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Skylar waited outside the headmasters door waiting as she heard Draco and her whisper wing on the other side. The door flew up and Skylar quickly stood making herself presentable. "Skylar please follow me." She spoke eyeing the girl as she walked into the office and the headmaster closed the door. Skylar stood a few feet away from Draco who continued to look straight forwards and the headmaster made her way to her chair sitting down. She laced her fingers together letting her chin sit in them.

"I have to say I am very disappointed Miss.Walkings, hitting a student is never allowed no matter what they said." Skylar looked at the floor feeling extremely guilty. As the head master leaned back in her chair eyeing the girl. "I had Mr.Malfoy inform me on what happened and I have decided the punishments for all three of you." Skylar meet her eyes and nodded. "Abby will be on a two day leave since she started the fight, Jenny will have three after school detentions, and you Miss Walkings will have a two week in school break."

Skylar look wide eyed at the head master but decided to keep her mouth shut. She thought sheets for sure going to be expelled and the punishment she received felt like nothing compared to what she did. "Thank you headmaster, and I'm sorry for what I did." Skylar nodded towards the headmaster before turning to Draco who was now looking at her with a look of relief across his face. "Thank you also Mr.Malfoy for pulling me away and calming me down." She spoke softly as he nodded. "Just don't let it happen again." He stated. Skylar left the room closing the door and started her way to her dorm. She was surprised when she opened it and discovered that it was pitch black and no one was around. "There's normally always people in here." Skylar spoke to herself but shrugged her shoulders and turned on the light.

Skylar took a quick shower and changed in to some sweatpants and a hoodie before brushing her teeth and climbing into bed. I can't believe they let me get away with a slap on the wrist like that. She thought to herself. Draco must have said something, did he really stand up for me like that? She blushed at the thought before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Skylar woke up at around noon and noticed Rachel changing into a simple shirt and t-shirt. "I haven't seen you in awhile where have you been?" Skylar yawned. Rachel turned around as she applied her make up. She smiled and blushed a bit as she set in down before sitting on Skylar's bed. Skylar sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I met someone." Rachel stated smiling widely. "Seriously, who?" "Well I met her at the party and we went back to her room but we just talked and didn't do anything like that witch has never happened to me before." Rachel Explained as Skylar nearly jumped with happiness that her friend had a girlfriend.

"Then she invited me to breakfast with her the next day and we got super close that we spent the rest of the day together, we are actually going out right now to Hogs mead for our first official date." Skylar gasped and pulled her best friend in a hug. "I'm seriously so happy for you, and you look super hot!" Rachel got up from the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. "You really think, do you think it's all too fast?" Rachel asked worried. 

Skylar got up from her bed and wrapped her arms around Rachel from behind as they both looked at each other in the mirror and smiled. "You look incredible like always, and I think that when your in love it's never too fast or too slow." "God you should be a poet sir some shit." Rachel said laughing. Skylar pulled away and smiled. "Now stop waiting your time with boring old me and go on your date!" Skylar pushed Rachel towards the door.

"I heard about Rachel's date I can't wait until she introduces us, she must be a keeper if Rachel is still hanging out with her." Scarlet ranted painting her nails on Skylar's bed. "Or maybe she's just desperate." Chloe added looking up from her potions homework. Scarlet and Skylar looked at each other confused before turning back to their nails. "Yeah I though Rachel's more of a one night kind of girl." Danny added from across the room as he laidback next to Scarlet on the bed giving her a quick kiss. "She is that's why I was so confused she was going on a date." Scarlet added. "This is her first ever one." Skylar smiled widely. "My baby's all grown up and finding love!"

"Can you guys shut up I'm trying to do some homework here." Chloe muttered from her corner. "Girl I don't know what your problem is but you need to chill." Scarlet said setting her nail polish aside and blowing on her nails. "I do t have one but can we just drop it please?" Scarlet rolled her eyes and continued blowing on her nails. "Fine whatever we will drop it." Skylar said annoyed. She was excited that Rachel was finally settling down but if cause Chloe had to ruin it. "I just don't get why you get so upset whenever we bring up Rachel." Scarlet stated Cooley. "I just don't want to talk about her all the time ok!" Chile said slamming her book and standing up. "Where are you going?" Danny asked. "Somewhere quiet to study I have a big test Monday." She stated as she walked out of the dorm slamming the door.

"She's such a drama queen she's starting to get on my nerves." Scarlet said crossing her arms. "Maybe something is going on with her?" Danny tried to defend Chloe. "No she's just being a bitch!" Scarlet stated standing up. "I'm going to take a walk, cafe to join me Danny?" Scarlet said clearly upset and needing to talk to somebody.

Danny looked at Skylar almost as if asking for approval. Skylar nodded and Danny quickly climbed off her bed and followed the very angry Scarlet into the hallway. As soon as the door closes Skylar could hear her complaint about Chloe and how she ruined her day.

Skylar changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a pink top pulling hair into a messy bun before she grabbed her potions homework and began working away. Usually Skylar had no trouble with school work but for some reason she could not understand this assignment. Skylar groaned and threw the book against the wall letting fall to the ground loudly and Skylar slumped in her chair. A quiet knock made Skylar jump and race to the door, and when she noticed Sammy.

Sammy was a year younger than Skylar and was also in Slytherin she was a follower of Skylar and her friends and sometimes talked to Skylar but she was quiet shy so she usually stayed by herself. "I'm sorry if I was too loud." Skylar apologized opening the door a bit wider. "Oh no your fine I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Sammy said smiling kindly. Skylar always liked Sammy because she was sweet and didn't also get in everyone's business as drama. "Yeah I just couldn't understand my homework for the life of me." Skylar groaned.

Sammy suddenly smiled and pulled a small white blunt out of her robe pocket. "I figured that's why I thought I would give you this." Sammy said placing it in Skylar's outstretched hand. She smirked as she look closer and rolled in between her fingers. "Why thank you Sammy I really did need this." They both laughed and Sammy looked away. "I better get going, my friends are waiting."
"Well thank you!" Skylar said slowly closing the door as Sammy walked away.

Skylar lit the blunt and took a few puffs already starting to feel a little bit better. She collapsed on her bed still holding the blunt. There was a quiet knock on the door and Skylar didn't feel like moving. "Come in." She called slightly giggling and how immature she sounded.

When the door opened Draco walked in dress in a white button up and pant dress pants once again. Once he noticed Skylar's state he sighed but smirked right after. "How come whenever I find you your either drunk or high?" He asked chuckling quietly.

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