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"I hate Mondays!" Scarlet groaned at breaking while chewing on a price of bacon. "You and literally everyone else isn't here world!" Skylar fired back taking a sip of her juice. Scarlet rolled her eyes as Danny sat next to her. "Skylar's making fun of me again." She complained to him. Danny laughed. "Your going to have to deal with that by yourself I don't wanna get in her bad side." They all laughed before Rachel sat down at the table with a huge grin.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before." Scarlet joked. "I don't think I have either." Skylar added as Rachel blushed pulling food on her plate. "You never told us how your date went anyways, so spill everything!"
Rachel took a sip before turning to the group. "She is literally the sweetest person ever we spent the whole time talking about our families and school, then we went to the park and took a super long walk and then...WE KISSED!" Rachel said excited. Scarlet and Skylar gasped before high-fiving.

"I knew one day it would happen, Rachel's in her first ever actual relationship!" Scarlet shouted. "Tell us all about her." Skylar squeaked.
"She is the same year as us and it a little shorter than me with long black hair, she has beautiful brown eyes and the biggest smile and her laugh... her laugh sounds like an angel." Rachel ranted clearly in love. Scarlet was star stuck. "What house?"
"Hufflepuff, witch makes total sense because she is the sweetest girl ever." Rachel sighed again. "I am so happy for you!" Skylar hugged her friend as Scarlet shoved a pancake in her mouth. "Me too." Scarlet grunted as they all laughed. Danny sighed as he looked at Scarlet with food sticking out of her mouth before slightly chuckling. "You sure are lucky I love you, cause that is gross." Danny laughed as Scarlet swallowed and quickly kissed his check making him blush. "Love is just everywhere!" Skylar sighed as her friends all nodded. "Do you have anyone special?" Danny asked wrapping an arm around Scarlet who was swallowing another whole pancake covered in syrup. "Not at the moment but I am more of a no strings kind of girl." Skylar explained blushing a bit thinking of Draco.

Skylar would never cheat on Draco, nobody would ever compare to him anyways. "Makes sense." Danny added before standing. "We better get going don't wanna miss our first class, care to walk me Scarlet?" He asked. Scarlet flew from her seat linking arms with Danny. "Well I would love too!" Skylar watched as Scarlet and Danny slipped away. "They are so cute!" Rachel cooed. Skylar giggled. "They really are the prefect couple they've nearly been together for three years."
Rachel looked at the Hufflepuff table and saw a short black haired girl stand and walk towards Rachel.

"Hey Rachel!" The girl said waving as she stood in front of her. Rachels face turned bright red and she swallowed. "Hey...oh Jamie this is my best friend Skylar." Rachel introduced. Jamie stuck her small hand out and Skylar gladly shook it. "It's so nice to meet you Racheal talked a lot about you and Scarlet on our date the other day."
"Well I hope it was only good things." Skylar joked as the girl laughed her smile brightly shining. "Of course, we'll it was nice to meet you I better head to my class now though, Rachel would you like to walk with me?" Jamie asked blushing. Rachel stood smiling and took Jamie's hand in hers. "Sounds great." Rachel mumbled as the both walked away towards class.

Skylar was glad all of her friends were all happy and that everyone was getting along, well everyone but Chloe she didn't even show up for breakfast like she usually does. "Maybe she's just not feeling well." Skylar said to herself as she picked up her books and went to her first class.

"Swish and flick wizards and witches we are not first years are we?" The professor cried annoyed. "If he says swish and flick on more time I'm going to flick him far far away." Skylar whispered to the girl next to girl who quietly laughed. "I swear it's the only words he knows." The girl giggled back. "You two witches in the back, care to share what is so important." The professor called from the front of the busy classroom. "No it's nothing important like this class." Skylar said loudly making the class bust into laughs and the girl next to her high giving her. "Miss Skylar that is highly unprofessional, ten points from Slytherin!" The class went silent as Skylar crossed her arms. "Stay after class as well Miss. Walkings." He stated loudly. "Oh no he's going to make me dust the shelves I'm so scared!" Skylar mocked as the professor sat at his desk reading again. "Hey they shouldn't be too bad I had to dust them last week." The girl fired back. "What's your name?" She asked right after. "Skylar Walkings, you?" "Taylor May." The girl stated reaching out her hand and shaking Skylar's. "Well Taylor I can tell we are going to get along great."

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