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It was dark when I opened my eyes, nothing lit up the room and the only thing I noticed was the silence around me. It was a pleasant feeling not to hear Keir's or Ashbury's voices, even though I had been able to block them out very well for the last few hours. It occurred to me that they had probably just taken a break now that I was alone and the pain was slowly robbing me of my senses. My thoughts were jumbled in my head and I had not given up hope yet because I was once again trying to reach Azriel. I could feel our covenant and had not been aware of the burden that now fell from me as I realised that we were still connected, still one and this had not changed. I knew that our bond was not very strong and that it would take quite a while before I could finally get through to him again completely without objection, but at least I was reassured that I could feel his presence again.

As I pushed my feelings and thoughts along the covenant, trying to reach him in some way before the others came back with another dose of poison, I surveyed the room I was still lying in. They hadn't put me in one of the dungeons, I was still in the round room, which was only decorated with the table I was still lying on. I moved my feet hardly noticeably, but I felt the pain coursing through all my pores and I could not suppress a low groan of pain. But I didn't want to give Keir the satisfaction of knowing I was awake and in pain. I didn't want to draw anyone's attention to me under any circumstances. And if I did, it would only be Azriel. I hoped he would hear a stirring from me and try to get through to me so I could tell him where I was, even if I didn't know 100%. In any case, I didn't have many other options, as I felt the shackles still wrapped around my feet as well as my hands. And I could hardly move, I guess, because every single movement sent my body into a state of pain, so I settled for the dull throbbing when I didn't. I remembered the open space I had been standing in before I had been taken to this one, before I had lost contact with Az. Of the familiar smell, of jasmine and lemon and-

It was like a slap in the face when I remembered who smelled like that. And it was another slap that I was right under the nose of my rescuers and they would never suspect me to be here.

Rhys. He had always smelt of lemon and salt and Feyre, she always seemed to give off the floral scent which, while not quite bordering on jasmine, came close to it. And since we were still in the Hewn City or above it, I could only think of one place that the High Lord protected so well that no one would dare go in there. It was insane of Keir and so risky that if they made even one mistake they would be screwed. But they probably hadn't done that, otherwise someone might already be here because they had become suspicious and had possibly searched everything down here too, just to make sure. The thoughts that my friends were probably just above me trying to figure out how my former, now dead, saviour could have gotten into the mountain palace almost drove me crazy. I was right under their noses and it was rare for the High Lord to have a criminal brought into his personal dungeons. Which was most likely why right here was the most appropriate place to hide us. In a place, in a home, where one would never expect the enemy.

It occurred to me that Keir thought we had raised the alarm and I now realised why they had brought my rescuer here. For the time being, the story he told me didn't make sense to me, because why would the person who lived in this palace have recognised him?

But it was foreseeable that Azriel would recognise him and would therefore not devote his attention to him, perhaps foregoing the details that his corpse might have brought, but turn to the task of finding me. He didn't even have to do it, because I was within reach of him and it hurt all the more that I couldn't reach him and could only perceive a small glimmer, which still frightened me.

It was foolish of me to think Keir hadn't planned all of this through, now that he knew who I was and who cared about me. It had been foolish of me to bring Azriel on this trip that was supposed to be just a meeting and had turned into something so much bigger. I tried to figure out what my chances were. Unfortunately, even after some thought, they were almost nil. I wanted to scream and shout to my friends, who were probably running across the floor just one floor up, and make them realise that I was with them and they only needed to take a look in the doorway. But if I did this, I would only give myself away to Keir and Ashbury, who probably still thought I was unconscious. Perhaps I could somehow use this to my advantage, even if I didn't yet know exactly how. I could pass my time with the throbbing pain and my thoughts, which would not leave me alone, but I was glad of the calm that had returned and that I was no longer exposed to the pain. I looked for ways out of here, but with both arms and legs tied to the table and the pain still in my grip, I would hardly get far. I couldn't think of an escape route either, after all there was only one door in and one door out, so the chance of some variability and possibility was very slim. I couldn't shake the thought that I could hear voices or footsteps from upstairs from time to time and tried again each time to free myself or shout at Azriel, but he wouldn't hear me and it became desperate. I hardly knew how long it had been since I had been brought here, but it seemed an eternity ago. My throat was dry, my stomach growled and everything ached, in addition I suffered from chills and although it wasn't cold, I was overcome from time to time and goose bumps spread over my body for several minutes. It was probably due to the fear and panic, the tension that weighed on me like an arrow, and at every sound I flinched hardly noticeably for fear it might be Keir, or Ashbury, who was again gracing me with his presence. But nothing could keep them away from me for too long, I knew that, and when I heard their familiar voices, everything inside me contracted. My breathing became more irregular and I didn't know what to do with myself, yet I tried to stand as still as possible and pretend I was still unconscious. Maybe they would go away again, even if that hope stemmed more from desperation and was unlikely to take effect. Their footsteps echoed through the corridor, which stretched out from the outside. My hands trembled barely noticeably and I clenched them briefly in a fist to stop them before placing them limply at my sides again, at least as far as the restraints would allow. I closed my eyes and not a second later the door to the round room I was trapped in opened. Her footsteps were already imprinted on my memory, I knew it was Keir who was now walking towards me and I had to use all my concentration not to show him any movement or stop my body from tensing up. Despite this, my stomach tightened in fear, I knew they would not be so lenient with me for long and soon I would feel nothing but pain. Before that point I would absolutely have to be gone, but I still had no idea how. It was hardly possible for me to touch my hips with my own hands, so tightly were they laced to the table, I would probably have little chance of snatching something sharp from Keir, should he be so stupid as to carry just such a thing here with him. But even if I tried, it would have blown the cover I was just trying to maintain. I felt his hand on my neck and how it slid almost gently upwards. I had to restrain myself from reacting or making a face so that I barely heard Ashbury's footsteps, which were now approaching.

A court of shadow and spying (Azriel X OC)Where stories live. Discover now