Chapter 10

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Tharn was all set to leave the house and his mom called him to the living to patio and said, "Thara I need to discuss something important with you after dinner, make sure not to plan anything with your friends... Okay son? ", said Qin. "Yes mom,..see ya later", said Tharn and started driving.

While walking to his cabin Tharn was appreciated and congratulated for his presentation at the conference. On reaching his cabin, he messaged Type to meet him in his cabin after class hours.

The time was 4 pm, after his class Type met Tharn at his cabin. Tharn missed his kitten to a great extent, the moment Type opened the door, Tharn was all smiling and opening his hands said, " Kitten...". Type ran and hugged him tightly, probably this was their proper first hug. Tharn was surprised and slowly wrapped his hands over Type.

Type said, "P'Tharn you're back... I missed you so much", still hugging Tharn. The elder felt butterflies in his stomach and said, "I missed you a lot kitten... ".

The released from the hug , Type looked into Tharn's eyes with so much affection that made Tharn's heart race. "Kitten I bought you a gift hope you like it", said Tharn and handed him the present he had bought for Type. 

Type sat on the chair and opened the present, he was mesmerized by the horse glass figurine and admired it with his doe eyes. That was the first time a person had bought him a present other than his family and No. Type was moved by Tharn's action. The elder sat by his side, to Tharn's surprise, Type slowly turned towards Tharn and kissed him softly on his cheek.

Tharn was taken aback by this move by Type. Tharn just stared at his kitten as it was first time Tharn was kissed by Type.

 "Kitten... ", said Tharn still gasping. "P'Tharn.. this horse looks so adorable.. I love it", said Type smiling. "Oh really you like it.... ", said Tharn joy overflowing inside of him, having a blush face. Type nodded yes and chuckled at his panda. 

Being seated next to each other Type hugged his boyfriend with so much warmth. Tharn showed his boyfriend the pictures he had taken during the trip. As promised to his mom Tharn reached his home early and prepared a few dishes for dinner as he loved to cook.

Two hours later, Qin, Tharn and Thanya sat at the table, the maids at their home were dismissed and were ordered to return to their rooms. As of then, it was only three of them at the table. Qin was never strict when it came to table manners, she was genuine and they also talked during dinner, sometimes even played games.
She enquired about their day and what they did and shared what happened at their industry.

After dinner, the trio washed the plates, as Qin always made sure Tharn and Thanya washed the dishes especially after dinner because she wanted her children to be independent and down to earth. They settled on the couch.

Qin started talking, "So Tharn.... did you meet anyone.. ",. "No mom I didn't meet anyone related to our business in Oslo", said Tharn. "P'Tharn don't try to be smart.... ", said Thanya mischievously smiling.
Tharn blinked not understanding the situation. Qin sighed and said, "Let's not beat around the bush Thara, do you like someone or are you seeing someone.. ".

"Mom... I... Mom.. ", stuttered Tharn. Qin rubbed her forehead and said, "Alright Dear, let's get to the point, who is that guy you are dating, I heard his name was Type...",.
Tharn couldn't speak a word, as far as he knew he had kept his sexuality a secret to his family as he thought his mother would hate him. To his astonishment his mother had just like that found that he was dating a man.

"mom... how... ", asked Tharn. "Your sister told me... ",said Qin. "I overheard Type and his friend taking about your date at the department's hub", said Thanya with a casual face. 

Tharn didn't know what to say he was tensed and after a few minutes of silence he spoke ," Mom i know you'll not like me dating a man, but mom I have been into guys, m gay.. ", said Tharn in one go. Qin kept calm listening to her son, Tharn continued, " I think I have fallen for Type... I can't.... I cant survive without him.. ". 

Tharn looked down to his lap, while tears filled his eyes. He sniffed and said, " mom I know, If I open up my sexuality to the public our business might be affected, you and Thanya would be mocked... That's why I hid my sexuality all this time".

Qin had tears in her eyes and slowly lifted up her son's head and said, "You are and will always be my pride... My baby how can you say something like that I'd never let anyone mock us, you are my baby, I'll always respect your choices, No matter who you bring home a man or woman, I'll accept them as far as they love you." with that Tharn hugged his mom and cried.

Thanya sat beside her brother and patted his back, "Phi I never knew you thought this way, just like mom said who ever you love we'll always support you", said Thanya. Tharn hugged his sister still couldn't stop crying. Qin and Thanya calmed him and advised him to get good rest and not take any stress related to his sexuality anymore.

The next morning, while Tharn was arranging his things, his mom knocked on his door and entered, "yeah mom... ", said Tharn. 

"So Thara you told me you have been together for 3 months ", said Qin. "Yeah... One and a half month on knowing each other and it's been six weeks we have started dating ", said Tharn with a bright smile. "So why don't you bring him home this weekend for dinner ", said Qin.

Tharn was dumbfounded and Qin understood that and said, "I know it's too soon to bring your boyfriend home... I are going to be 30 next year... All these years you haven't brought anyone home I'm curious to see him ...If you are not comfortable I'm okay with it ", said Qin.

Tharn was quiet for a while and said, "Mom i have to talk to my boyfriend about it first whether he is willing to meet you.", said Tharn. Qin nodded in response. "Okay it's up to you... Alright see you later", said Qin and left his room.

All the way to university Tharn was thinking about how to ask Type. Late in the afternoon as usual Type and Tharn met, "Kitten... My mom came to know about our relationship", said Tharn.

 Type's eyes widened, "O my God phi you said your family doesn't know your sexuality, then did they tell you to... Bre..",before Type could finish Tharn placed his finger on Type's lips, the younger was looking up and down at Tharn in confusion.

Tharn smiled and said, "no worries my kitten, they are completely okay with my  nature and my relationship with you...." and moved his finger from Type's lips. "P'Tharn.. How  ..did your mom knew ", asked Type. 

"It was Thanya, she overheard you and No taking about us", said Tharn. Type just nodded and Tharn held his hands and said, "hey, mom would like to meet you what do you say... Like for dinner".

Type was contemplating everything, he didn't know what to say, "It's okay Type, no need to rush", said Tharn. But the curious kitten didn't wait and took a deep breath and said, "okay phi I'll come to your home.. "and smiled. 

Tharn grinned with glee, "really....oh kitten...then what about this weekend for dinner.. ", asked Tharn and Type immediately said yes. Tharn giggled in joy and stopped at once by Type's action.

 Yeah, Type again softly kissed Tharn's cheeks and smiled, the elder was gasping in shock. "I'm glad phi as you already know my family is okay with me being gay and now yours have knew that. ...Okay phi I'll see you tomorrow ", said Type and both left to their houses.

Later that night Type hid the present he received from Tharn and was lying on his bed thinking, 'Yeah I have been making a move on Phi as he is shy always, I have read in a few  articles about relationship that if your partner is timid about intimacy you can slowly make a move, I have been doing that since the day he had returned, let's see how long Phi would take to respond".


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