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Do you know

Just how much exactly

Overthinking can ruin?

It can ruin your sleep

Ruin a day

That was supposed to be relaxing

A relationship that would turn out great

And a heart that wouldn't be broken

Man, overthinking can ruin so much

It makes you think

And imagine all the worst scenarios

While blocking

That soft voice in your head

That's telling you about the good things

It makes you dread

A day that was supposed to be fun

It makes you a spoilsport

And it makes you hurt

Gosh, does it make you hurt

Overthinking is like this drug

That has no good effect

It doesn't give you the escape or the ecstasy

It's just something

That you know is bad for you

But you can't stop yourself from doing

It makes it feel as though

Your hand and feet are tied up

And your sat in front of this huge tv

That showing you

All the worst possible outcomes

Of the simplest of situations

But, you can't do anything

As it keeps playing on a loop

With your eyes wide open

You just torture yourself more

And make yourself believe

That out of those five worst possible outcomes

The worst of them is going to happen.


I come bearing good news! My exams just got over. I mean, sure another set is starting in like a week, but I have decided to dedicate this week to you'll. I'm not saying I update everyday, just that I won't not be updating this week.

Wow, that was dumb.

Anyway, I completely botched all of my papers, so I'm hoping I'll do well in the next set, lol. They were preparatory examinations, btw. For all those confused, lol. Sorry.

Anyway, I gotta go wish my almost-twin cousin a happy birthday.

Much love, ana_banana2103

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