Chapter 22

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A year later,
Type had completed his last year of Undergrads and was looking for a job, no matter how much he tried guilt overpowered him day by day.
Every night he would dream of that night where he falsely accused Tharn. For past one year he knew how Tharn's family and friends because of his lie.

Techno and Type would meet regularly and No would tell what's happening in the neighborhood.

That weekend No visited Type, " buddy why don't you visit your brother's" , asked No. Type looked down with a dull face. No saw that and didn't say anything.

Another year passed like that, it's has been 2 years then.
Tharn was lying in his prison cell starring blankly at the roof, there was no life in his eyes, it had an unknown emotion. He had spent 2 years in prison now. A Sudden thought struck his mind and he started to grit his teeth, his cell mate  who was watching him knew what Tharn was going to do next, he covered himself in a blanket and tightly shut his eyes.

Tharn got out his seat and let out a loud roar which showed the angst and rage in him. He faced the wall and started punching the wall with his bear hand, " why, why, why....", raged Tharn punching the wall with his bear hands. His fist started to bleed and he didn't stop. With so much angst he looked at small window near the roof.

Two days later, After having his dinner, Type went to bed, he flipped and flipped but still he was unable to sleep. The time was already 1.00 am. All of the sudden he heard a knock at the door. " Dad, is that you", asked type. 

There was dead silence and the door slowly opened with screeching noise. Type saw silhouette and focused more on the silhouette, once he saw that his eyes widened, "P'Tharn......",  said Type heavily breathing. His breath became unstable as Tharn wearing a prison uniform moved closer to him.

"Hello Kitten....", said Tharn in a dark tone with a sinister smile. Type was sweating and unable to move. Tharn went to the bed and sat besides Type. He stared at the younger from head to toe. Type was literally shivering.

"Tharn....", called Type. Tharn smiled wickedly and got top of Type.  Type was in shock and couldn't move any further as Tharn had tightly held Type's hands to the bed.

"Kitten do you know why I'm here....", Asked Tharn. Type didn't answer. Tharn came Type's ear and whispered, "to change the lie into the truth". Before Type could say a word Tharn crashed his lip on Type's and Type kicked his legs in air. Tharn sat up and tore Type's shirt in one go. Type screamed for help.

" Please no ..........", screamed Type and fell out of his bed. He was breathing heavily and looked around the room there was no one to be found. Type then realized that was a dream. He rushed to the washroom and cleaned his face with that he burst into tears covering his face.

The next day, Type told his parents he was going to meet his brother and they approved. Type first went to techno's place and then met his brother, at first his brother wasn't welcoming him, it's not that Tee doesn't love him he is just disappointed in him. But later they spoke a few words and Type went back to Techno's.

At evening the duo went a nearby restaurant, " Techno i have to tell something", said Type biting his lips and fiddling with a pen. " What is it" , asked No. " I lied", said Type. " About what", asked No. " P'Tharn", said Type.

No was bewildered but still kept listening, " I'm all ears", he said. " P'Tharn didn't molest me that night", said Type looking down. " What...", No let out a scream and controlled himself. " Dude are you serious..... don't play around Type this a sensitive matter", said No.

Type took a deep breath and narrated everything. No was raged listening to Type.

"Seriously dude, do you have any idea what you have done, you have ruined his life and his family had suffered a lot because of your Lie...", said No gritting his teeth.

"You know he was after me and following me everywhere and that night when I saw him I was so scared I wanted him to stop coming after me.... didn't know what to do", said Type as he was in tears. No controlled his anger and said, " I can't believe you Type....and I don't know whether to continue this friendship anymore".

Type held No's hands and cried, " please No Dont go....". 

" Now stop making a scene people are here...", said No. They paid the bill and left the place without knowing someone had recorded their conversation.

Two days later Type had a call, " is this Type kanawut", asked a man on the phone. " Yes, who is this", asked Type. " I'm Inspector Maen, please come to the police station.", Type couldn't say a word but still answered, " yes sir I'll be there", and he disconnected the call.

Type, Tee and No went to the police station, there they saw Qin, Thanya, Korn and Knock. Korn's eyes was so red in anger which scared Type the most. On seeing Type, Korn raged towards him to punch him, " you bastard....", Yelled Korn but was held back by Knock. Qin and Thanya didn't speak a word nor looked at Type.

They all settled down. " So Type seems like you have lied", said Maen. Type looked at No while Tee asked, " Inspector we don't understand what you are saying".

" Well listen to this then,", said Maen and played the audio. That was the entire conversation Type and No had at the restaurant where Type confessed his mistake. They all glared at Type and he hung his head in shame and guilt.

" Who brought this recording sir", asked No.
" Oh that.....a guy named Pree  and M bring him here", said Maen.

Type, No and Tee were shocked to see who it was. " This guy here is Pree and he was the one who stalked you at night...and he was the one who jumped out the compound wall....he seems to resemble Mr.Tharn a little and that's where were all confused." said Maen.

" I liked Type....but my liking took another turn and started to stalk him....when I heard about Tharn's arrest guilt took over me and didn't know what to do and I was scared to confess, that day when I heard your conversation I recorded it and I thought maybe it was time as I could confess myself and save an innocent", said Pree with no fear.

"Alright take him away....he is trying play a hero..", said Maen. " He'll be now Type what should we do...", Asked Maen. Type knew there was no chance to escape he decided to confess once more and accept crime. " I accept my mistake ", said Type. Everyone was shocked as they thought he would beg or do something else.

"Alright then, we'll see you in the court ", said Maen.

After a week Type and Tharn was produced in the court of law. That was the first time they saw eachother in 2 years, Type couldn't face Tharn. Tharn didn't have his charming smile, his face was expressionless. Type and confessed and Tharn was released.

" Would you like to file a complaint against Type", asked Maen to Tharn. " No Sir...", said Tharn and walked away with his family. Type was just looking at Tharn as he went away.

" That's it......I'm done with leave", said Tee. Type bid goodbye and left to his hometown.

Once again, Type was invited by bitterness from his parents, " you are a disgrace", said his dad. " Type ran to his room and locked himself and cried.

Few months later, Type and his dad were working their fields and they collected all the wheat, packed them in sacks, " how many sacks are there", Type's dad, " 50 sacks dad, like we promised the vendor", said Type and later took them to the market.

At the shop, the vendor said, " you have got only 40 sacks...i asked for 50". " Sir we counted, there was 50", said Type's dad. " Fine then count again infront of me", said the vendor. Type and his dad counted and there was only 40. Enraged Type's dad apologized to the vendor and received the money for 40 sacks alone.

On exiting the shop, Type dad slapped Type and started beating the shit out of him, "you little bastard how dare disgrace, can't count properly", yelled dad. Type helplessly cried as people around them watched them. 

"Dad I'm sorry..", cried Type. Type's dad raised his hand again to beat him but a strong hand held him back. Type closed his eyes, when he felt nothing he looked up and saw Tharn standing there holding his dad's hand.

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