Chapter 16

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Type was astounded when he the suit and glass figurine that Tharn had bought him placed before him. Techno lowered his head symbolically saying he has nothing to say.

"Type could you explain, who bought you these, we found these hidden in your closet, actually we were cleaning your room yesterday", said Tee while Luna was sitting next to him. 

"Nong just say it, these are very expensive", said Luna as she was a little scared thinking that Type had formed a friendship with some rich brat kids. Minutes passed by Type kept quiet.

"Are you going to tell me or not", roared Tee while Type and No flinched. " nong please.. ", said Luna.

"It's from a friend ", said Type. Tee glared at him. Tee pulled out a note from the suit pocket and showed them what was written on the note , "To my lovely Kitten... From Panda 💕".

 Tee crumpled the note and said, " what kinda friend writes such note... don't lie.. Techno has told us something about you and that guy but still we want to hear from you ".

Type took a deep breath and said, " Phi I have been dating a senior from my university... ".

"So you were with him last night, isn't it", asked Tee clenching his jaw. Type slowly nodded. Tee stood from his chair and grabbed Type by his collar and slapped his both cheeks.

Type was holding his cheeks which was burning in pain while No and Luna just gasped. 

"You little brat, how could you... Huh... all these years... all these years I have spent my time and energy in bringing you up and I worked hard so that you could get a good education... and you have been fooling around... I trusted you... I trusted you ", yelled Tee.

All four of them stayed quiet, "Type you are not going to meet him hereafter and you have to break your relationship with him", said Tee in a calm. Type in tears said, "but.. But.. ".

"Type, Techno told us everything, yesterday night me and your brother were cleaning your room, when we opened your closet to clean we found those, his name is Tharn Melrose right and he belongs to an elite family and they also run a huge pharma industry, am I right?", said Luna.

Tee took a deep breath and spoke, "Type we are not like them, gay relationships are a casual deal in their lives but for us... we are still struggling to make our ends meet every month, think about our parents Type, these kinda relationships are not accepted by our kind of people, so leave him."

"But Phi, mom, dad and you accepted my choice when I told you about... ", said Type. Tee raised his hands saying Type to stop talking. "We pretended to accept your words.... seriously you were just 16 years old when you said that, if we hadn't pretended that way you would done something that could have hurt you or you would have left the house.... we didn't want that... but we didn't expect this",

No held Type's hand to comfort still knowing that won't do, "Phi... Why... Phi... ", cried Type. Tee stood from chair for said, " you won't be in a relationship with him anymore, if you still want to be with him or if you want to stay gay you are most welcomed to leave the house, our parents and I wont support you anymore".

Tee went to his room with a heavy headache while Luna was helplessly looking at Type.

Type was devastated he couldn't understand what he felt. Tee came out of his room after an hour and said, " Type our parents will be here by dinner" and left for buying groceries.

"Type I'm sorry... P'Tee came to my house straight away last night around 10 pm, when he didn't see you with me I couldn't lie and I had to say everything to them....about you and P'Tharn", said No. "That's okay... No.. you should leave I'll see you tomorrow in class", said Type. "Are you sure ", asked No. "Yeah", said Type.

Rest of the day, the entire house was in dead silence, the only noise heard was from the kitchen.

Time was around 9 pm, the door bell rang, Luna opened the door, " please come in", said Luna. There was Ghing (Type's mom) and Suo Kanawut (Type's dad). She warmly welcomed.

Type ran to the hall to see their parents, it was evident that they were damn tired, his parents freshened up and sat at table. They ate their dinner in utmost silence. After cleaning the utensils, Ghing and Suo sat on the couch, while the other three sat on the chairs. 

"Type you know what our family background is like, we live a simple life by earning every single day, our kind of people are reserved when it comes to elite people practices", said Suo.

"Little one, us, your brother and my daughter-in-law we all have worked day and night to give the best. I'm not saying this to pressurize you but you have to understand what class we belong to, Type ...dear please don't continue this relationship or being gay", said Ghing with so much pain.

Type gasped in tears and said, " mom.. dad you said.... you have accepted my choice ", said Type.

"yes because we were worried about you, we didn't want you feel alone, we wanted you to stay safe... that's why... we thought we would explain ourselves when you graduate... we thought you would understand", said Ghing in tears.

Type nodded his head as no tears rolling down. "No.... No.... why did you all do this... what will I say to P'Tharn", said Type.

"Break up with him... ", said Suo. "No...", said Type in a firm tone.

Suo let a breath and said, "if you are not breaking up then forget going to college, if you still resist  you can leave this family and never shown your face again".

All were shocked to hear this, "what are you saying", whispered Ghing to her husband.

"Yes I know what I'm saying", said Suo. Type was looking down, ' why is this happening'.  

"alright I'm tired... we have to leave by tomorrow afternoon, leaving the shop closed for a long time is not safe", said Suo while stretching his hands.

Suo brought blankets for him and his wife and spread them on the floor in the hall. Type was still on the chair watching his dad.

Suo cleared his throat and said, " what are you looking at, we don't have huge bungalow  or a villa with many rooms, we are going to sleep here on the floor".

Type quietly stood from chair and walked to his room. He laid on the bed thinking, ' what am I going to do.... '.


So readers, what do you think about Type's family?

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