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Skylar woke up to the feeling of someone running their fingers through her hair. She opened her eyes slowly to see Draco sitting in her bed slightly smiling. He looked upset about something. He was silent until he saw she was awake. She smiled when they locked eyes and slowly shifted in place.

"Are you okay?" She asked slightly worried at his strange acting. He slowly nodded his head his smile disappearing though.
"What did the headmaster want?" She asked sitting up quickly with wide eyes.
"Nothing important Skylar, but we do need to talk." Draco said quickly placing a hand on her arms.

"Ok, what is it?" She fully sat up giving fall her attention to Draco she already knew what he was going to to ask her and where the conversation was going to go. It was either going to end with them cuddling together on the bed or Draco storming out of the room as she bawled her eyes out.

"I trust you and everything and honestly I don't really care who or what you did before me but... were you ever with that boy?" Draco scratched the back of his neck not meeting Skylar's eyes. Skylar reached forwards bushing a few strands of hair away from his eyes and smiled taking his hand in hers before rubbing her thumb back and forth on the back of his hand.

"No I never did Draco I swear, I remember everyone I've ever been with and I've never even talked to that boy before today." Draco sighed and lightly smiled before kissing the back of Skylar's hand holding it tightly.

"Then I believe you my love l, and I'm sorry for what he did and that I couldn't do anything or defend you but the headmaster but me in a bad spot-" Draco was I interrupted my Skylar.

"It's okay Draco, I'm fine and I understand." Skylar slowly placed her arms around Draco and hugged him. He shifted closer to her and buried his head in her chest and cloaked his eyes breathing in her scent.

"I don't deserve you." He whispered and Skylar sighed and kissed the top of his head.
"But you have me, forever." Skylar whispered. Draco smiled and closed his eyes again. Skylar ran her fingers through his hair before laying her head down on top of his and closing her eyes as well and then they were both asleep.

"SKYLAR MAY WALKINGS!" Skylar's eyes flew open as someone shouted violently shaking her body. Draco and Skylar both flew up quickly rubbing their eyes and looking around. Scarlet stood in front of them one hand over her open mouth the other running through her hair pulling. Her wide eyes were stuck on the pair tangled in each other.

Skylar jumped up from the bed and grabbed Scarlets hand to resume her. Draco also stood quickly fixing his suit and hair before facing the girl a look of worry on his face.

"What is he doing in here Skylar, and more importantly why was he sleeping with you!?!" Scarlet shouted both her hands flying up in the air.
"Why is professor-" Scarlets shouting was muffled by Skylar slapping her hand over the girls mouth.
"Do you have to tell the whole school, calm down and I will explain." Skylar calmly explained.  Scarlet nodded her head slowly and Skylar removed her hand. Scarlet sighed.

"Okay explain now." She crossed her arms over her chest looking just as worried as Draco who stood frozen behind Skylar.
"Me and Draco are dating." Skylar blurted. Scarlets jaw nearly dropped to the ground her eyes bulging out of her head.

"Your- your what...no." Scarlet muttered taking a step back. "We started dating a few weeks ago, please don't tell anyone Scarlet Draco could loose his job I could get expelled please." Skylar begged.

"Because we are in love Scarlet please understand we care for each other and we are perfect, if you tell anyone we will never get to see each other again please." Skylar almost started crying tears pooling in her eyes.

Scarlet shook her head shocked.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"We didn't tell anyone we were worried Draco would get fired." Scarlet nodded her head understanding.

"I won't tell anyone and I'm happy your happy but this is going to take me awhile to get used to."
"Take all the time you need, thank you Scarlet."
She nodded her head before looking at Draco who looked embarrassed at the floor.

"This is why you were so busy lately you were with him." Skylar nodded.
"He makes me really happy Scarlet." Scarlet lightly smiled.
"I know I can tell."
Scarlet began to walk to the door.
"I'm not mad I hope you really are happy."
Scarlet left the room and Skylar slowly turned around facing Draco.

"That must have been really awkward for her." Skylar sighed.
"I'm so sorry my love I should have stayed awake and left before she got back it's all my fault." Draco ranted but was cut off by Skylar lightly kissing his lips. When she pulled away his eyes were wide and confused.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"You need to realize that it's okay, Scarlet is one of my closest friends she would never tell anyone and it's not your fault at all."

Skylar pulled Draco back down in the bed.
"You look tired Draco please take a nap." Skylar begged. His face was pale and his eyes were dark and hung low he clearly needed to sleep.
"I don't know Skylar I don't want to make you or your friends uncomfortable." He was interrupted again though by Skylar pulling him down in the bed. She covered them both in her blanket before crawling on top of him. She smiled and kissed the top of his nose.

"Draco I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut up." Draco smiled as Skylar kissed his lips before pulling away and resting her head in the crook of his neck. Her hands were in his hair matching his doing the same. Draco ran his fingers through her hair with one hand the other was rubbing small circles on her lower back.

"Shouldn't you be in class Draco?" Skylar asked pulling her head back for a moment. Draco sighed opening his eyes a look of sadness in them.
"I got in some trouble with the headmaster for talking back and I have a four day suspension." Draco explain still running his hands all over her.

"I hope it wasn't because you were trying to defend me." Skylar scoffed. She loved Draco and how protective he was but if he kept defending her people would start to get curious why Draco Malfoy who usually hates everyone only cares about one of his students getting in trouble and always comes to her side to defend her no matter what she has done.

Draco didn't respond instead just closed his eyes again and shifted slightly. Skylar took that as a yes.
"Why Draco you could loose your job why would you do this for me?" Skylar whispered slightly annoyed he was risking everything for her. She was very worried all this could come to an end just as fast as it started.
"For you I would jump off a cliff just to make you smile." He muttered eyes still closed. Skylar realized he was far to exhausted to have a proper conversation with her so she just nodded her head and lightly pressed another kiss on his forehead making him lightly smirk. Skylar Guthrie's they could have the conversation later when Draco was feeling better and could actually explain why he did what he did for her. Skylar would do pretty much anything for Draco even if it meant getting in trouble and possibly losing her spot at Hogwarts. In all honestly Skylar wanted to graduate and live a simple life with Draco in a large house with maybe two or three children and always be able to see her friends and husband whenever. She knew that's as a far stretch considering Draco's family and how they would provably want him to marry a rich pure blood girl who would birth one or two children and stay home taking care of them and never taking a step outside. She also considered the newspaper headlines and all the reporters that would call their relationship fake or that Skylar was a gold digger dating a Rick ex death eater who was about twelve years older than her.

"Good night Draco." Skylar whispered after she heard faint snores come from Draco underneath her.
"I really do love you even if you are a pain in the ass sometimes." Skylar giggled. She shifted slightly and placed her head back in the crook of his neck breathing in his scent as always, she could never get sick of it.
"I'd do anything for you my love, I love you Draco." She whispered smiling to herself. Skylar slowly shut her eyes and before she knew it she had joined Draco in dream land.

Hey readers! Thank you for reading and sticking with me for this long through all the twist, turns, and misspelled words. This is a little side note that I might switch from third person to first person every once in awhile without saying. It's been really difficult for me because I'll write two paragraphs where it's third person and then two where it's first person and i have to go back and change it, so for now on if I switch to first person it's going to be Skylar. Thank you for understanding love you!

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