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Did you think I was stupid?

That I didn't notice

All those looks you gave me

From across the room

When you thought I wasn't looking?

I noticed.

And I appreciated them.

But, I could never be

Who you thought I was,

Who you needed me to be.

I was a shell of myself,

Torn apart and set aside,

Left to heal

Only to be hurt again.

I wasn't what you saw.

The girl that sat across the room,

That smiled freely,

And laughed without fear?

That wasn't me.

That was what I wanted to be

That was what I knew I'd never be.

Cause I've been in fear

All my life

The fear of not being good enough,

Of simply not being enough.

The fear of being replaced,

Of being abandoned.

And they've all come true.

I wasn't good enough for them,

I wasn't enough for him,

I was replaced by those I loved,

And abandoned by those I needed.

Fragments Of A Broken MindWhere stories live. Discover now