20. rifts

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cause I'm a jealous, jealous, jealous girl

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cause I'm a jealous, jealous, jealous girl. if I can't have you baby no one else in this world can

[season 5, episode 20: the one who will save us all]
*.·:·. .·:·.*

        Fitz sighed, looking up at the hole in the roof that Talbot created, "Okay, so, how much gravitonium did Talbot use?"

"All of it," Jemma answered quickly, stepping up to the landing where Piper, May, Yo-Yo, Fitz, Deke, and Rose were standing.

Deke sighed, leaning against one of the large pillars. "Well, maybe it's not so bad. I mean, he did just annihilate a bunch of Remorath warlords," he pointed out.

Rose scoffed under her breath, "Maybe he should have annihilated you," she mumbled.

Deke looked over at her, a frown appeared on his face. "What?" he asked.

Rose hummed, "Nothing, nothing," she replied quickly.

"But the side effects of gravitonium are catastrophic," Jemma said, bouncing off of Deke's statement. "Ruby absorbed just a fraction, and-"

"And it drove her completely insane," Fitz finished.

"Yeah, well, she wasn't all that stable before," Elena pointed out.

"Neither was Talbot," May responded.

Jemma sighed, "With his previous brain injury, I fear that Talbot will almost certainly suffer a major psychotic break," she explained.

"Well, shit," Rose cursed.

"We need to find them," May asserted.

Fitz looked back at the computers behind them. "Look, the Lighthouse only just came back online. It could be hours before all systems are fully functional," he explained.

Rose pursed her lips, "Just have Deke mess around with it," she said lazily. "He used to make a shit ton of tech in the future. Then he won't have to bother me anymore," she finished.

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