out of the library, to our shocked we saw P'Tharn sitting on the gallery all alone. He seemed like he had cried and looked like a lost person. No asked him how long he had been there, he said he didn't know, he looked so blank Type and I felt bad for him. And No went to the lab to bring you there to the court and I left as had some work." narrated Champ.

Type felt so bad and hurt on the inside, he couldn't say a word, he kept starring at the ground. 

"Type, I heard you and that phi had started dating, he seems to be one of a kind .., I can say a fact that P'Tharn is head over heels for you...embrace it..", said Champ. By this time they had reached the bus stop. Type boarded the bus and kept thing about Champ's words.

On reaching home he didn't feel like eating , he went to bed ignoring his sister -in-law's words.

Tee knocked on Type's room and entered and started speaking, "what is wrong Type if you don't want to eat you should have said earlier", said Tee. 

"remember brother we are just a lower middle class family, we can't afford anything in an easy way..I have debts to pay...look at this house were living in a small 500sq.ft house,understand our position Type." said Tee and left the room. 

Their house was a small area, a living room ,two bedrooms, a kitchen and less dinning space. Type laid on the bed thinking about what had happened without his knowledge a tear left his eyes.

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