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Class flew by and before she knew it the lunch bell rang. Skylar pushed her way through a group of Hufflepuffs who groaned and turned to complain but turned pale the second they saw Skylar she smirked before she paused and notice one boy who looked like he wanted to say something. "Do you have a problem!" Skylar asked angrily. His eyes widened and he looked down fearfully. "No I don't I'm sorry." He muttered. "You should be!" Skylar scoffed.

When Skylar turned to leave she hear a voice behind her. " Why can't you just leave them alone, they didn't do anything." Skylar turned and faced the dark haired Gryffindor she used to call her best friend.

"Well I'm sorry Trish but they were in my way but if it makes you feel better I didn't put a dent in their faces like I did to you when I saw you kissing my boyfriend." I replied smirking. She glared at me crossing her arms. " How dare you bring that up, they should have kicked you out of this school for that." Skylar let out a loud laugh

"But they didn't and that's great because now we can be besties again!" Skylar mocked before glaring at Trish. "Just stay out of my way." Trish ordered as Skylar rolled her eyes. "Trish everyone knows your all talks and no bite so if I want to get in your way, I'm going to get in your way!" Skylar said darkly before blowing Trish a kiss and swiftly walking away.

"That really seemed to shut her up." Skylar giggled to herself.

Skylar sat next to Rachel and Scarlet. Skylar was always being swarmed by tons of boys and girls all claiming to be her friend but she never remembered their names she only knew a few names of the people in her house.

"How was class?" Rachel asked Scarlet. "I think you mean how was Danny because that's all she focused on." I replied receiving a laugh from Rachel and a light smack from Scarlet. I looked up to where the professors ate and bite Draco sitting and slowly eating. I watched every single movement and studied him quietly.

When he raised his head to look at the students Skylar quickly looked back towards her table trying to make it seem like she wasn't staring again. Skylar noticed a girl across from her who she was kind of friends with. "So Jenny how was your class?" Skylar asked trying her hardest to pay attention and not look at him.

Jenny looked shocked that Skylar was talking to her and quickly turned red as she strutted trying to answer. "It..wa...s..pretty good..I guess." She said Turing even more red.

Once again the bell rang and students quickly left heading to their next classes. "Only two more classes." Scarlet said as she passed me heading towards Danny to walk him to his next class. I sighed why can't today just be over?

"Miss. Walkings a word please?" A voice asked behind me. I new exactly who it was and my gut filled with butterfly's as I get my face heat up. I slowly turned and nodded a goodbye to Rachel and Jenny who walked ahead to their class.

" I wanted you to know Nr. Banks has been sent home as part of his suspension and will be gone for the rest of the week." He stated looking over my body once again. I blushed and he seemed to notice smirking a bit. "Why...t-thank you professor." He nodded and walked ahead leaving me alone.

I was shocked I had stuttered, I just stuttered! And it was because of a guy!

Professor DracoWhere stories live. Discover now