2. aiding and abetting

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[orientation part 2: season 5, episode 2]*

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[orientation part 2: season 5, episode 2]
*.·:·. .·:·.*

        Deke turned to Coulson, "The others, they're still on the trawler right?"

"Yeah should be, they were gonna try and send a message to Earth," Coulson answered.

Rose and Deke sent each other panicked looks, "They're not gonna be able to get anything out. I mean, nothing lives on the surface, it's completely desolate," Rose explained. "We should get to them before the Kree do, without Metrics, they'll probably get thrown in a cell again."

"Good plan," Deke commented. "Let's go."

The three of them rushed down to the level of the lighthouse where the entrance to the trawler was right in time to see Jemma and May climbing out of the trap door.

"This is earth!" May said quickly.

"We're in the future," Coulson said at the same time as her.

"It's all destroyed," Jemma said sadly. "Coulson, please, tell me it's impossible."

Coulson sighed, "I think we can all agree at this point that anything is possible," Coulson admitted. "Glad you're alright." He turned to Deke and Rose, who were standing there awkwardly. "Your guy, Virgil, he didn't tell you anything else about his plan to bring us back from the future?"

"I'm just still trying to fit all these ideas inside my skull," Deke hissed.

Coulson looked at Rose, expectantly. "Oh, don't look at me. I already told you guys everything I knew before we got captured by the Kree. I know nothing else, I swear."

"So you haven't heard anything about a gateway? A rock that transports people?" Coulson said, trying to jog their memory.

"If I had, do you think we'd still be here," Deke said gesturing between him and the girl standing next to him.

"There was no second monolith when I landed on Maveth," Jemma said, which did not make any sense to Rose, who was still utterly clueless.

"So we'll have to find our way back," May said nodding.

Jemma blinked, "Well I'm a biologist, but sure, I can invent time travel. Just give me a minute," she said sarcastically.

"Well without some miracle, then we're stuck here, and we need to stay alive," Coulson said, as the whole group looked back over to Deke and Rose.

"Oh, and you, you, you all want us to help you with that, yeah," Deke said shaking his head. "Well that's a big surprise," he said digging into his pocket. "All I can offer you is these." He said pulling a pile of metrics out of his hand. "Who's first?"

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