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A few classes past and soon it was time for lunch. Skylar sat next to Scarlet, Rachel, Chloe, and Thomas. A few other close friends were gathered around but didn't talk much minding their own business.

"I honestly can't wait for classes to end I have the worst hangover." Thomas groaned.
"You never told us how that girl was you took back to your room." Rachel pointed out laughing slightly. Thomas smirked before cleaning back a bit.
"She was better than I expected for a fifth year."
Skylar jabbed his side lightly rolling her eyes.
"Well I hope you had your fun because I'm pretty sure she's the last girl you haven't slept with."
Thomas shakes his head.
"You might have a point, I'm starting to find it harder to find girls I don't know who I haven't already been with."
"Your life is just so difficult." Skylar joked
Everyone laughed except for Chloe still upset over something.

"You know Thomas you could always try to date someone, you might like it." Scarlet added taking a sip of her juice.
"No thanks I prefer the player life style." He leaned back even more causing him to fall off the bench and onto the floor. Everyone laughed as he turned red and quickly got up brushing himself off.

"Seriously I think I'll always be single, you know no strings just fun, like Skylar does." Thomas pointed at Skylar.
"I'm not as bad as you."
"You've had your far share of  drunk sex with boys."
Skylar turned bright red as Thomas had by practically shouted this. The room went slightly quieter and most people looked their way.
"Thomas I think your exaggerating." Skylar said loudly so everyone around would hear. She didn't care what people thought about her and she wasn't upset but Skylar still didn't want the whole school knowing her business.

"Sure Skylar you act like we never spent the night together." A Slytherin boy shouted standing up. The room was dead silent and everyone was looking at Skylar or the boy. Skylar didn't know who he was so she couldn't have slept with him, even when she was blacked out drunk she would always wake up in their dorm and make a mental note of who they are. Skylar looked up towards where the professors were eating and notice all of them staring at her. The one who caught her eye though was a certain blonde boy who was grinning the table in front of him so hard it looked like the table might snap in half. His face was bright red and his eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't looking at Skylar though he was looking directly at the boy who was standing arms crossed with a large smirk. If the table wasn't there Draco might have already pounced on the boy and ripped him apart for talking to her like that.

"I don't even know who you are." Skylar shouted back.
"Let me guess you just wanna seem cool for sleeping with the big bad Skylar huh?" Skylar stood now venom in her voice.
"Skylar don't lie you were begging just to suck my dick all on your knees and beg-"
"Shut the fuck up I would never especially not for some dick like you." Skylar I trusted the smug boy who was laughing his head off and smiling.

"And with the way you had to lie about having sex with a girl shows that you probably have a tiny dick anyways!" Scarlet shouted standing up glaring at the boy.
" Nobody will ever suck your dick because trust me your personality is not the only thing that is ugly!" Skylar snapped back before holding her middle finger at the boy and fake smiling.
"And the next time you tell lies about my best friend I will pull out your eyeballs and make you eat them." Scarlet shouted lunging towards the boy but Skylar pulled her back.
"He's not worth it." Scarlet glared at the boy before slowly sitting back down.

It was suddenly like the professors were under a curse and it had just been lifted because the headmaster marched towards Skylar grabbing her arm and pulling her behind her.

"Let go if me you witch!" Skylar shouted. She noticed Draco rush towards the boy grabbing him the same way but ten times more aggressive. He whipped the boy behind him so hard he fell to the ground and Draco dragged him instead not caring if he was hurting the boy. Snape was not to far behind Draco but instead her pulled Scarlet into the hallway likely just to talk to her about threatening the boy.

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