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As soon as the door opened loud music hit Skylars ear drums and the strong smell of weed made her smile. Students weed everywhere filling the large room dancing and drinking away. "Now this is a real party!" Skylar shouted pushing her way to the drinks table. Skylar poured them all a shot and held it in the air.

" To making through the first week of school!" She shouted. Scarlet and Rachel raised their shots before quickly downing it. "I better watch it believe it or not I'm trying not to get completely hammered." Scarlet said setting her cup down and coughing. "Good luck with that Skylar said pouring another shot for her and Rachel. "Well I'm going all out tonight I don't give a fuck!" Rachel cried downing her drink with Skylar.

"Well hello ladies nice to see you again, Scarlet you looks beautiful!" Danny said waking up to us and wrapping an arm around Scarlet who blushed looking away. "Nice to see you Danny." Rachel said before grabbing a cup of beer. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to get so drunk I'm never sober again!" Rachel said waking away towards a group of girls dancing.

"If you don't mind I think I might steal this one!" Danny yelled over the music to Skylar. "Take her I'll be fine!" Skylar shouted back. "Are you sure?" Scarlet said slightly smiling. "I'm a big girl I'll be fine." Danny laughed and pulled Scarlet towards the dance floor as well.

Skylar poured herself two more shots. She planned on getting full on shit faced.

After five shots Skylar pushed people out of the way so she could get to the middle of the floor. Skylar drank the last sip of beer in her cup before she threw it making it hit another girl. The girl scoffed and turned around. Of course it had to be her. Skylar thought to herself rolling her eyes.

"Skylar what the fuck is your problem!" Trish yelled her face turing bright red. "There was nothing in there calm down princess!" Skylar slurred as she rolled her eyes. "Your such a bitch Skylar I'm glad I kissed your boyfriend it humbled you!" Trish fired back laughing as her few friends scoffed.

Skylar saw red and she stomped over to Trish and got in her face. Everyone in the room was now watching waiting for the next move. "You can have my leftovers Trish you think I give a shit!" "But I'm so glad I dropped your ass cause when we used to be friends it was sad how you could never get a boyfriend cause all the guys you liked all wanted me instead!" Skylar shouted. "You bitch!" Trish screamed as she took her friends cup of beer and spilled it all over Skylar.

Skylar gasped and slapped Trish across the face before pushing her back so she fell on the ground. "CAT FIGHT!!!" Some boy screamed and before Skylar knew it everyone was pushing each other and drinks were flying through the air. Skylar saw this as her chance and quickly ran out of the room and down the hall.

Skylar stumbled as she passed by Mr. Malfoy's office when she had an idea. She stumbled up to his door and knocked loudly. Just when she was going to turn away she saw the door open and there stood a very confused Draco.

"What are you doing her Miss. Walkings?" Mr.Malfoy asked confused opening the door more. Skylar took a step forwards and fell into his hard chest. Mr.Malfoy was quick to catch the falling girl. "I just m-missed...yo-u so much." She stuttered as she let her head fall back so she could look at his face.

Mr.Malfoy picked her up and walked her over to his desk before setting her down softly. He leaned back and examined her face. "Your so serious, it's really hot." Skylar slurred giggling a bit. Mr.Malfoy's eyes widened as he realized she was drunk. "Have you been drinking?" He said loudly almost as if he was disappointed. "Just a lil al- also indoor voices pro- professor." Skylar leaned forward but Mr. Malfoy pushed her back again and held her up as her head dropped.

"My god Skylar you can't even open your eyes." Mr.Malfoy muttered to himself. Skylar opened her eyes and started into his concerned blue ones before she sat up straight and without thinking quickly leaned in and pressed her lips against his. He was so shocked he stood there for a minute as Skylar sloppily kissed him. "This is wrong, your so drunk you can't think straight." Mr.Malfoy said pulling away. Skylar groaned as she pulled him back in and when he opened his mouth to protest again she slipped her tongue in his mouth and moaned gripping his hair.

"Skylar please I can't do this...with you right now and your making it...really hard for me." Mr.Malfoy moaned as he slowly kissed her a bit back but closed his eyes trying to stop himself.
"Please Draco, I'm so horny." Skylar moaned as she pressed her core against his throbbing erection.

"Are you sure?" Draco asked as she began kissing harsher letting out a small moan when she brought her hand down against his erection. "Yes please I can't take it!" She moaned loudly. Without waiting a second he ripped her shirt off and let it fall to the ground, he quickly pulled his off as well and began attacking her breast with his lips. He massaged both of her boobs and his lips caught on the bud of one and he wrapped his mouth around it sucking harshly. "Draco!" She moaned pulling his head closer. He began sucking her other as her head fell back. "Don't stop please I need you so bad!" She moaned even louder.

Suddenly he stopped and pulled away. Skylar caught her breath before speaking. "Wh-what's wrong." She asked as he picked up her coat and slipped her arms through it. "Trust me I wanted you more than you did, but I at least wanted you to be able to remember it when it happened." Mr.Malfoy said zipping the coat up. He quickly buttoned his shirt before slipping a hand around her waist and placing his forehead against hers.

"God you do things to me when you moan." He said leaving a small kiss on her forehead. "Mr.Malfoy-you..your a great kisser." Skylar said giggling. He smirked as he picked her up bridal style and began to head towards the door.

"Why thank you Skylar, and you can call me Draco." He said blushing as well. Draco opened the door and walked down the dark halls. In the distance Skylar could hear the loud music from the party and multiple students cheering and laughing. "I'm guessing you were at  that party." Draco said side eyeing Skylar. "Yeah, it wasn't that much fun though." Skylar noticed how he slightly smiled when he heard that, almost as if he was happy she didn't have fun.

"Where are we going?" She asked when he passed the staircase to her dorm. "I'm taking you to my room, I dont want anyone taking advantage of you right now." He stated. Skylar slowly closed her eyes and snuggled closer to Draco laying her head on his chest. She breathed in his minty scent and smiled to herself.

Draco smirked as he watched her lay on him with complete trust. It was the cutest thing ever to him. Once he made it to his room he opened the door and kicked it closed with his foot. He quickly laid her down in his king sized bed and headed over to his closet to find her something to wear.

Draco heard her move around but didn't pay much attention. Once he found a pair of small sweatpants and a shirt he turned around. Draco's mouth fell open at the sight in front of him.

There laying on his bed was Skylar completely naked. "It's too hot!" She groaned. Draco didn't even process what she said as his erection came immediately back and he closed his eyes for a second trying to keep his composure.

Once he calmed down a bit he walked over to her and pulled her up as he quickly pulled the shirt over her body along with the sweatpants trying to not look at her body as she was drunk. Once he finished he laid her down slowly and pulled the covers over her body. He sighed as he watched her snuggle closer into them.

Draco watched her small body as it slowly rises and fell and only turned away when he thought she fell asleep. He pulled his shirt and pants off changing into a pair of grey sweatpants and heading towards the couch. 

"Draco?" Her soft voice called. "Yes?" Draco asked slightly started as he quickly made his way to her side.  Lay with me?" She asked. He wanted to say no because he knew in the mornings she would wake up and probably think he took advantage of her but her pouting lip made him slowly slip under the covers beside her.

Skylar immediately rolled over pressing her face in his chest with her eyes shut. Draco wrapped his arms around her carefully making sure she was comfortable. "Draco?" She whispered again. "What?" Draco whispered back slowly shutting his eyes. "Thank you, I really like you." Draco blushed. "You super nice and you look out for me- your also super hot as well." Skylar whispered breathing in his scent once again. "I really like you too Skylar." He whispered as he listened to her heart beat and noticed the small smile on her face.

And with that Draco and Skylar fell asleep in each other's arms.

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