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(Y/n's POV)

I feel like I'm being surrounded by body is aching and the stone floor is just sending glacial chills up my nervous system. The bruising, cuts and scrapes aren't helping either. I want to just get up and run up the cellar stairs leaving this cursed place once and for all. I used to be able to roam the mansion before my tacky attempt at an escape. Can Lucius blame me...he only inflicts pain. He wasn't the friend I had once known. My arms were chained above my head and I kept flicking my wrists hoping the cloth around my neck had loosened freeing my magic.

"Has someone finally woken up?" His voice echoed throughout the empty room. Something in me snapped, finally fed up with his abuse. I began to shake the chains violently, shrieking nonsense out of the top of my lungs. He slowly strutted into the room with his cane by his side. His hand clutched my jaw forcing eye contact, "Will you SHUT UP!" My face then stung as he struck me, almost impairing my vision. "Honestly you have no reason to want out. Everyone despises you! Severus most likely thinks you killed Lily and the whole world thinks you're this murderous creature built completely out of pure darkness."

The floor felt cold beneath my tingling calves. I smirked as feeling was brought back into my legs. I could care less about how the outside world views me. Anything is better than being stuck here. Quickly I kicked him in every man's weak spot, his cane falling right into my hands. He fell to the floor groaning and I just chuckled as I used the snake head to rip this cloth off of me. "I should've done that a lot sooner." I then drove my foot into his gut a few times, hearing his pain sent me aflutter. It sadly doesn't matter if I keep going it wouldn't make up for my years of suffering. I pulled myself back and apparated to the only safe place I know, the closest possible spot to Hogwarts. Everything started to fade to black as I felt the fresh air fill my lungs and my arm raise into the air shooting a bright red flare that exploded into the starry night sky.

(Harry's POV)

I slumped back in my chair finally back in the common room after a horrible night of detention with Snape. I looked out into the gloomy dark forest and blinked harshly, I must be seeing things, there's no way I just saw a flare. Within seconds Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape were running towards the edge of the forest. At that same moment a tree branch was moved by Hagrid who was emerging carrying a girl who looked badly injured. Hermione jumped up and looked out the window.

"Who is that..." The girl's left arm fell and revealed a scratched up dark mark.

Ron also jumped up hovering over Hermione's shoulder, "It's a death eater! Wait Harry we shouldn't-" Not caring for what he has to say I quickly got out of my seat and bolted out of the common room not even thinking.

(Snape's POV)

Dumbledore spotted a red flare that appeared from the forest and had me and Minerva check it out with him. Right as we arrived Hagrid was coming out can't be, I refuse to believe it.

"Is that, Albus is it Druid!" Minerva and Dumbledore ran ahead of me to identify the almost lifeless body. I stayed back petrified by even the thought of it being them.

Albus took a minute and examined their left arm and seemed to be searching for a wand, "I believe so, Hagrid, Severus can carry them." My eyes widened as Hagrid slowly trudged over, gently placing them into my arms. Their dark mark was scratched to death dripping with dark red blood as if they had been trying to remove it. I moved their long hair out of their face and smiled as I finally was able to recognize them. Their cute button nose, their sharp jawline, those soft lips...Their body was however unrecognizable being fully feminine now and...titties? I quickened my pace and followed everyone else back into the castle. Many questions filled my head and hopefully soon they will all be answered. We were only a few feet away from the hospital wing when Potter came from around the corner and immediately started to ask his questions.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ